Rupesh Shrestha,尼泊尔Bagmati省Lalitpur的开发商
Rupesh is available for hire
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Rupesh Shrestha

Verified Expert  in Engineering

React Developer

Lalitpur, Bagmati Province, Nepal
Toptal Member Since
October 21, 2022

Rupesh是一名高技能的全栈软件工程师,拥有超过四年半的架构和开发强大且可扩展的web和移动应用程序的经验. 他在各种项目中都有成功的记录,包括Hohm Energy和ReAlpha. 他精通多种编程语言和工具,包括TypeScript、Node.js, React, React Native, and Next.Js,并且可以从头到尾全权负责交付项目.


Hohm Energy (via Toptal)
TypeScript, JavaScript, React, React Native, Node.js, Next.js, DocuSign...
Mustafa Ali
React Native, Expo, MySQL, Node.js、Mobile、iOS、Android、Strapi、i18n、React...
React Native, React,软件开发生命周期(SDLC), Web编程...




Preferred Environment

MacOS, Slack, Discord, WebStorm, Visual Studio Code (VS Code)

The most amazing...

...我开发的手机应用是ScoutX,我全权负责它的开发, led a team of three, 并在预计时间内送达.

Work Experience

全栈React和React Native Developer

2023 - 2023
Hohm Energy (via Toptal)
  • 与产品负责人一起参与解决方案过程,确定评估范围, timeline, efforts, etc.,并与工程团队合作交付可交付成果.
  • 通过代码评审、代码分析等参与优化代码库工作流程.
  • 带领一个四人团队在React Native上开发一个新版本的移动应用程序.
技术:TypeScript, JavaScript, React, React Native, Node.js, Next.js, DocuSign, Monorepos, React Query, Google Calendar, Code Review, Software Architecture

Senior React Native Developer

2023 - 2023
Mustafa Ali
  • 监督产品从项目评估到项目交付, performing database design, 后端和前端架构和设置, third-party API integration, 前端和后端开发和集成, and more.
  • 跟踪特性和bug使用Trello板报告.
  • 与客户密切协调,在紧迫的期限内交付功能并修复错误.
技术:React Native, Expo, MySQL, Node.js、Mobile、iOS、Android、Strapi、i18n、React、TypeScript、Twilio、Express.js, React查询,代码审查,软件架构

React/React Native Developer

2022 - 2023
  • 在React Native中为Android移动应用实现新功能并修复bug.
  • 在React中实现了web应用的新功能并修复了错误.
  • Fixed penetration testing issues (XSS, CSRF, GitHub code scanning, 和安全扫描)的后端和前端网络和移动应用程序.
  • 在Husky中创建Git钩子来验证Git提交并自动生成Android包.
Technologies: React Native, React,软件开发生命周期(SDLC), Web编程, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), TypeScript, PostgreSQL, CSS5, JavaScript, REST, CSS3, MobX, Node.js, UI Components, Web Components, REST APIs, ECMAScript (ES6), Front-end Development, Unit Testing, UI Testing, Software Engineering, Mobile Apps, Full-stack Development, Web Development, Back-end, Cloud, Git, Webpack, Testing, GitHub, Google Calendar, Code Review, Software Architecture

Full-stack Developer

2022 - 2022
Fetchly Labs
  • Built a mobile app for users to find, create, 并跟踪钓鱼点,他们可以使用Mapbox API在定制地图上与其他人分享.
  • 开发了一个管理面板,用于管理汽车制造公司的多个供应商.
  • 将移动应用程序部署到App Store和Google Play,并在Amazon EC2实例上部署后端服务.
Technologies: TypeScript, React, Ruby on Rails API, React Native, OneSignal, Mapbox SDK, Redux, PostgreSQL, Amazon EC2, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, APIs, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Node.js, Full-stack, SQL, MySQL, DOM, Jest, API Integration, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Figma, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Design Systems, User Interface (UI), Mobile App Design, UI Design, Mobile Design, User Experience (UX), Mobile Development, Firebase, Stripe, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), React Redux, Android, iOS, Test-driven Development (TDD), Front-end, JavaScript Libraries, Mobile, Mapbox, Algorithms, Scalability, Application State Management, Calendars, Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), Databases, Web Programming, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), CSS5, REST, CSS3, UI Components, Web Components, REST APIs, ECMAScript (ES6), Front-end Development, Unit Testing, UI Testing, Software Engineering, Chart.js, Data Visualization, Mobile Apps, Full-stack Development, Web Development, Database Modeling, Task Automation, Automation Scripting, Payment APIs, Back-end, Ruby, Cloud, Architecture, Git, Webpack, Testing, GitHub, Amazon DynamoDB, Express.js, React Query, Chakra UI, Google Calendar, Code Review, Software Architecture

Full-stack Developer

2021 - 2022
Naamche Inc.
  • Developed, tested, 并为ScoutX部署了一个移动应用程序,允许足球运动员从球探那里预订服务,并增加他们在教练面前的知名度.
  • 为ReAlpha构建了一个web应用程序管理面板,使用带有图表的管理仪表板来管理房地产.
  • 为ReAlpha移动应用构建新的代码库,将JavaScript代码迁移到TypeScript.
  • 使用Jira发起bug bash会话,协作查找、报告和修复bug.
技术:TypeScript, JavaScript, React, React Native,顺风CSS, Material UI, HTML5, Next.js, GraphQL, Chakra UI, REST, AWS Amplify, Expo, Stripe API, Google Maps SDK, CSS, HTML, APIs, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Node.js, Leadership, Full-stack, Python, SQL, MySQL, WordPress REST API, Amazon Cognito, DOM, Jest, API Integration, Figma, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Design Systems, User Interface (UI), Mobile App Design, UI Design, Mobile Design, User Experience (UX), Mobile Development, Firebase, Stripe, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), React Redux, Android, iOS, NestJS, Test-driven Development (TDD), Front-end, JavaScript Libraries, Mobile, Algorithms, Scalability, Application State Management, Calendars, Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), Databases, Web Programming, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), CSS5, CSS3, UI Components, Web Components, REST APIs, ECMAScript (ES6), Charts, Front-end Development, Unit Testing, UI Testing, Software Engineering, Chart.js, Data Visualization, Mobile Apps, Marketplaces, Full-stack Development, Web Development, Database Modeling, Automation Scripting, Payment APIs, Back-end, SaaS, Cloud, Architecture, Git, Webpack, Testing, GitHub, Storybook, AWS AppSync, Amazon DynamoDB, Express.js, Monorepos, React Query, Google Calendar, Web Scraping, Scraping, Code Review, Software Architecture

React and React Native Developer

2020 - 2022
  • 建立了一个受instagram启发的社交媒体移动应用程序,用户可以在其中分享食物和餐馆.
  • 开发了一个移动应用程序来测量头发密度,帮助跟踪头发的增加或减少的细微变化.
  • 修正了使用Asana板的关键测试版错误.
Technologies: React, React Native, TypeScript, MobX, Redux, Redux-Saga, Axios, Styled-components, Fastlane, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, APIs, Node.js, SQL, MySQL, DOM, Automation, API Integration, Figma, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Design Systems, User Interface (UI), Mobile App Design, UI Design, Mobile Design, User Experience (UX), Mobile Development, Firebase, Amplitude, React Redux, Android, iOS, Front-end, JavaScript Libraries, Mobile, Algorithms, Scalability, Application State Management, Calendars, Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), Web Programming, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Tailwind CSS, Amazon EC2, CSS5, Next.js, REST, CSS3, UI Components, Web Components, REST APIs, ECMAScript (ES6), Charts, Front-end Development, Software Engineering, Mobile Apps, Task Automation, SaaS, Cloud, Git, Webpack, GitHub, Software Architecture

Software Developer

2019 - 2021
LIS Nepal Pvt
  • 为一家金融科技公司设计并开发了一个web应用程序,允许用户管理销售和发票.
  • Developed, tested, 并为Robling部署了一个移动应用程序,用于监控Azure上的实时ETL批处理,并在出现故障时通过推送通知提醒监控用户.
  • 创建了一个脚本来自动化ETL源数据和目标数据的验证过程, 否则手工处理将花费数小时.
  • 2020年2月- 2020年8月从事Robling DaaS ETL工作,使用Azure数据工厂, Python, Snowflake, VB Scripting, Looker, Pandas, Excel, Devops.
Technologies: React, React Native, TypeScript, JavaScript, Redux, Redux-Saga, Axios, Python 3, HTML5, CSS3, Sass, Material UI, Bootstrap, Snowflake, ETL, CSS, HTML, APIs, Node.js, Full-stack, Python, SQL, SQLAlchemy, MySQL, DOM, Automation, API Integration, Figma, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Design Systems, User Interface (UI), Mobile App Design, UI Design, Mobile Design, User Experience (UX), Mobile Development, Firebase, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), React Redux, Android, iOS, Front-end, JavaScript Libraries, Mobile, Algorithms, Scalability, Application State Management, Calendars, Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), Databases, Web Programming, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), CSS5, REST, UI Components, Web Components, REST APIs, ECMAScript (ES6), Charts, Software Engineering, Data Visualization, Mobile Apps, Web Development, Database Modeling, Task Automation, Automation Scripting, Back-end, SaaS, Cloud, Git, Testing, GitHub, Google Sheets, Google Calendar, Web Scraping, Scraping, Software Architecture

Portfolio Website
这是一个使用现代前端技术(如React)构建的个人投资组合网站, TypeScript, Next.. js、TailwindCSS和React-Spring,其中展示了我的投资组合项目、经验和技能等.

1. Animations in UI components
2. Responsive UI
3. Use of SSG

MEA Mobile App

一个基于React native的Android移动应用程序,为维护人员和工作提供者提供一个平台来跟踪维护工作(时间), cost, etc.).


Some of the features had been:
1. 升级库版本:React、React Native等.
2. Implementing new screens
3. Fixing file upload issues
4. 修复关键的渗透测试问题

Calorie Tracker Web App
我开发的这个网络应用程序是一个全面的工具,可以追踪每天食物的卡路里摄入量. 该应用程序旨在帮助用户轻松方便地监控和管理他们的卡路里摄入量.

作为该项目的全栈开发人员, 我负责进行用例分析和实体建模,以确保app能够满足用户的需求. 这包括确定应用程序需要提供的各种特性和功能,以跟踪卡路里摄入量,帮助用户有效地管理他们的饮食.

设计并实现了用户界面(UI). Additionally, 该应用程序允许用户通过电子邮件集成邀请其他人加入, 这有助于促进问责制并使跟踪进展更容易.

该应用程序还为管理员用户提供了一个功能,可以监控普通用户添加的食品. 该功能允许管理员用户查看统计数据,如每个用户的平均卡路里摄入量,并跟踪每周创建的食品数量.

MyHairCounts Mobile App

• Refactor old codebase
•使用Fastlane向Play Store和App Store发布新版本

Woollybuggers Mobile App

Woolly Buggers是一个基于React native的移动应用程序,它提供了所有可钓鱼河流的易于使用的地图层, over 3,000 lakes, all public access, private lands, fishing regulations, and access regulations. PLUS, save and share fishing spots.

• Collaborated with the client
•集成第三方api,如Mapbox, Twilio

Mobile App for ScoutX
ScoutX是一个创新的数字平台,彻底改变了运动员的方式, coaches, 在大学招聘过程中,球探会相互交流和联系. 该应用程序旨在消除手工文书工作和耗时流程的需要, 让所有相关方都更有效率.

ScoutX的开发是一个由五个人组成的团队合作完成的, including three front-end developers, one back-end developer, and a designer. 团队通过远程工作来交付产品, 哪些是为了满足客户的特定需求而开发的.

作为项目的首席前端工程师, 我与公司的CTO和客户密切合作,构建代码库,并确保它满足客户的需求. 我的职责包括领导前端团队, 确保项目按时交付, 实现应用程序的核心功能.

该应用程序的核心功能包括允许球探轻松找到和评估运动员的功能, get paid digitally, 让运动员与顶级教练联系,以评估他们的表现.

Mobile App for ReAlpha

ReAlpha是一家拥有30多名员工的数字市场, and it simplifies, finances, and manages short-term rental investments. 该应用程序旨在为访问和管理广泛的房地产和投资提供一个平台.

该产品是通过七个人的协作远程交付的:三个前端开发人员, two back-end developers, and two designers.




这款应用在应用商店和Play Store上表现良好,拥有超过1000名用户.


一个基于react的web应用程序来管理gochii的合规性. It provides real-time risk notifications, 识别以前未检测到的遵从性问题, 并采取针对贵公司的预防和补救措施.

Some of my responsibilities had been:
1. Create front-end architecture
2. Implement front-end components
3. Integrate with back-end APIs
4. Fix critical issues
5. Work under a tight deadline
2015 - 2019




Ruby on Rails Foundations



Rest API中级技能认证






React, MobX, Node.js, React Redux, REST APIs, Chart.js, React Query, Pandas, Ruby on Rails API, AWS Amplify, Redux-Saga, WordPress REST API, Stripe, Stripe API, Google Maps SDK, WordPress API, React Navigation, Google Maps, SQLAlchemy, react-spring


OneSignal, Expo, Postman, WebStorm, Amazon Cognito, Figma, Git, GitHub, PandaDoc, Zapier, Slack, Webpack, AWS AppSync, Google Sheets, Fastlane, Apple Push Notifications, Azure Active Directory B2C (ADB2C), Xcode, AWS CLI


React Native,顺风CSS, Redux, Material UI, Next.. js、Bootstrap、Ruby on Rails (RoR)、Express.Ruby on Rails 5, Jest, FeathersJS, NestJS


TypeScript, HTML5, JavaScript, Python 3, CSS3, Sass, CSS, HTML, Python, SQL, ECMAScript (ES6), Ruby, GraphQL, Snowflake, C++


Object-oriented Programming (OOP), REST, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Mobile App Design, UI Design, Mobile Design, Mobile Development, Unit Testing, Testing, ETL, Automation, Test-driven Development (TDD), Role-based Access Control (RBAC)


MacOS, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Android, iOS, Mobile, Mapbox, Amazon EC2, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Heroku, Firebase, Contentful, Twilio


数据库,PostgreSQL, MySQL,数据库建模,Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Amazon DynamoDB, MongoDB


Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), Web Programming, Mapbox SDK, CSS5, Chakra UI, Axios, APIs, Full-stack, XSS Protection, DOM, API Integration, Design Systems, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Front-end, JavaScript Libraries, Algorithms, Scalability, Application State Management, Calendars, UI Components, Web Components, Charts, Front-end Development, UI Testing, Software Engineering, Data Visualization, Mobile Apps, Marketplaces, Full-stack Development, Web Development, Task Automation, Automation Scripting, Payment APIs, Back-end, SaaS, Cloud, Architecture, Web Scraping, Scraping, Code Review, Software Architecture, Styled-components, Discord, Amplitude, Storybook, DocuSign, Monorepos, Google Calendar, Airtable, Leadership, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Responsive Web Apps, Strapi, i18n

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