Igor Santos,里约热内卢开发商-巴西里约热内卢州
Igor is available for hire
Hire Igor

Igor Santos

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Rio de Janeiro - State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Toptal Member Since
February 15, 2016

Igor是一名专注于现代PHP和JS的web开发人员,始终致力于新技术. When he wears his back-end hat, he's focused on performant and DRY code, working on API servers or consumers. When he gets his front-end hat on, 他致力于为用户提供最好的用户体验.



Preferred Environment

JetBrains, Command-line Interface (CLI), Git, Linux

The most amazing...

...website I've built was Sugar Loaf's. 这是一个伟大的挑战,在一个伟大的地方取得了伟大的成果.

Work Experience

PHP Developer

2018 - PRESENT
eHungry (via Toptal)
  • 在高流量门户上实现了新功能和修复.
  • 更新了2010年以前的代码,以提高长期的可维护性.
  • 采用现代团队方法,如GitHub任务、项目和代码审查.
Technologies: PHP

Lead Python Developer

2017 - 2018
Radix - Bondinho do Pão de Açúcar
  • 与一名实习生和一位经验丰富的设计师一起领导项目开发.
  • 从设计师一直在做的HTML布局开始构建Django项目(基于外部公司的布局).
  • 参与与干系人的会议,介绍项目并讨论他们关心的问题.
Technologies: Docker, PostgreSQL, Django, Python

React Developer

2017 - 2017
  • 我自己用React和Redux从布局pdf创建了一个完整的系统.
  • 使用JavaScript和Redux解决复杂的数学方程.
  • 使用Redux和纯函数进行大量单元测试,以确保计算与公司样本匹配.
  • 集成自动部署,使用GitHub页面进行测试.
Technologies: CSS3, Redux, React

PHP/API Developer

2016 - 2017
Smith & Carson (via Toptal)
  • 为Phalcon实现了一个使用数据库的作业排队库, for low throughput but long running jobs, released as open-source code.
  • Revamped the PDF reporting feature, with a modular approach and cleaner API, allowing for expansion with new reports as needed.
  • 将新的ProsperWorks CRM集成到现有的公司系统中, with a clean API client and webhooks consumer.
  • 帮助升级一个开源的,基于phalcon的API库.
  • Upgraded the application from Phalcon 2 and PHP 5.6 to Phalcon 3 and PHP 7.
  • 提供对庞大的应用程序代码库的持续审查,以使其按照最佳市场标准进行更新.
  • 帮助维护遗留CodeIgniter应用程序,同时将一些特性迁移到新应用程序中.
技术:PhalconPHP, PHP 7, PHP 5, Docker, REST api, RESTful Development

React Developer

2016 - 2016
KORD Electrical (via Toptal)
  • 开发了一个复杂的可滚动应用程序,其中包含许多不同的会计计算, given the designer prototypes.
  • 实现了一个遵循智能/哑组件模式的React+Redux应用程序.
  • 将一个材料设计库集成到项目中,为MVP提供一个干净的界面.
  • 有组织的Docker容器来编译应用程序和运行PHP API (API不再使用).
  • 建议非技术的创始人在创业步骤上(要做什么), MVP scope, how to launch, how to investigate the market, etc.).
Technologies: Material Design, Docker, Redux, React

Analyst Developer

2013 - 2015
  • Developed and maintained white-label products, focused on credit card services, through internal web services.
  • Created internal structure for new projects, 依靠灵活的技术选择来适应团队必须使用的不同API风格.
  • 创建了内部命令行系统,以简化本地安装项目并支持部署.
  • 在公司的其他团队中提倡尽可能使用REST api的最佳实践.
  • 组织了一个供几个团队项目使用的中央存储库, 因此,内部库可以很容易地共享和控制, according to version constraints.
技术:SOAP, RESTful Web服务,OWASP, jQuery, Symfony, PHP

Ruby (Padrino) Developer

2010 - 2014
Sameach Vedações
  • 重新设计了整个网站,考虑到响应性(它建于2010年).
  • 重新组织信息体系结构,以更好地满足所有者的想法.
  • 重新实现PayPal结帐从地面与较新的api.
  • 重构了大量内部代码,使将来的维护更容易.
  • 通过代码库组织任务,并每两周(通过电子邮件)向客户报告进度, as requested).
Technologies: MoIP, PayPal, Bulma, CSS3, Padrino, Ruby

Speaker @ PHPeste: RESTful Best Practices

I was invited to speak at PHPeste, 这是巴西北部最大的PHP会议, after a successful CFP submission. My talk was about RESTful do's and dont's, best practices, and tool suggestions to create APIs; I spoke to around 200 people (280 in total at the event).

我还被邀请为PHP创建者Rasmus Lerdorf翻译问题.

Geru - Debt Calculator

This was a standalone React project I built. 它涉及大量的数学计算,并以一系列单元测试为特色,以确保所有数字都能正确计算, given the company samples.


Sameach Vedações - Responsive Redesign

This was an old "product.. display" website that needed a layout revamp. 他们在网上做广告,并且有很多手机用户, 所以我不得不重新设计他们的网站,考虑到响应性.

Konato - Events Directory

一个事件目录集中在学生和专业人士一样, searching for talks, congresses and similar activities to boost their curriculum.

Sole developer, 构建从数据库到前端和后端的所有内容, using PHP7, Laravel 5, PostgreSQL, Docker, and Heroku.

It is open-sourced at http://github.com/konato-events/web

Calories - Sample React Project

这是我创建的一个示例应用程序,用于学习和展示一些React和REST技能. It was based on a friend's ideas, 它包括一个小的网络应用程序来记录食物卡路里和控制你的每日摄入量,还有一个管理员角色,有人可以改变用户. API资源管理器易于使用,使开发人员能够直接从文档页面测试RESTful API方法.


PHP, CoffeeScript, JavaScript, Less, Sass, CSS3, HTML5, PHP 5, PHP 7, Ruby, Python


Eloquent, PhalconPHP, React Native, YARN, Redux, Bootstrap 3, Yii, Codeception, Laravel, Laravel 5, Symfony, Bulma, Django, Padrino, Sinatra, Symfony 2


REST APIs, React, ProsperWorks CRM API, jQuery, jQuery Validation, ActiveRecord, jQuery UI, Auth0 API, PayPal API, GitHub API, jQuery Mobile


Sculpin, Bitbucket, GitHub, NPM, Git, Subversion (SVN), CodebaseHQ, WebStorm, PhpStorm, Composer, JetBrains, RubyMine, NGINX, Apache


RESTful Development, Database Design, REST, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Functional Programming, UI Design


Embedded Software, User Experience (UX), Usability, API Testing, Restler, Command-line Interface (CLI), OWASP, RESTful Web Services, SOAP, Material Design, PayPal, HTML Email, Chrome Extensions, MoIP, Finance APIs


Docker, DeployHQ, Linux, Heroku


PostgreSQL, MySQL, Redis, Memcached, NoSQL

2011 - 2015

Bachelor's Degree in Information Systems

Universidade Estácio de Sá - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

2012 - 2013


Dalhousie University - Halifax, Canada