
A PHP developer is responsible for writing server-side web application logic. PHP开发人员通常开发后端组件, 将应用程序与其他(通常是第三方)web服务连接起来, and support the front-end developers by integrating their work with the application. They are also often required to develop and integrate plugins for certain popular frameworks.


A PHP developer is responsible for writing server-side web application logic. PHP开发人员通常开发后端组件, 将应用程序与其他(通常是第三方)web服务连接起来, and support the front-end developers by integrating their work with the application. They are also often required to develop and integrate plugins for certain popular frameworks.

Writing a good job description and advertisement for a PHP developer requires attention to detail. 当你正在寻找一个先进的PHP web开发人员, posting a generic web developer description in your job ad will bring numerous applications from people who may have little knowledge about good programming practices.

PHP是一门很难驾驭的语言, and puts a greater than usual burden on the developer to ensure the application’s stability and performance. This article will provide you with a sample PHP developer job description that will help you write a perfect job ad, and assure that you easily find and hire the person that matches your specific criteria.



Company Introduction

{{写一段简短而醒目的关于你公司的文字. Make sure to provide information about the company’s culture, perks, and benefits. Mention office hours, remote working possibilities, 以及所有你能想到的让你的公司有趣的东西.}}

Job Description

We are looking for a PHP Developer responsible for managing back-end services and the interchange of data between the server and the users. 您的主要重点将是开发所有服务器端逻辑, 中心数据库的定义和维护, and ensuring high performance and responsiveness to requests from the front-end. You will also be responsible for integrating the front-end elements built by your co-workers into the application. Therefore, a basic understanding of front-end technologies is necessary as well.


  • 集成前端开发人员开发的面向用户的元素
  • 构建高效、可测试和可重用的PHP模块
  • 解决复杂的性能问题和架构挑战
  • 集成数据存储解决方案 {{可能包括数据库、键值存储、blob存储等.}}
  • {{在这里添加其他相关的职责}}

Skills And Qualifications

  • 熟悉PHP web框架 {{比如Laravel, Yii等,取决于你的技术栈}}
  • 理解PHP的完全同步行为
  • 了解MVC设计模式
  • Basic understanding of front-end technologies, such as JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3
  • 具有面向对象的PHP编程知识
  • 理解可访问性和安全遵从性 {{视具体项目而定}}
  • Strong knowledge of the common PHP or web server exploits and their solutions
  • 理解可伸缩应用程序背后的基本设计原则
  • User authentication and authorization between multiple systems, servers, and environments
  • 将多个数据源和数据库集成到一个系统中
  • 熟悉PHP作为平台的局限性及其解决方法
  • 创建表示和支持业务流程的数据库模式
  • Familiarity with SQL/NoSQL databases and their declarative query languages
  • 精通代码版本控制工具,如Git
  • {{一定要提到其他框架, libraries, 或与您的开发堆栈相关的任何其他技术}}
  • {{列出您需要的教育程度或证书}}
See also:Toptal不断增长的社区驱动列表 PHP面试必备问题

Toptal Engineers最近的PHP文章

How to Hire PHP Developers

PHP developers specialize in one of the most popular programming languages in the world. 他们可以创建网站、web应用程序、微服务、api等等. This guide to hiring PHP developers highlights how to create a suitable job description and pose effective interview questions to help you identify the best candidates for your company.

Read Hiring Guide



Read the Questions

Hire a Top PHP Developer Now

Toptal是一个面向顶级PHP专家的市场, engineers, programmers, coders, architects, and consultants. Top companies and startups choose Toptal PHP development services for their mission-critical PHP web development projects.

See Their Profiles

Jay Johnston

Freelance PHP Developer

United StatesFreelance PHP Developer at Toptal Since November 26, 2013

Coding HTML, CSS, 他从1997年参军时就开始学习JavaScript了, Jay喜欢通过电子商务解决方案为客户带来价值, legacy integrations, 以及优化的PHP和javascript驱动的应用程序. 他首选的DevOps环境是AWS, where he has strong skills in (and not limited to): Relational Database Services (RDS), Redshift, Dynamo DB, Data Migration Services (DMS), Lambda(无服务器和微服务), Cloudwatch, Cloudtrail, and Event Bridge.

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Igor Santos

Freelance PHP Developer

BrazilFreelance PHP Developer at Toptal Since February 15, 2016

Igor is a web developer focused on modern PHP and JS, always striving for new technologies. When he wears his back-end hat, 他专注于高性能和DRY代码, 在API服务器或消费者上工作. When he gets his front-end hat on, 他致力于为用户提供最好的用户体验.

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David Marín

Freelance PHP Developer

SpainFreelance PHP Developer at Toptal Since July 2, 2015

David is an open-source and open-data enthusiast with more than 23 years of experience as a professional developer. He has acquired various skills, 包括网页编程(PHP和JavaScript), C, C++ (under Linux and Windows), and systems management. Of these skills, David specializes in web programming and has full-stack experience with Symfony PHP-based back ends, jQuery front ends, 以及基于WordPress/ woocommerce的网站.

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Alexey Filatov

Freelance PHP Developer

ThailandFreelance PHP Developer at Toptal Since June 20, 2016

Alexey is an experienced full-stack developer with extensive knowledge of OOP and design patterns. He specializes in creating complex web services using modern tech stacks like Node.js and PHP/Laravel. He has over nine years of experience and a bachelor's degree in computer science and certifications in PHP and MySQL from Zend and Oracle, respectively.

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Branislav Jovanovic

Freelance PHP Developer

NorwayFreelance PHP Developer at Toptal Since June 14, 2019

Branislav是一名高技能、热情的开发者. He is hard-working, 具有广泛的解决问题的能力, 并且喜欢实现一个通用的算法方法. 具有团队合作精神,积极进取, Branislav is interested in eCommerce and PHP in further connection with other services. He’s worked the full development lifecycle from identifying the client’s real needs to designing the systems architecture as well as implementation.

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Milorad Popovic

Freelance PHP Developer

SerbiaFreelance PHP Developer at Toptal Since November 3, 2014

Milorad has over ten years of experience on IT projects involving Microsoft, Cisco, virtual systems, networking, VoIP, and other technologies. He is very self-motivated and professional QA leader and is always willing to introduce improvements into the work process. He is a strong team player, able to give support and guidance to other staff members. Milorad在各种环境中都运行良好.

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Alex Gonzalez

Freelance PHP Developer

United StatesFreelance PHP Developer at Toptal Since April 15, 2019

Alex has over ten years of experience developing software, especially web and mobile apps. He’s led the development of interactive projects for companies including AT&T, EMC, Legendary Pictures, Hewlett Packard, Foundation Capital, UCLA, Anaheim Ducks, and LA18 Television. 他开发的应用程序曾被TechCrunch和iPod广告推荐. Alex graduated with a degree in Applied Mathematics from the University of California, Berkeley.

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Tyler Standley

Freelance PHP Developer

United StatesFreelance PHP Developer at Toptal Since August 3, 2018

同时具备较强的沟通技巧和模范的职业道德, Tyler brings his hands-on experience with a wide range of programming languages. 不过,最近他的关注点转向了JavaScript库. Throughout his career, he’s worked on multiple agile teams as a core developer and is now interested in working on anything JavaScript-related.

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Benjamin Kuker

Freelance PHP Developer

CanadaFreelance PHP Developer at Toptal Since December 19, 2019

Benjamin is a solid developer with career highlights of working as a senior full-stack developer for a big data analytics startup, a payment processor, and a user testing service. He's worked across the entire development lifecycle and specializes in the front end. Benjamin is meticulous with implementation details while always considering and balancing broader stakeholder concerns. 沟通方面,他及时、切题、专业.

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Lorand Csatlos

Freelance PHP Developer

RomaniaFreelance PHP Developer at Toptal Since December 9, 2019

With over a decade of programming experience and over eight years as a business owner, Lorand knows the importance of excellent communication and understanding with a client. 他痴迷于高品质和对细节的关注, 他努力寻找最好的解决方案. 他目前专注于在他的项目中使用Magento或TYPO3.

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Jakiša Tomić

Freelance PHP Developer

GermanyFreelance PHP Developer at Toptal Since November 13, 2019

Jakiša has over 15 years of experience developing various types of apps for a range of operating systems. 他的大部分技术专长是c++开发, 但他也很擅长使用JavaScript, C#, and Java. As for environments, 他知道使用Windows API的细节, embedded programming, 和分布式系统,并具有Linux/Unix系统的工作知识, macOS, 移动平台(Android和iOS).

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