Michael Lin,英国伦敦的开发者
Michael is available for hire
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Michael Lin

验证专家  in Engineering



Michael is a UI-focused software engineer with over eight years of experience across various organizations, 最近是在全球投资银行. At Citibank, he's working on a cross-asset risk system to service the markets and security services business. Michael has worked across the stack with various technologies and is particularly interested in TypeScript, React, and GraphQL.


React, TypeScript, JavaScript, GraphQL, 阿波罗反应, Microfrontends, Node.js...
React, TypeScript, Electron, 敏捷软件开发, Web UI, Web UX...
Next.js、React、Code Review、HTML、有样式的组件、Storybook、Node.js...





MacOS, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Slack, Zoom, GitHub, Git


...thing I've built is a data governance portal software in Barclays that replaced a third-party tool and saved over one million in membership fees per year.


Tech Lead

  • Led an agile engineering team of five UI developers to provide platform and software solutions focused on cross-asset risk management.
  • 领导工程和跨团队设计会议.
  • Implemented and architected a high-quality React UI for a cross-asset risk system to service the market and security services business.
  • 执行scrum主管职责, 主持日常会议, sprint计划, 资源管理, 和预算.
  • Collaborated with global partners (stakeholders) to drive the implementation of the next-gen risk system.
  • Improved development processes by instilling an inclusive team culture that includes code reviews, 标准化考试, 以及释放过程.
技术:反应, TypeScript, JavaScript, GraphQL, 阿波罗反应, Microfrontends, Node.js, Storybook, Styled-components, HTML, 团队管理, Code Review, GitHub, Jenkins, Docker, HTML5, Figma, APIs, Front-end, Web Design, 用户界面(UI), 响应式网页设计(RWD), Apollo, Agile, SQL, MongoDB, JavaScript测试, Cypress, Webpack, CSS, D3.js, CSS3, NPM, 网页可及性, 响应用户界面, 代码分离, 结对编程, 函数式编程, React测试库, Enzyme, Jest, Recoil, 单页应用(SPA), Full-stack, REST APIs, Finance, Fintech, ECMAScript (ES6), UI开发, Babel, Chakra UI, 敏捷软件开发, PostCSS, 响应设计, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), WebSockets, 前端开发, Axios, 反应的路由器, Web UI, Web UX, 用户体验(UX), 回来的工具包


2023 - 2023
  • Developed the user interface (UI) screens for a healthcare desktop application for medical note-taking. 这些UI屏幕, 包括登录, Register, Profile, and Library, 是用React开发的, TypeScript, and Electron.
  • Monitored and oversaw problem resolution through Jira issues tracking and management.
  • Collaborated closely with the UI team to influence the overarching front-end architecture and address intricate UI challenges in Electron and React technologies.
  • Engaged in routine 结对编程 sessions with fellow UI engineers within the team to tackle technical issues.
技术:反应, TypeScript, Electron, 敏捷软件开发, Web UI, Web UX, 用户体验(UX), 回来的工具包


2020 - 2022
  • Contributed to a market-leading B2B multi-tenanted SaaS platform disrupting the recruitment industry using the latest front-end technologies.
  • 审查软件文档以确保技术准确性, compliance, 或者完整性来降低风险.
  • 定期进行代码审查, 结对编程, 设计会议以确保代码质量, reusability, 和可维护性.
  • 为团队内部的架构和技术选择做出贡献.
技术:下一个.js、React、Code Review、HTML、有样式的组件、Storybook、Node.js, 源代码审查, JavaScript, TypeScript, GraphQL, 阿波罗反应, GitHub, CI / CD管道, Docker, HTML5, Figma, APIs, Redux, Front-end, Express.js, 顺风CSS, Web Design, 搜索引擎优化(SEO), UI Design, 用户界面(UI), Prisma, 响应式网页设计(RWD), Apollo, Agile, SQL, JavaScript测试, Cypress, Webpack, CSS, CSS3, Sass, NPM, 网页可及性, 响应用户界面, 代码分离, 结对编程, 函数式编程, React测试库, Enzyme, Jest, 单页应用(SPA), PostgreSQL, Full-stack, Firebase, 谷歌云平台(GCP), REST APIs, Cloudflare, ECMAScript (ES6), UI开发, Babel, Chakra UI, Electron, 敏捷软件开发, 情感的图书馆, PostCSS, Serverless, Contentful, 响应设计, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Mobile, WebSockets, 前端开发, Axios, 反应的路由器, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Web UI, Web UX, 用户体验(UX), 回来的工具包


2017 - 2020
  • 领导一个由10名前端、后端和全栈工程师组成的敏捷团队.
  • 参与了敏捷的所有阶段, 包括需求分析, 体系结构设计, development, testing, deployment, 以及对巴克莱内部应用程序的持续支持.
  • Owned, designed, and developed a React Graph Visualisation Explorer for Barclays' extensive internal data to cut the £1.第三方软件年费300万.
  • 与设计师合作,创造干净和简单的界面, 直观的交互和体验.
  • Provided technical expertise and peer code reviews to other team members.
技术:反应, JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, GraphQL, 阿波罗反应, Node.js, Git, GitHub, Jira, Confluence, Docker, HTML5, APIs, Front-end, Express.js, Web Design, UI Design, 用户界面(UI), 响应式网页设计(RWD), Apollo, Agile, SQL, MongoDB, JavaScript测试, Cypress, Webpack, CSS, D3.js, CSS3, Sass, NPM, 网页可及性, 响应用户界面, 代码分离, 结对编程, 函数式编程, React测试库, Enzyme, Jest, 单页应用(SPA), Full-stack, Redux, REST APIs, Finance, Fintech, ECMAScript (ES6), UI开发, Babel, Material UI, 敏捷软件开发, 响应设计, Mobile, 前端开发, Axios, 反应的路由器, Web UI, Web UX


2015 - 2017
  • Translated the design team's UX wireframes and mockups into responsive web applications.
  • 为BHF和德意志银行开发交互式信息图表.
  • Used the AngularJS framework for building web apps and worked on the Bootstrap CSS framework for responsive web design.
  • Fixed bugs from existing websites and implemented enhancements that significantly improved web functionality and speed.
技术:反应, JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, CSS, AngularJS, HTML5, Front-end, 搜索引擎优化(SEO), UI Design, 用户界面(UI), 响应式网页设计(RWD), Agile, CSS3, Sass, NPM, 网页可及性, 响应用户界面, 结对编程, UI开发, 敏捷软件开发, 响应设计, Mobile, 前端开发, Web UI, Web UX


2014 - 2015
  • Developed, maintained, and deployed website solutions for HBO, Fox, and Warner Bros.
  • Wrote cross-browser compliant HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript for web applications.
  • 以高标准同时参与多个项目.
技术:HTML, JavaScript, CSS, jQuery, Bootstrap, Front-end, 搜索引擎优化(SEO), 响应式网页设计(RWD), CSS3, Sass, NPM, 网页可及性, 响应用户界面, 结对编程, Laravel, UI开发, 响应设计, 用户界面(UI), Mobile, 前端开发, Web UI, Web UX


Developed a comprehensive healthcare desktop application focused on note-taking, 采用React, TypeScript, 和基于电子的架构. 该应用程序的用户界面包括Login等基本屏幕, Register, Profile, Library, and more, 这是我积极实施的.

I played a pivotal role in shaping the front-end architecture by collaborating closely with the UI team. We collectively tackled complex UI challenges within the Electron and React frameworks.

Furthermore, I fostered a culture of collaboration by engaging in frequent 结对编程 sessions with fellow UI engineers, 协助解决技术问题. 在整个项目中, my efforts contributed to enhancing the overall quality and functionality of the application.


A React-based platform that serves the internal risk applications and enables distributed development and release of independent UI applications. 它使用React, TypeScript, and GraphQL as core technologies and is implemented as a micro-frontend solution that provides SSO and the internal design system out of the box.

我目前是这个项目的技术负责人和核心工程师. 我的主要职责包括制定架构决策, 功能开发, 举办冲刺仪式, 涉众/项目管理.


构建了一个基于react的巴克莱数据门户, 用于数据管理和管理的数据治理平台. It empowers internal analysts to explore meanings/relationships in their extensive asset entities and improve business decisions. I was the lead engineer who worked on both the front and back end from scratch, 从原型到发布.

The team has grown from one engineer (myself) to around ten engineers within a year. 除了技术上的贡献, I was heavily involved with hiring (reviewing resumes and conducting interviews) and building a solid team.


开发React和Next.基于js的web应用程序,用于内部人才流动,命名为人才门户. Its primary purpose is to help large organizations retain their internal talents. I acted as the front-end engineer in charge of the core UI of the application. This also involved collaborating with the designer to create an attractive and aesthetically appealing interface that is not only accessible but designed for targeted consumers.
2011 - 2014



库/ api

React, React测试库,REST api, React路由器,Node.. js,情感库,AG网格,jQuery, D3.js


阿波罗反应, GitHub, JavaScript测试, Babel, NPM, Webpack, Figma, PostCSS, 回来的工具包, Slack, Jenkins, Git, Jira, Confluence, Prisma


Next.js, Jest, Cypress, Redux, 顺风CSS, Material UI, Electron, Bootstrap, AngularJS, Express.js, Laravel


JavaScript, TypeScript, GraphQL, HTML, CSS, CSS3, HTML5, ECMAScript (ES6), Sass, SQL, AMPscript, Java


函数式编程, 结对编程, Agile, 响应式网页设计(RWD), 敏捷软件开发, Web UI设计, UI Design, Microfrontends, 搜索引擎优化(SEO)


Mobile, Firebase, Contentful, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Docker, 谷歌云平台(GCP), Blockchain


Web Design


MongoDB, PostgreSQL


Storybook, Styled-components, Code Review, Enzyme, 代码分离, 响应用户界面, Front-end, Apollo, 单页应用(SPA), Full-stack, UI开发, Chakra UI, 响应设计, 前端开发, Axios, DOM, Web UI, Recoil, 网页可及性, APIs, 用户界面(UI), Finance, Fintech, Serverless, WebSockets, Web UX, 用户体验(UX), 团队管理, 软件开发, Web开发, Networking, 源代码审查, CI / CD管道, 阿波罗服务器, Cloudflare, Cryptocurrency



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