Kosta Askitopoulos,英国伦敦的产品经理
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Kosta Askitopoulos

验证专家  in 产品管理



科斯塔建造了, 验证, 并在SaaS中扩展引人注目的移动/网络产品, 市场, 以及会员制电子商务创业公司. 他通过领导两个业务支柱,监督了退出和快速扩张, while also serving clients with comprehensive private banking solutions. 有策略(眼光)的, 杠杆), 规划(路线图, GTM, MVP), 执行(优先级), A / B测试), Kosta将同理心与数据驱动的思维方式相结合,以激励团队, 解决用户问题,增加业务价值.


TouchNote | Pivot to Membership: Strategy Definition, Product-market Fit, and Platform Scaling
成功地将业务转向会员/订阅模式, 将ARR扩展到7倍,成员数扩展到10倍.
燃料为动力 |开发者网络 Portal的启动
Increased the percentage of mobile game players' retention and LTV through designing, 创建, 并成功推出了燃料为动力的开发者门户网站.




  • Drove core customer outcomes, such as finding relevant products faster (0.5 fewer clicks/add) and covering a wider variety of the household shop (1.5倍多样化的库存单位/订单,平均+8%. 订单价值)通过各种活动.
  • 在八周内定义并建立了会员MVP, 由此产生了数百个会员, 指数增长轨迹, 并将整个公司的重点转移到烦恼俱乐部.
  • 提高透明度, 决策速度和质量, 协作, 通过实施流程(如.g.、持续发现和涉众检查点)和模板(例如.g.(规范和车间框架)的工作方式.
  • 推动转化率和留存率达到历史最高水平(+10%留存率), 2倍的转换)通过降低最低订购量等举措, 盒子储蓄, 产品登陆页, 和更多的.


2017 - 2021
  • Increased ARR by more than 7x and members by more than 10x through the build and 发展 of high-achieving teams that shipped impactful features for our membership platform (such as free trials and 成员层 on iOS, 安卓, 网络, 和后端).
  • Spearheaded the go-to-market strategy for the pivot into membership by managing priorities across multiple stakeholders, 使战略与kpi和执行保持一致, 做出数据驱动的决策, 进行用户研究.
  • Built and led a team of two product managers and two UI/UX designers by sharing best practices for specs, UX, 票, 利益相关者管理, 个人成长.
  • Improved member retention by 10% through features such as 取消流程 and dynamic win-back offers.
  • Increased the conversion (60%) from download to sign-up through the implementation of social sign-ups and new flows.
  • 提高透明度, 问责制, and team alignment by unifying the tools our teams use and implementing new production processes with rigorous documentation.
  • 实现了6位数的收入增长 through building new product lines from the ground up (such as Gallery Frames, 相册,, 及相片).


2014 - 2016
  • Led the successful rebranding and pivot into gaming-as-a-service by developing the go-to-market strategy and prioritizing the product roadmap, 调整来自管理层的投入, 工程, 市场营销, 和销售.
  • 从300扩展到平台,通过构建产品规格,DAU从1000万增加到200多万, 执行战略, 交付路线图, 找到了第一批付费客户和400美元,收入达1000万美元.
  • Increased player LTV and retention for mobile game developers (such as +5% in revenue in Rail Rush and +130% in 7-day retention in Triple Town) by scoping and shipping the 网络 portal and three products built as part of the SaaS platform.
  • Improved operational efficiency by managing and modeling the company's strategic financial forecasting.


2011 - 2014
  • Advised a broad range of high-net-worth families in the areas of banking, 借款, 投资, and estate planning by supporting three financial advisors with $600 million in assets under management.
  • Contributed to the acquisition of $200 million in new client assets by deploying highly specialized Monte Carlo simulations for wealth projections and building portfolios tailored to clients' objectives and needs.
  • 经鉴定合格2人以上,000 individual and institutional high-net-worth prospects through extensive research and cross-referencing of local mortgages and other data.



问题:结帐转化率在下降, and thus I undertook a wide and deep view of this integral problem to fix it.

• Synthesized insights from all the above actions and then ran brainstorming sessions with my team on the core sub-problems that were popping up.
•优先考虑所有领域的解决方案,从UI/UX (e.g., 展示篮子里的储蓄, 挽救折扣代码)对系统性能的影响, 移除和简化组件, 核心行为(e).g.(降低最小订单值),以及更多.

TouchNote | Pivot to Membership: Strategy Definition, Product-market Fit, and Platform Scaling

成功地将业务转向会员/订阅模式, 将ARR扩展到7倍,成员数扩展到10倍.

TouchNote是一个以会员为基础的创意平台, 通过印刷明信片进行个人交流, 贺卡, 溢价帧, 照片打印, 和其他礼物.

•管理一个7人的开发团队, 一个设计师, 一个营销人员, 还有一名QA工程师负责设计, 发展, 测试, 增长, 和支持.
•使用敏捷方法, 主导冲刺计划, 项目启动, 待办事项列表, sprint逆转录病毒, 优先级计划, 每日站立会议, 和事后检验, delivering to tight deadlines through effective prioritization based on data-driven decisions and internal strategic goals.
• Developed a theme-based roadmap with end-to-end solutions by conducting initial deep-dive market and competitor research, 用户研究和测试, 功能产品规格, 线框和用户体验, 定价, 供应商和集成, A / B测试, 分析, 和经济增长, 监督所有发展阶段, 领导功能测试, QA测试, 培训, 以及所有上线后的支持 for more than 15 major features over a 3-year timespan.

我们发布的功能示例:免费试用, 按月支付, 取消流程, 成员层, 升级/降级, 定价测试, 贴纸, 和过滤器.

TouchNote |新流程实施与变更管理

带头大幅提高透明度, 问责制, 流动性, 表演, 利益相关者满意度.

I was fully responsible for taking an as-is process for getting initiatives into 发展 and redesigning it into a clearer, 更简洁, 更流畅的过程, 统一我们的工具.

Going fully remote hindered visibility and 问责制 and exposed gaps in the process.

我们的“产品机器”接受一系列输入, 对它们应用特定的操作, 在不同的人员和部门之间调动他们, 并产生结果. Digging deeper, it's about illuminating every step, milestone, and machine owner.

在观察了现状之后, I got to the root cause: our inadequate documentation and the variety of tools used. 然后我们在周一实施.Com和一个清晰而简洁的产品流程,从一页纸开始, 然后发现, 冰优先级, 技术讨论, 完整的规格, 根据优先级/容量分配资源, 以及发布后分析,将观察到的kpi与计划进行比较.

We produced a standardized framework for feeding requirements into the backlog, 对努力和价值的共同理解, 以及对计划的状态和交付日期的清晰概念. We ended up with a happy team, satisfied stakeholders, and rapid execution.

燃料为动力 |开发者网络 Portal的启动

Increased the percentage of mobile game players' retention and LTV through designing, 创建, 并成功推出了燃料为动力的开发者门户网站.

燃料为动力 is a SaaS platform with a 网络 portal and SDK for mobile game developers.

•在设计中担任核心成员, 创建, 以及燃料为动力开发者门户网站的成功发布, 允许开发者为他们的游戏采取行动, 配置游戏变量, 使比赛, 访问所有必要的游戏数据和信息, 从内部资源中移除这些责任.
•共同, 和一个产品经理一起, 由两名开发人员组成的团队进行设计, 体系结构, 和实现, 并完成了UI/UX的设计, 数据库体系结构, API架构, 安全)从头开始.

This product resulted in quicker turnaround times from game strategy conception to implementation, a broader and faster ability to conduct tests and intuitively view results, a 1-stop shop for developers to see and digest all relevant documentation, 最后, a method for constant and consistent feedback to facilitate continuous improvement.

TouchNote |面向所有实体产品发布的产品管理

实现了6位数的收入增长, 提高会员留存率, and product differentiation through launching three new products from the ground up (Gallery Frames, 相册,, 及相片).

•管理一个4人的开发团队, 一个设计师, 一个营销人员, 还有一名QA工程师负责设计, 发展, 供应商集成, 测试, 增长, 和支持.
•使用敏捷方法, 主导冲刺计划, 项目启动, 待办事项列表, sprint逆转录病毒, 优先级计划, 每日站立会议, 和事后检验, delivering to tight deadlines through effective prioritization based on data-driven decisions and internal strategic goals.
• Developed end-to-end solutions by conducting initial deep-dive market and competitor research, 用户研究和测试, 功能产品规格, 线框和用户体验, 定价, 供应商和集成, A / B测试, 分析, 和经济增长, 监督所有发展阶段, 领导功能测试, QA测试, 培训, 以及所有上线后的支持.
2009 - 2010


Columbia University -— School of Engineering and Applied Science - New York, NY, United States

2004 - 2008








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