Mark Evans, Developer in London, United Kingdom
Mark is available for hire
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Mark Evans

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Full-stack Developer

London, United Kingdom
Toptal Member Since
September 6, 2017

Mark has over ten years of experience in the tech industry, particularly in full-stack web development. He enjoys bringing together his technical, personal, 以及解决问题的能力,为每个客户提供最佳的解决方案. 马克的理论物理背景有助于他横向思考问题, 这有助于他快速有效地解决问题.


Sky (contract)
Streaming, Dash, Node.js, TypeScript
Bluespot (contract)
RabbitMQ, Docker, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Flow, React
pPresence (Contract)
PostgreSQL, OAuth 2, Node.js, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby




Preferred Environment

GitHub, Git, Vim Text Editor, MacOS

The most amazing...

...我编写的开源库是流行的Ruby gem Dragonfly(300万次下载), 它提供了一种新颖的方式来处理网站图像和其他资产

Work Experience

Front-end Developer

2019 - 2019
Sky (contract)
  • Single-handedly developed important prototypes.
  • 联络设计和硬件团队,确保正确的需求.
  • Created multiple common packages for use across projects.
  • Created back-end APIs for serving content.
  • 为其他团队的初级开发人员提供流程反馈.
Technologies: Streaming, Dash, Node.js, TypeScript

Full-stack Web Developer

2018 - 2019
Bluespot (contract)
  • Developed a pilot training app for ipad.
  • Developed docker deployment proofs of concept.
  • Developed AMQP integration proofs of concept.
  • Integrated international (variable-VAT) payments with Stripe.
  • 指导更多的初级开发人员并帮助进行架构设计.
技术:RabbitMQ, Docker, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Flow, React

Full-stack Web Developer

2017 - 2017
pPresence (Contract)
  • Developed numerous prototypes in Node.js和Rails用于测试/证明个人数据容器概念.
  • Built JSON APIs in Node.js for consumption by 3rd party platforms.
  • Used OAuth 2.0 to authenticate across multiple services.
  • 创建用户描述的积压,并为开发工作提供估计.
  • 为已经编写好的代码库的重要部分设计回归/集成测试.
Technologies: PostgreSQL, OAuth 2, Node.js, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby

Full-stack Developer

2017 - 2017
Barclays (Contract)
  • Created a prototype in Node.js/Angular for a new internal HR management tool.
  • 指导印度的远程开发人员如何提供集成测试.
  • 限定用户场景的范围,并向远程开发人员提供测试需求.
  • Provided demonstrations of prototype to internal stakeholders.
  • 为团队的其他成员创建文档,以便他们可以轻松地与项目集成并在项目上工作.
Technologies: Cucumber, MongoDB, Angular, Node.js

Lead Back-end Developer

2016 - 2017
News UK (Contract)
  • 领导Sun Goals足球应用程序的后端开发,作为迁移到HTTPS JSON API后端的一部分.
  • 为初级Rails开发人员提供指导和配对,使用远程屏幕共享.
  • 为sprint backlog创建和整理用户故事.
  • 为应用程序开发人员记录的后端端点、用法和权限详细信息.
  • 监督使用英国新闻集团内部系统的后端产品的部署.
技术:Amazon Web Services (AWS)、Urban Airship、Ruby on Rails (RoR)

Full-stack Web Developer

2016 - 2016
EastMeetEast (Contract)
  • 利用机器学习(神经网络)创建了一种新颖的“骗局探测器”服务,随着收集到的数据越来越多,它就会学习.
  • Added valuable new features for increasing uptake/conversions.
  • 成功地跨多个时区远程沟通和讨论想法.
技术:人工神经网络,Sinatra, CoffeeScript, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby

Senior Full-stack Web Developer

2008 - 2015
New Bamboo (now Thoughtbot London)
  • 创建了流行的开源Ruby库Dragonfly,用于按需调整图像大小.5 million downloads,
  • Developed projects for many clients including Vodafone, Intel, Disney, Channel 5, News UK, Amnesty, Which?, Spabreaks, Hounslow council, Brojure, JobsGoPublic, many more.
  • 为潜在的新客户提供工作评估和评估.
  • 协助并参与用户故事研讨会,从一开始就确定项目需求, 并在回顾会议中不断改进开发过程.
  • 每周与客户会面,演示已完成的工作,整理项目待办事项并计划后续工作.
  • 指导和指导初级开发人员轻松地进入项目.
  • Used test-driven development to implement projects using Ruby, Javascript, and other languages including Python.
  • 组织Javascript研讨会,在内部和伦敦Ruby用户组进行了多次演讲.
Technologies: JavaScript, Angular, Node.js, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby

Full-stack Web Developer

2007 - 2008
Wide Area Communications
  • 设计和开发Indesign导入工具,每周为《欧博体育app下载》杂志节省大量工作时间.
  • Developed Apollo Magazine website.
  • Ran weekly reports for Dennis Publishing using SQL.
Technologies: SQL, JavaScript, PHP

Research Scientist

2003 - 2006
BAE Systems
  • Developed blob tracking software using C++.
  • 构建了供系里其他研究人员使用的c++实用程序库(共45个).
  • 领导研究项目,研究机器人系统的同步定位和绘图技术, using Bayesian methods.
  • 为空客公司每年节省了数千英镑用于开发磁性飞机机翼螺旋系统.
  • Gained an advanced C++ qualification.
Technologies: LaTeX, MATLAB, C++

Dragonfly Open-source Ruby Gem
一个高度可定制的Ruby库,用于管理资产和按需处理它们. It is used on thousands of sites and has been downloaded 1.5 million times.

Many others have provided third-party plugins (e.g. http://github.http://www.markevans/dragonfly/wiki/dragonfly -add-ons),我提供了一些官方的插件:


Treehouse JavaScript Framework

它是一个固执己见的框架,用于处理单页JavaScript应用程序中的状态. 它为更新和查询单个不可变状态树提供了游标和其他工具.


由于JavaScript框架市场已经饱和,它没有被公开,因为像Redux这样的工具得到了很好的支持和充分的支持. 然而,事实上,比起Redux,我更喜欢Treehouse的方法.

Details for its use are here:

"Fake Server" Command Line Tool for Testing
用于代理http请求和缓存get的命令行http服务器, using the excellent VCR ruby gem.

Router library for Treehouse JS

Tax Calculator for Which? Money
Which? 是一家为消费者提供信息和建议的大型英国机构吗.

I helped develop the tax calculator, 包括复杂的税务逻辑,必须根据正确的税收规则进行彻底的测试.

Spabreaks Website
I developed, with a colleague, the Spabreaks.. com网站(前端和后端),利用PostgreSQL的地理定位扩展.


JavaScript, Ruby, Sass, ECMAScript (ES6), SCSS, HTML5, HTML, CSS, CoffeeScript, TypeScript, Python, PHP, Elm, Elixir, SQL, GraphQL, Go, C++


Ruby on Rails (RoR)、Redux、Angular、OAuth 2、Phoenix、Capybara、Sinatra、Selenium、Svelte


Physics, Mathematics, Freelancing, APIs, Urban Airship, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Dash, Streaming, Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Spanish-English Translation, Unix Shell Scripting, WebSockets


Node.js, React, Ruby on Rails API, Rack, Pusher




Vim文本编辑器,MATLAB, LaTeX, Flow, RabbitMQ, GitHub, Git, Capistrano, Docker Compose, Cucumber


MacOS,亚马逊网络服务(AWS), DigitalOcean, Docker, Unix,亚马逊

Industry Expertise



JSON, Redis, MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Amazon S3 (AWS S3)

2015 - 2016

Master of Science Degree (Distinction) in Theoretical Physics

Kings College London - London, England

2007 - 2007

Cambridge CELTA Qualification in English Teaching

Cultura Inglesa - Recife, Brazil

1998 - 2002

Master of Physics Degree in Physics

Oxford University - Oxford, England