Nurazem Kaldybaev, Developer in Bishkek, Chuy Province, Kyrgyzstan
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Nurazem Kaldybaev

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Bishkek, Chuy Province, Kyrgyzstan
Toptal Member Since
January 30, 2014

Nurazem是一位在高效建筑方面拥有丰富经验的开发商, well-designed, and scalable web applications. As a part of software development teams at Zoomer, Grubhub, Intercom, and DeliveryHero, 他开发了复杂的在线业务管理应用程序,并负责产品的整个生命周期.


Plainfield Technologies, Inc.
Ruby on Rails (RoR), Heroku, Amazon Web Services (AWS)
BlockCompare (via Toptal)
Amazon Web Services (AWS), JavaScript, Heroku, PostgreSQL, React, Phoenix...
CoStar Realla (via Toptal)
MySQL, Ruby, JavaScript, Elasticsearch, Vue, Ruby on Rails (RoR)




Preferred Environment

Git, RubyMine, ITerm, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Sublime Text, OS X

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Senior Software Engineer

2020 - 2022
Plainfield Technologies, Inc.
  • 从头开始设计和实现多个特性:LAPM管理, DEWR, and account management, among others.
  • 根据加州交通管理局的要求,创建了一个成熟的计费系统. The billing system supports per-seat and usage-based billing, prorations up to determined dates, and custom invoices with rich metadata.
  • Introduced TDD/BDD frameworks, added background job queues, and developed logging and CI/CD pipelines.
技术:Ruby on Rails (RoR), Heroku, Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Senior Full-stack Engineer

2019 - 2019
BlockCompare (via Toptal)
  • 开发了一个监控比特币交易不同关键指标的应用程序, wallets, and interest accounts and, as a result, 根据多项选择测验中显示的用户偏好提出建议.
  • 在一个Phoenix/React应用程序创建一个月后接管它,并在五个月内交付了一个完整的产品.
  • Made use of external APIs such as CoinAPI to retrieve, process, and display various properties of Bitcoin exchanges.

Senior Software Engineer

2019 - 2019
CoStar Realla (via Toptal)
  • 致力于在系统中为网络蜘蛛添加各种新属性,以抓取大量第三方网站.
  • - Transformed several central ERB template pages to Vue.js based components.
  • -针对ElasticSearch数据库中存储的记录,开发不同的查询和分析算法.
技术:MySQL, Ruby, JavaScript, Elasticsearch, Vue, Ruby on Rails (RoR)

Software Engineer

2018 - 2019
DeliveryHero Hungerstation (via Toptal)
  • 致力于将命令和存储库模式引入现有的Rails应用程序.
  • Broke the app down into manageable individual components.
  • 在React前端使用的基于graphql的API中实现了新特性.
Technologies: Ruby, JavaScript, React, GraphQL, Ruby on Rails (RoR)

Senior Software Engineer

2017 - 2018
Grubhub, Inc.
  • 使用Elasticsearch和Cassandra为订单、送货和快递员开发了一个搜索系统.
  • 创建Apache Spark作业,将大型数据集导入Elasticsearch和Cassandra作为备份系统.
  • 维护一个管理所有餐厅的中央配送服务, markets, and couriers in the Grubhub system.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), JavaScript, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), AWS Simple Notification Service (SNS), React, Python, Guice, Spring, Java

Software Engineer

2016 - 2017
Zoomer Delivery, Inc. (acquired by Grubhub)
  • Created a recruitment funneling system for driver applicants.
  • 从在线申请流程开始,自动化驱动程序申请处理流程, background checks, contract signing, and finally creating a driver in the Zoomer system.
  • 开发多种功能,提高交付效率.
  • Created new features, improved app performance, and fixed bugs for the main Zoomer platform, which encompasses all of the day-to-day operations.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Ruby, JavaScript, Python, Ionic, Angular, Ruby on Rails (RoR)

Software Engineer

2015 - 2016
Cake, Inc. (via Toptal)
  • Developed a mobile application in Ember.Js用于查找特定区域的新餐馆,添加评论和订购食物.
  • 与谷歌地图JavaScript SDK广泛合作,创建快速地图视图.
  • Modified server-side logic in Node.js to accommodate changes in requirements for the mobile app.
Technologies: JavaScript, PhoneGap, Cordova, Node.js, Ember.js

Software Engineer

2014 - 2015
Intercom, Inc.
  • 使用Ruby on Rails开发了一个全局用户事件提要和用户概要REST API.
  • 使用Ember创建客户端全局用户事件和用户配置文件应用程序.js.
  • Created Intercom apps for the Salesforce and Zendesk platforms.
  • Added integration for GitHub issues and Intercom conversations.
  • Built a PHP and Ruby client for the Intercom API. Also worked on enhancing Intercom Python client.
技术:亚马逊网络服务(AWS), MySQL, Ruby, JavaScript, PHP, Dropwizard, Java, Backbone.js, Node.js, Ember.js, Ruby on Rails (RoR)

Web Developer

2013 - 2014
Inverse Point
  • 为一家时尚初创公司开发了一个完整的库存生命周期管理软件系统. Draper LLC - largest in the region).
  • 使用PHP为一家在100多个国家设有分支机构的公共部门公司创建内部会计软件.
  • Developed software for fleet, sales, 以及使用Ruby on Rails和AngularJS为阿联酋的汽车租赁和销售公司进行客户关系管理.
  • 使用Ruby on Rails为迪拜的一家咨询公司创建了一个CRM模块.
技术:MySQL, Ruby, JavaScript, Memcached, Redis, PHP, AngularJS, Ruby on Rails (RoR)

Software Developer

2009 - 2011
Vector Foiltec GmbH
  • 使用Lisp实现了AutoCAD模块,使建筑模型自动生成建筑部件.
  • 为AutoCAD开发了一个c++插件,用于创建三维物体到平面的几何投影.
  • 创建了一个可重复使用的VBA模块来计算大型结构的稳定线.
  • 支持AutoCAD现有的自动化工具来解剖机械结构部件.
  • 开发了用于莱比锡动物园屋顶施工自动化的小型模块.
Technologies: C++, Lisp

我致力于Intercom应用程序的全局用户事件和用户配置文件部分. 我还创建了与第三方服务(如Zendesk、Salesforce和GitHub)的集成.

Mr. Draper
An inventory management platform built using Ruby on Rails. 它集成了Salesforce作为CRM后端和Payfort作为支付处理器. The system handles the whole product lifecycle, 从在仓库中创建到付款处理和交付给客户.

Grubhub Delivery Operations Center
A central system that manages restaurant working hours, market blackouts, courier communication and scheduling. 我开发过的最大的功能之一是根据市场供求自动管理驱动程序的数量.


CSS, Ruby, Java, Python, JavaScript, PHP, Lisp, GraphQL, Elixir, Go, c++


Ember.js, AngularJS, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Angular, Dropwizard, PhoneGap, Ionic, Spring, Guice, Phoenix, React Native, Sinatra, Flask


React, Zendesk API, Intercom API, Salesforce API, Node.js, PayPal API, Twilio API, Backbone.js, Vue


IntelliJ IDEA, Vim Text Editor, Git, Sublime Text, RubyMine, Zen Coding, ITerm, AWS Simple Notification Service (SNS), Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS)


REST, Agile Software Development, Behavior-driven Development (BDD), Test-driven Development (TDD), Functional Programming


Heroku,亚马逊网络服务(AWS), MacOS, Linux, OS X, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Salesforce


MySQL, Redis, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Memcached, Elasticsearch


Applied Mathematics, Mathematics, Software Development, Cordova

2008 - 2011


Jacobs University - Bremen, Germany

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