Tomislav Modrić, Developer in Zagreb, Croatia
Tomislav is available for hire
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Tomislav Modrić

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Full-stack Web Developer

Zagreb, Croatia
Toptal Member Since
March 17, 2020

Tomislav is a highly motivated, 面向细节的全栈web开发人员,拥有超过八年的构建web应用程序的经验. 使用Laravel框架和一个定制的CMS, he's developed complex, 强大的系统,如在线售票应用程序和网上商店. 通过Cloudflare和DigitalOcean管理域名, Tomislav还精通包括PHP在内的一系列其他技术, MySQL, Vue.js, JavaScript/jQuery, Bootstrap, HTML, and CSS.


Toptal Clients
Laravel, Vue, PHP, REST api, Web应用程序,全栈,后端,MySQL...
Createc Solutions
CSS, HTML, jQuery, JavaScript, GTCMS, Vue, MySQL, PHP, Laravel,后端...
Fiktiv d.o.o.
手写笔,CSS, HTML, jQuery, JavaScript, MySQL, PHP,后端,全栈...




Preferred Environment

DigitalOcean, Cloudflare, Trello, Asana, cPanel, PhpMyAdmin, PhpStorm, PHP MVC, Laravel,后端

The most amazing...

...我开发的软件是一个基于Laravel框架的自动CMS生成器,名为GTCMS. It currently powers almost all the apps that I've created.

Work Experience

Full-stack Web Developer

2020 - PRESENT
Toptal Clients
  • Refactored the SimplyWise platform, which entailed interacting with Google API, integrating Privacy API, implementing Vue.Js的前端功能,如测验流和完全可定制的清单, and writing browser tests using Laravel Dusk.
  • 构建了一个复杂的文件上传功能,其中包括 .msg email parsing and managing email contacts.
  • Built and deployed a .msg email parsing service using Python.
  • 建立了一个文档管理平台,允许以不同的方式关联文档, sorting email documents into threads, recognizing duplicate documents, and many more features.
  • 实现了一个复杂的动态文档搜索查询生成器.
  • Implemented and customized a PDF.js Express viewer for document preview.
Technologies: Laravel, Vue, PHP, REST api, Web应用程序,全栈,后端,MySQL, SQL, JavaScript, PHP MVC, HTML5, CSS, Git, Front-end, Single-page Applications (SPA), PHP 7, GitHub, HTML, APIs, Ionic

Full-stack Web Developer (Self-employed)

2015 - PRESENT
Createc Solutions
  • 开发了一个复杂的网上购票系统. 它的主要特点是支持多个节日和放映, numbered and unnumbered halls, payment gateway integration, ticket taxation, and various reports for admins.
  • 建立了一个学院管理应用程序-它的特点是管理个人和招生学生的信息, education programs, courses, exams, grades, and diplomas.
  • 创建了centinel——一个用于自动定期数据库备份和错误报告的SaaS应用程序.
  • 为Agroproteinka公司构建web应用生态系统, including their main website, a call center, client management, contract management, transport management, visitor management, and a few other smaller apps.
  • Built a web ecosystem for 25 FPS Festival, 一个电影节网站——25 FPS协会网站,上面有一个复杂的电影提交表格, Short Database(一款可以预约观看精选电影的应用程序), and a complex unified CMS.
  • 开发了一个古董店网站,与网上商店集成,用于在线销售书籍.
  • Created GTCMS, and its successor, Ion CMS——一个强大的即时生成的CMS,建立在Laravel框架上. It's used in most of the apps and websites I've created.
  • 开发了几个小的Laravel包,可以在我的GitHub配置文件中查看.
Technologies: CSS, HTML, jQuery, JavaScript, GTCMS, Vue, MySQL, PHP, Laravel,后端, Full-stack, REST APIs, Web Applications, eCommerce, SQL, PHP MVC, HTML5, Git, Front-end, Custom CMS Development, Single-page Applications (SPA), Social APIs, PHP 7, GitHub, APIs, Payment Gateways, Ionic

Full-stack Web Developer

2012 - 2014
Fiktiv d.o.o.
  • 开发了一个管理学校的应用程序,包括运营. 它具有各种管理功能(针对用户、用户费用和组)和事件组织.
  • 合作开发一个教育网站/网店. Users were able to buy educational materials, sign up for courses, take online exams, and print their certificates. The app leveraged Authorize.Net as a payment gateway.
  • 与一个团队合作开发克罗地亚视听中心网站-建立大部分CMS和整个复杂的定制通讯系统.
  • 参与花园节网站的开发.
Technologies: 手写笔,CSS, HTML, jQuery, JavaScript, MySQL, PHP,后端,全栈, REST APIs, Web Applications, eCommerce, SQL, PHP MVC, Git, Front-end, Custom CMS Development, Social APIs, GitHub, APIs, Payment Gateways

College Student Management Application
我构建了一个管理大学生的应用程序:他们的信息, education programs, courses, exams, grades, and diplomas. The app was built in Vue.js and Laravel Ion CMS prototype—or rather, 开发了CMS原型,然后专门针对此应用程序进行了调整和完善. 所提供的演示展示了使用虚拟数据作为内容的应用程序功能.

我的任务是重构大部分现有的Laravel后端, 围绕在美国寻找社会保障办公室来设计架构. 操作包括与Google API交互,集成隐私API,实现几个Vue.Js的前端功能,如测验流和完全可定制的清单, and writing browser tests using Laravel Dusk.

Centinel是一个自动服务,用于备份应用程序的数据库,读取和解析错误日志. Out of the box, it integrates with Laravel 4.2+, Lumen, and WordPress applications via plugins that I created, 但是,为几乎任何可以上网的应用程序创建一个连接插件是可能的.

对Agroproteinka网站进行新的、完全响应式的重新设计是一项挑战. 我使用标准的HTML/CSS来显示大部分内容, while some more complex, 动态部分,如新闻部分和历史时间轴使用Vue.js. 后端构建在Laravel PHP框架和定制的Ion CMS上.

MadeIn Platform
MadeIn Platform is a research, design, 遗产倡议鼓励工匠和当代设计师之间的合作和知识交流. 该网站是使用Laravel框架和一个复杂的定制CMS开发的. 在紧迫的最后期限内构建CMS并将其与前端的几种类型的文章和页面集成是具有挑战性的.

Forum for Future Museum
“未来博物馆论坛”是围绕独立构建的对话式会议, 关于未来博物馆能代表什么的关键概念, 并对现场游客申请的新版本开放. 这是一个实验性的、高度互动的网站,由Vue提供支持.js on the front end and Laravel and GTCMS in the back end.

Your Film Production
Originally developed for a Swiss film production agency, now serving presentational purposes, YFP consists of two main parts.
Firstly, as a company profile with all the information, its work, the team behind it, and services they provide—pre-production like casting, location scouting, storyboard to post-production, animation, special effects, and sound design.
其次,作为一个商店,客户可以订购服务,购买库存视频,或订购定制项目. 每种客户类型都有自己的客户区域,其中有用于编辑和下订单的购物车.

BNB | Bed and Breakfast
最初是为萨格勒布一个受欢迎的住宿加早餐工作室开发的, now serving only presentational purposes, BnB是一个网站,你可以很容易地预订一个房间,你在萨格勒布逗留,并阅读当地的活动和地方参观. It was built in the Laravel framework and a custom CMS, and I leveraged the MyRent API for room booking.


HTML5, PHP 7, HTML, PHP, CSS, SQL, JavaScript


Laravel, PHP MVC, Ionic


REST APIs, jQuery, Vue, Social APIs


Custom CMS Development, Web Applications, Back-end, APIs, Front-end, Single-page Applications (SPA), eCommerce, Payment Gateways, Full-stack, Cloudflare, VCS, Beanstalkd


Stylus, PhpStorm, PhpMyAdmin, Asana, Trello, GTCMS, Git, GitHub, Bitbucket


MySQL, PHP Data Objects (PDO), Memcached


cPanel, DigitalOcean

2000 - 2004

Bachelor's Degree in Information Technology

Zagreb University of Applied Sciences - Zagreb, Croatia