Rinto Jose, Developer in Ernakulam, Kerala, India
Rinto is available for hire
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Rinto Jose

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Ernakulam, Kerala, India
Toptal Member Since
August 4, 2017

Rinto is a highly experienced and successful product lead, technical architect, 全栈首席开发人员,具有从网站交付广泛解决方案的良好记录, mobile apps, and UX design. Apart from being an active open source contributor, Rinto is passionate about creating UX, UI, visual, and branding for medium and small-scale designs. 他还为社交媒体、银行和SaaS公司的初创公司提供领导经验.


GM - Highlighter Inc
TypeScript, GraphQL, React Native, Google Cloud, Firebase, Analytics, Figma...
React Native, React Native for Web, GraphQL, TypeScript, Firebase,谷歌Cloud...
TypeScript, GraphQL, Google Cloud, Agora, Firebase, React, React Native...




Preferred Environment

Git, Visual Studio, MacOS

The most amazing...

...我所创造的东西是作为一名图形视觉设计师使用所见即所得编辑器构建React应用程序. It was built completely using React, Electron, and Node.js.

Work Experience

Senior Consultant | UX Designer | Tech Lead

2021 - 2022
GM - Highlighter Inc
  • Headed design and architecture of GM, 这是一个在多个国家最畅销的应用程序,通过视频/音频通话连接人们.
  • Designed, built, 并为全球客户推出了一款用于视频和音频通话的社交媒体应用程序, resulting in a 200K customer base.
  • 实现数据跟踪工具,帮助涉众跟踪业务指标,并将其与产品目标进行比较.
Technologies: TypeScript, GraphQL, React Native, Google Cloud, Firebase, Analytics, Figma, React, Node.js, JavaScript, Databases, Computer Science, UX Design, Microservices, Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Kubernetes, React Native for Web, CSS, HTML5, Express.js, Cloud Firestore, CI/CD Pipelines, Mobile, Android, iOS, User Experience (UX), Mobile Development, HTML

Senior Consultant and Tech Lead

2021 - 2021
  • 设计(包括UI/UX)并使用React Native和web React Native从头开始执行应用程序. 概念化了一个服务器代码库,它将团队的整体性能提高了许多倍.
  • 参与设计产品方向和功能,管理11人的全栈开发团队进行构建, deploy and maintain the app.
  • 为团队成员提供充分的培训,并制定和实施专注于性能的DevOps流程, minimizing downtime, and improving the team's overall efficiency.
Technologies: React Native, React Native for Web, GraphQL, TypeScript, Firebase,谷歌Cloud, Kubernetes, Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Elasticsearch, Figma, Node.js, React, JavaScript, Databases, Computer Science, UX Design, Analytics, Microservices, CSS, HTML5, Express.js、Cloud Firestore、CI/CD Pipelines、Android、iOS、User Experience (UX)、Next.js, Mobile Development, HTML

Senior Consultant | Tech Lead

2018 - 2021
  • 在React Native中开发了一个应用程序,可以使用OCR服务将书籍封面图像捕获为文本,并允许用户根据文本的一部分创建注释.
  • Managed a team of 12 full-stack developers. 协助团队进行评审,技术决策,解决问题.
  • Oversaw the technical architecture and UI/UX design. Designed some of the user workflows.
  • Implemented video chat platform using React, Agora, Firebase, and Google Cloud.
Technologies: TypeScript, GraphQL, Google Cloud, Agora, Firebase, React, React Native, JavaScript, Figma, Node.js, Databases, Computer Science, UX Design, Analytics, Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Kubernetes, CSS, HTML5, Express.js、Amazon Cognito、Cloud Firestore、CI/CD Pipelines、Android、iOS、User Experience (UX)、Next.js, Mobile Development, HTML

Solution Architect

2014 - 2018
Tata Consultancy Services
  • 设计并实现了一个使用React, D3创建应用屏幕的视觉设计器.js, Electron, and several other industry-leading tools. 创建了一个渲染器,可以将项目导出为React和React Native项目.
  • Created a component library of various visualization components using D3.js and integrated it with a visual designer functionality; this can be used to develop visualization apps using hybrid technology.
  • Built an API layer for analyzing selected tweets for entities and their relationship with other entities; it notes the time and places using Java and other NLP libraries such as Stanford NLP and OpenNLP.
  • Developed a reusable cross-platform framework, StateX, for state management which can be configured with React and Angular.
  • 设计并实现了一个订票应用,并使用React Native和TypeScript将其与支付网关集成.
  • 开发了一个具有拖放功能的web应用程序,以定制构建在WSO2产品之上的中间件产品. Configured WSO2 Carbon middleware products, OSGi framework, and Hazelcast.
Technologies: WSO2, Electron, Node.js, TypeScript, React, Angular, GraphQL, Firebase, React Native, JavaScript, Databases, Computer Science, CSS, HTML5, Express.js, Cloud Firestore, iOS, HTML

Associate | Senior Solution Developer

2011 - 2013
Cognizant Technology Solutions
  • 使用Dojo UI Toolkit在JavaScript中使用MVC模式为保险领域设计并实现了两个web应用程序.
  • Automated tests using DOH, a JavaScript-based testing framework, and Selenium.
  • 创建API层,使用Java、Spring和Hibernate捕获和分发保险数据.
  • Developed IBM WebSphere portlets to capture and distribute data.
  • 为整个网站制作了一个视觉设计,并创建了一个基于主题的设计,为此我获得了优秀奖.
Technologies: JavaScript, Node.. js, Oracle PL/SQL, Oracle SQL,数据库,计算机科学,CSS, HTML5, Express.js, HTML

Software Developer

2007 - 2011
Wipro Technologies
  • 使用基于Pro*C/ c++的GoldenSource系统创建数据提取和转换模块.
  • 使用Informatica开发ETL解决方案,从各种来源提取和加载数据, including data feeds from Bloomberg in a flat-file format.
  • Supported the multiple migrations of the production system from the old format to the new data feed format; this included extensive planning, coding, testing, implementing a system upgrade in the simulated environments, and the final execution.
  • 支持多个源代码发布到生产环境中,并帮助支持团队解决生产环境中的关键问题.
  • Created a tool for bulk data uploads using multiple languages and platforms; Excel (VB6) as the front-end, a Java-based API as a middle layer, and a Pro C++-based transformation layer for validation and upload.
Technologies: Oracle 10g, Unix, Oracle SQL, Oracle PL/SQL, JavaScript, Databases, Computer Science, CSS

Virtual Scroll for Angular

Angular Virtual Scroll that displays a small subset of records, just enough to fill the viewport, and uses the same DOM elements as the user scrolls.

这种方法是有效的,因为无论列表的大小如何,DOM元素的数量总是恒定且很小. 因此,虚拟卷轴可以无休止地显示,有效地增加项目列表.

这个开源项目是一个与angular兼容的模块,它有一个易于使用的API,并支持多列. We achieved 82,000 downloads.

GQL Hook Codegen

该工具为在给定有效GraphQL模式的GraphQL项目中编写的查询/突变生成TypeScript类型. This will accelerate the front-end development by many folds. 该工具还可以用作静态验证器,以检查服务器是否可以匹配客户端.



It is a predictable state container, just like Redux. 它可以帮助用户轻松而优雅地实现单向数据流(Flux架构),而不需要太多的样板代码. 这个库的主要目标是提供一个接触点最少的实现,同时提供Redux的所有优点. StateX uses an RxJS library at its heart, promising an efficient data flow. 附件中包含了Angular(带和不带装饰器)和React(带和不带TypeScript和装饰器)的示例。.

Mongo Restifier

Mongo Restifier is an open source Node.js project for the easy and quick build of RESTful APIs using MongoDB.

This has easy-to-use configurations and APIs. This module supports schema-based collections, advanced querying, bulk operations, and automatic history. This library comes with an in-house OAuth2 authentication module, thus making it useful for creating an end-to-end API layer.


TypeScript, GraphQL, TypeScript 2, JavaScript, HTML5, HTML, CSS


React Native, Redux, Flux, Electron, Jest, Express.js, Angular, Next.js


REST APIs, Node.js, React, React Native for Web,谷歌Maps JavaScript API 3, Libraries/API, RxJS


Git, Expo.io, Mongoose, Webpack 2, React Apollo, Figma, Firebase Authentication, Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM), Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Zeplin, Amazon Cognito, Agora




Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Firebase, Kubernetes, Oracle Database, Mobile, Android, iOS, Unix, MacOS


MongoDB, Cloud Firestore, Databases, Google Cloud, MySQL, Oracle PL/SQL, Oracle SQL, Oracle 10g, Elasticsearch


Flux Architecture, Apollo Server, Computer Science, User Experience (UX), Stripe Payments, Unix Shell Scripting, GitFlow, Analytics, WSO2, Software Development, CI/CD Pipelines, Libraries, Web Applications

2003 - 2007

Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Computer Science and Engineering

Karunya Institute of Technology - Coimbatore, India

2001 - 2003

Standard XII (Higher Secondary Certificate) in Computer Science

Board of Higher Secondary Education, Kerala Government - Kerala, India