Tim Sheerman-Chase, Developer in Portsmouth, United Kingdom
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Tim Sheerman-Chase

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Portsmouth, United Kingdom
Toptal Member Since
January 26, 2017

Tim是一名软件工程师,在各行各业、技术领域和学术界都有丰富的经验. His primary programming languages are C++ and Python. He is adept at real-time/multi-threaded systems. Tim also has a degree in physics and a Ph.D. in machine learning/image processing.


Clients (via Toptal)
Full-stack, Web, Image Processing, Deep Learning, Python, C++
Galehead Development, LLC
JavaScript, CSS, jQuery, Python, Flask, HTML, Git,前端开发
Symetrica Security Ltd
GTK+, i18n, C#, C, C++, PHP, Python, GTK




Preferred Environment

Git, Qt Creator, Eclipse, Visual Studio Code (VS Code)

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Freelance Developer

2016 - PRESENT
Clients (via Toptal)
  • 开发了RESTful后端API和JavaScript/Ajax前端,使用户能够基于选定的过滤器浏览音频样本.
  • 优化的web应用程序在谷歌应用引擎,谷歌云SQL和Docker中使用.
  • 改进了深度学习LSTM模型在音乐音频处理中的性能.
  • Made a C++ library available to Python software using SWIG.
  • Integrated video codec libraries with openh264 to produce MP4/H264 videos with the emphasis on broad playback compatibility.
  • 开发一个基于Django/JavaScript React的web应用程序,通过他们的开发者API来管理和监控Amazon Mechanical Turk上的数据收集任务.
  • Evaluated and tested the potential structure from motion and SLAM algorithms for deployment on a handheld embedded device; this was done while working with SnapIT Solutions.
技术:全栈,Web,图像处理,深度学习,Python, c++


2021 - 2023
Galehead Development, LLC
  • 在一个基于OpenLayers/ react的地理空间web应用中增加了前端UI和数据过滤的功能.
  • 处理添加到Python Flask后端服务器的额外后端API特性.
  • 改进了Docker配置,使其更容易在开发和生产环境中部署.
技术:JavaScript, CSS, jQuery, Python, Flask, HTML, Git,前端开发

Software Engineer

2015 - 2016
Symetrica Security Ltd
  • Developed a UI for a hand-held radiation detector based on GTK3, including internationalization and custom widgets.
  • 开发基于Python的远程系统监控,包括通过HTTP RESTful API收集健康参数.
  • 将c++组件集成到已有的分布式RPC框架中, including adding a RESTful API.
  • 编写需求并设计一个桌面工具来管理手持设备和卸载数据, written in C# GTK#. 开发后端c#代码,通过HTTP连接到设备.
  • 创建了一个用于查看图形数据(包括缩放)的自定义GTK小部件, panning, and overlaying template data.
  • 使用OpenCV从RTSP视频流中重建车辆图像.
Technologies: GTK+, i18n, C#, C, C++, PHP, Python, GTK

Applications Developer

2014 - 2015
Hallmarq Veterinary Image Ltd
  • 实现了对主要代码的重构,使分离2紧密耦合, 实时DLL组件-通过以太网实现远程操作.
  • 使用Python Pyramid和MySQL开发了一个按扫描收费的计算web应用程序.
  • 优化DSP功能与ARM汇编/内在运行在嵌入式处理器上. 最终的速度超过了当时现有的Ne10项目库.
  • 创建了一个功能,可以从计费系统(用Python编写)生成报告和PDF发票,供会计部门使用.
  • 将Windows c++中心光谱仪组件移植到ARM/嵌入式Linux.
Technologies: RPC, Embedded Systems, PHP, C++, C

Software Engineer

2013 - 2014
Kinatomic Technology
  • 开发了一个实时视频拼接桌面应用程序,可以将多个USB/IP网络摄像机合并成视频流,以便观看或保存到磁盘.
  • Developed an Android mobile turn based game based on Kivy. 为其他电脑玩家编写图像、游戏逻辑和AI. Oversaw design and production of UI and art by contractors. Released the game on the Google Play store.
Technologies: Software Development

Senior Technologist

2001 - 2007
BAE Systems
  • Developed a real-time, 在现有的ARINC 429航空电子数据总线和较新的基于以太网的系统AFDX之间架设桥梁. This used bare-metal C/C++ on a NetSilicon processor.
  • 构建增强现实HUD/移动地图原型显示系统,使商业飞行员能够防止滑行错误. This was integrated into a flight simulator. It used C++/OpenGL.
  • 设计并实现了一个c++ /C原型控制器飞行员数据链通信系统,用于机场地面运动消息. Integrated them into a flight simulator.
  • 在模拟器中进行飞行员试验,收集对原型航空电子系统的反馈. 在国际机场测试了原型机,以评估它们的性能.
  • 跟踪工程项目的进度并控制资源.

PyFeatureTrack (Python)

Python 2或3中的特征点跟踪,使用著名的KLT方法.

Implementation of a RESTful GIS API in PHP

An implementation of the OpenStreetMap API 0.6. 后台数据库可以是SQLite,也可以是PostGIS/PostgreSQL. It has unit tests for many functions.

博士论文:《欧博体育app下载》, Spontaneous Conversation

非语言交际(Non-Verbal Communication, NVC)包括人际交往的所有形式, apart from those that are based on words. 在一般的社交场合中,NVC对于理解交际意义是必不可少的, such as informal conversation. 非手语的表达和感知取决于许多因素,包括社会和文化背景.

License Key Management in C++

2007 - 2013

Ph.D. Degree in Computer Vision

University of Surrey - Guildford, UK

1997 - 2001

Master of Physics Degree in Physics

University of Kent - Canterbury, UK


OpenCV, Scikit-learn, OpenStreetMap API, SpatiaLite, GEOS, Shapely, Protobuf, Kivy, SciPy, NumPy, Keras, React, Matplotlib, SQLAlchemy, FFmpeg, PySide, Leaflet, OpenAL, OpenLayers, Sockets, Flickr API, SDL, OpenGL, jQuery, OpenH264, Flask-RESTful, Google Apps, REST APIs, Spotify API, TensorFlow


GitHub, GTK+, Git, Qt Creator, Microsoft Visual Studio, SWIG, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), LaTeX, Subversion (SVN), Eclipse IDE, Adobe Premiere Pro, NGINX, GIS, Audacity, Apache, MATLAB, MediaWiki, Kibana, PgBouncer, Wireshark, GTK


Embedded C++, C, C++, Embedded C, Python, XML, HTML, SQL, PHP, C#, MUMPS, CSS3, HTML5, JavaScript, UML, ARM Assembler, CSS, Bash, SAML, TypeScript


Linux, Windows, Embedded Linux, Google App Engine, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Eclipse, Web, Android, Docker, WordPress, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), LAMP


Real-time Systems, REST, Object-oriented Design (OOD), Design Patterns, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Load Testing, RESTful Development, Continuous Integration (CI), Scrum, Agile, Test-driven Development (TDD), Unit Testing


PostGIS, XML Parsing, SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Google Cloud SQL, JSON, Google Cloud, Google Cloud Storage, GeoServer, Elasticsearch


Django, Django REST框架,Qt, GStreamer, Realtime, OpenCL, Pyramid, Boost, LIVE555, Flask


Software Development, APIs, Computer Vision, Image Processing, Multithreading, Debugging, Machine Learning, Video Streaming, RTSP, g++, Web Development, API Design, Messaging, RESTful Web Services, Amazon Mechanical Turk, Cython, CrowdFlower, Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), UDP, Algorithms, Video & Audio Processing, Object Recognition, Audio Processing, Gunicorn, Deep Neural Networks, Deep Reinforcement Learning, Video Encoding, Video Muxing, Troubleshooting, Augmented Reality (AR), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Sensor Data, Avionics, Internet Protocols, RPC, i18n, Full-stack, 3D Reconstruction, Simultaneous Localization & Mapping (SLAM), OAuth, Ajax, Security, Scraping, Objects, TCP/IP, Microsoft Media Foundation, Embedded Systems, Object Tracking, Digital Signal Processing, Ethernet, Video Processing, Version Control, MessagePack, Deep Learning, Flask-Admin, Elastic APM, Front-end Development, Geospatial Data, Spatial Analysis, Genetic Algorithms

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