Serhii Shatov, Developer in Kiev, Ukraine
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Serhii Shatov

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Machine Learning Developer

Kiev, Ukraine
Toptal Member Since
November 5, 2021

Serhii是一位非常积极和充满激情的数据工程师,他使用端到端软件设计和交付方面的专业知识构建数据驱动的软件产品. He has a multidisciplinary background, a proactive attitude and thrives in collaborative, team-oriented, and ambitious environments. Serhii正在寻找具有挑战性的项目,以运用他已经证明的能力来推动产品从开始到发布.


Let's Enhance
Triton Compute, Python, TensorFlow, PyTorch, PostgreSQL, ClickHouse...
Smart Home Solutions
Flutter, iOS, Android, KiCad, Autodesk Fusion 360, CNC路由器,PCB设计
Python,部署,Android, iOS, RabbitMQ, Redis, PostgreSQL,机器学习...




Preferred Environment

MacOS, Linux, PyCharm, Vim Text Editor, Slack

The most amazing...

...我开发的产品是一个机器学习平台,它服务于40多个不同的神经网络,处理120个神经网络,000 tasks daily.

Work Experience

Data Engineer

2020 - 2022
Let's Enhance
  • 使用Triton推理服务器显著加快神经处理速度,速度可达两倍.
  • 在Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)上维护产品,处理支持请求和任何检测到的错误.
  • 支持和改进CI/CD管道,并根据不断变化的需求进行更改.
  • 开发自定义客户端解决方案,包括图像cdn增强.
Technologies: Triton Compute, Python, TensorFlow, PyTorch, PostgreSQL, ClickHouse, Google Cloud, Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Kubernetes, Machine Learning, Git, Data Engineering, SQL, Data Architecture, Cloud Architecture, Business Intelligence (BI), Metabase, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Relational Databases, Helm, Terraform, GitLab CI/CD, CI/CD Pipelines, Business Intelligence (BI) Platforms, Data-driven Dashboards, Docker


2019 - 2021
Smart Home Solutions
  • 完成客户订单,开发智能、定制家电、定制pcb、软件.
  • 完成了一个远程控制电机项目,并开发了一个Flutter应用程序来控制它.
  • 寻找并与对智能家居解决方案感兴趣的客户进行谈判.
技术:Flutter, iOS, Android, KiCad, Autodesk Fusion 360, CNC路由器,PCB设计

Data Engineer

2018 - 2020
  • Created a model to remove the background from images. 编写了一个RabbitMQ worker来处理图像,使模型可用于移动应用.
  • 开发了一个能够接受财务报表并对其进行查询的财务数据web服务器. Used Neo4j to store interconnections.
  • Created a facial-recognition system able to remember up to 150,000 unique people and classify them with a low-error rate. 我使用了不同类型的工作者、一些数据库和一些数据源.
  • 为Android和iOS应用程序编写了一个模块,使其具有能够检测的机载神经网络, crop, 对人脸进行编码,大大加快了后端处理速度.
  • 开发负载测试和分析工具,以识别问题并确保不同设备和服务之间的一致性.
  • 使用DigitalOcean部署服务并编写自定义部署脚本.
  • 开发了一个自定义仪表板来监控ETL任务和人脸识别数据处理.
  • 创建了一项服务,将世卫组织药物数据库可视化,以便按药物和症状快速查找医疗数据.
Technologies: Python,部署,Android, iOS, RabbitMQ, Redis, PostgreSQL,机器学习, Aiohttp, Data Engineering, SQL, Data Architecture, Data Visualization, Grafana, Data Warehousing, CouchDB, Relational Databases, Dimensional Modeling, MongoDB, NoSQL, Neo4j, React, JavaScript, Webhooks, Web Dashboards, Dashboards, React Native, Data Analytics, ETL, Data Validation, Data-driven Dashboards, Docker, Pandas, Data Pipelines

Machine Learning Engineer

2018 - 2018
  • 使用Twitter API抓取和收集所有实体的提及.
  • 对文本进行分类,并对顾客对他们购买的产品的满意程度进行评分, using sentiment analysis models.
  • 利用Baas扩散模型建立了产品评分模型, according to their mentions in the social media, and predict sales.
Technologies: Python, Scikit-learn, Twitter API, Sentiment Analysis, Natural Language Processing (NLP), GPT, Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT), Data Visualization, NoSQL, MongoDB, Redis, Dimensional Modeling, Data Analysis, Azure, Data Validation, Pandas

Machine Learning Engineer

2016 - 2018
  • 根据IAB的内容分类开发了网页识别系统, using NLP techniques, including embedded learning, clustering, word2vec, and doc2vec.
  • Used and managed the in-house GPU cloud based on OpenStack.
  • 编写了一个比较面部表情的算法,并开发了一个分布式后端应用程序,用于大规模读取面部表情.
  • Helped to organize the machine-learning weekend course.
  • 使用Julia语言编写OPTICS数据挖掘算法的高速实现来处理数据湖.
Technologies: Python, TensorFlow, SpaCy, OpenStack, Data Analysis, Aiohttp, Julia, Data Lakes, MySQL, Pandas

Research Assistant

2016 - 2016
  • 开发了一种无人机航拍图像分类神经网络.
  • 检索专利,找到相关算法,并将其复制,与我们的方法进行比较.
  • 创建用于神经网络训练和验证的图像数据集.
技术:Python, MATLAB,机器学习,专利,Linux, Ubuntu,数据分析

Let's Enhance Neural Engine

The engine uses message queues, a multitude of workers, and inference servers to process tasks in the swiftest way. The system is deployed inside Kubernetes, well-monitored, 并且可以通过扩展工作人员和服务器来自动处理流量峰值.

I was the data engineer, and my responsibilities were to write parts of it, insert new models, and maintain them.

Face Recognition System

人脸识别软件系统可以处理大量输入并实时处理. 它利用RabbitMQ作为消息队列,并有多个工作者来处理, 包括gpu编码工作者和内存繁重的匹配工作者.

The system can accept updates in real-time, utilizing pre-processing device modules to work more efficiently. The system is used for multiple purposes, including brick-and-mortar stores, marketing analysis, and social networks.

I designed the system and wrote most parts, including the workers, databases, and the pre-processing device modules.

UAV Systems Communication
我为Kray技术公司的9个马达的无人机开发了无人机组件通信, computer vision, and self-driving capabilities. 我设置了ROS以在组件之间进行通信,并研究了位置数据流和消费.

School Gamedev Projects

在进入大学并开始商业工作之前,我开发了几款游戏. Some of them received awards at local contests. I designed 2D and 3D games, employing: ray-tracing technology, a voxel engine, AI simulation, and the A* navigation. 我在国家纸答辩上展示了一些技术,并获得了两枚铜牌.


Python, SQL, C++, C++98, Assembly, JavaScript, Julia, C++11


RabbitMQ, PyCharm, Vim Text Editor, Slack, Git, GitLab CI/CD, Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Autodesk Fusion 360, Grafana, MATLAB, KiCad, Helm, Terraform


数据科学,商业智能(BI), ETL,维度建模


Triton Compute, MacOS, Docker, Kubernetes, Linux, Ubuntu, OpenStack, Android, iOS, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Azure


Redis, PostgreSQL, Google Cloud, CouchDB, Relational Databases, MongoDB, NoSQL, Neo4j, Data Validation, Data Pipelines, ClickHouse, Data Lakes, MySQL


Software Engineering, Machine Learning, Computer Science, Data Engineering, Linear Algebra, Optimization, Deployment, Aiohttp, CNC Routers, TensorFlow Lite, Data Architecture, Cloud Architecture, Data Visualization, Data Warehousing, Data Analysis, Webhooks, Web Dashboards, Dashboards, Data Analytics, Streaming Data, Games, Game Engine Programming, CI/CD Pipelines, Business Intelligence (BI) Platforms, Data-driven Dashboards, Mathematical Analysis, Sentiment Analysis, Natural Language Processing (NLP), PCB Design, Metabase, Patents, Networking, Robot Operating System (ROS), GPS, Ray Tracing, 3D Games, GPT, Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT)


TensorFlow, SpaCy, PyTorch, Scikit-learn, OpenGL, Pandas, Twitter API, React, GLFW


Flutter, React Native

2015 - 2019

Bachelor's Degree in Software Engineering



Silver Medal


Collaboration That Works

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