Marcelo Biffara,阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯的开发者
Marcelo is available for hire
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Marcelo Biffara

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Buenos Aires, Argentina
Toptal Member Since
January 20, 2015

Marcelo is passionate about software development and has known exactly what he wanted to do since childhood. He is a full-stack developer who enjoys writing in Ruby and JavaScript and has experience working with SQL and NoSQL databases and 3rd-party API integration. 马塞洛参与过一些成功的项目, 其中许多涉及高并发平台和网站.


MiTech Software Solutions Ltd
NestJS,聊天机器人,WhatsApp, API集成,REST API客户端
Lingo Live语言服务公司
Ruby on Rails (RoR), HTML, CSS, PostgreSQL, SQL, Heroku, Tailwind CSS, SendGrid...
Nextflag S.R.L.
Ruby on Rails (RoR), HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Mailchimp,邮戳,SendGrid...




Preferred Environment

Git, MacOS, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Terminal, Chrome

The most amazing...

...thing I've worked on is a content processing online platform based on queues and workers that handles millions of incoming messages every day.

Work Experience


2024 - 2024
MiTech Software Solutions Ltd
  • Created a service for the client's CRM, enabling them to build a chatbot using WhatsApp Cloud API.
  • 构建了一个直接与WhatsApp云API交互的NestJS服务, 让发短信更方便, templates, and quick reply buttons, 标记接收到的信息为已读.
  • Removed Twilio and its associated costs by interacting with the Meta WhatsApp Cloud API.
技术:NestJS,聊天机器人,WhatsApp, API集成,REST API客户端

Front-end Developer

2023 - 2023
Lingo Live语言服务公司
  • Developed a Rails app that manages coaching engagements for thousand of users using Tailwind CSS, Rails 7, PostgreSQL, and Redis.
  • Reviewed team's pull requests and deployed to production an app that serves the company's core business.
  • Helped improve the codebase by implementing Ruby interactors and best practices.
技术:Ruby on Rails (RoR), HTML, CSS, PostgreSQL, SQL, Heroku, Tailwind CSS, SendGrid, Redis

Full-stack Developer

2022 - 2023
Nextflag S.R.L.
  • Built a custom mailing library that lets users easily swap between mailing vendors.
  • Integrated Sendgrid's API to replace the default SMTP email Rails integration.
  • Created a custom device mailer that integrates with the custom mailing library.
技术:Ruby on Rails (RoR), HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Mailchimp,邮戳,SendGrid, Full-stack, Full-stack Development, Back-end, API Integration, REST API Clients

Lead Software Developer

2021 - 2023
AIIR Consulting
  • 领导一个跨越三个大洲和时区的软件开发团队. Designed a system architecture for a coaching platform with Fortune 500 companies. 使用NextJS、RoR、PGSQL、Redis、Sidekiq、AWS ECS、AWS EB.
  • 领导一个使用Swift的压力管理iOS应用的软件开发, Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, Contentful, and AWS EB.
  • Integrated Metabase as a dashboard and reporting system for the whole company. 将其嵌入到主教练应用程序中.
  • Created a Hubspot integration allowing the coaching platform to display contract information. Created custom Hubspot cards that displayed engagement information in Hubspot from the coaching platform.
  • 创建质量调查集成, 允许教练平台根据事件触发质量调查.
技术:Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby, Sidekiq, Amazon弹性容器服务(Amazon ECS), PostgreSQL, React, Next.. js, HubSpot, HubSpot CRM, qualics, Node.js, Technical Leadership, TypeScript, Software Architecture, Solution Architecture, Full-stack, Proof of Concept (POC), Full-stack Development, Metabase, Technical Architecture, Architecture, Back-end, Tailwind CSS, WhatsApp, API Integration, REST API Clients

Full-stack Developer

2020 - 2021
MYRM Technologies, LLC
  • Designed system architecture for a finance platform built to replace Salesforce.
  • 领导位于两个不同时区的前端和后端团队.
  • 从Salesforce文件创建自定义数据迁移工具.
Technologies: React, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Redshift, PostgreSQL, Salesforce, Heroku, Full-stack, Full-stack Development, Back-end, API Integration, REST API Clients

Web App Architect

2020 - 2020
Colorado General Assembly
  • 为新的科罗拉多大会网站创建了架构, consisting of an admin site, public API, search API, background workers, and a React site.
  • 为旧的Drupal应用程序创建了一个导入器, 使用REST客户端和预定的Sidekiq worker.
  • 为架构和每周评估起草文档.
Technologies: Sidekiq, PostgreSQL, Elasticsearch, React, Ruby on Rails (RoR), CTO, Full-stack, Proof of Concept (POC), Full-stack Development, Software Architecture, Solution Architecture, Metabase, Technical Architecture, Architecture, Back-end

Senior Rails Developer

2020 - 2020
Booster Apps
  • 创建了一个基于Ruby on Rails 6的多通道废弃购物车恢复应用程序, using Shopify API, PostgreSQL, Sidekiq, Facebook API, Twilio API, and Mailgun. This app was installed by thousands of merchants and generated $200,000,000 in revenue.
  • 实现Twilio API发送短信和WhatsApp消息.
  • Integrated the Facebook Messenger API to send messages with discounts and checkout links.
  • 执行Mailgun API以发送折扣和结帐链接.
  • 与Shopify API集成,以获得废弃的购物车会话.
Technologies: Mailgun, Twilio API, Facebook API, Shopify API, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Full-stack, Full-stack Development, Back-end

Back-end Engineer

2019 - 2020
  • Created the MVP for a new platform connecting brands with Airbnb hosts using Ruby on Rails, React, ElasticSearch, and PostgreSQL.
  • Retrieved data from Airbnb listings parsing the HTML response and extracting information from tags and JSON data.
  • 使用OmniAuth实现Facebook和Google身份验证.
  • 使用事务性电子邮件模板实现了SendGrid API.
  • 创建了一个模型,用于存储原始图像, mid, 和缩略图分辨率-上传所有版本到AWS S3.
  • 创建AWS基础设施,设置EC2、RDS、S3和负载平衡器. 设置SSL配置,Nginx和Unicorn.
技术:亚马逊网络服务(AWS), GitHub, MySQL, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby, Contentful, Heroku, Proof of Concept (POC), Back-end

Lead Developer

2018 - 2018
  • 创建了一个Ruby on Rails 4 web应用程序,用于订单分析和异常检测, 实现了用户认证的设计.
  • 使用AXLSX gem创建Excel文件导入流程, building customer statistics, 并使用PDKit将其导出为PDF.
  • Generated reports, using Axlsx, 以CSV格式显示订单分析, anomalies, and confidence rate.
Technologies: SendGrid, Microsoft Excel, MySQL, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby, Full-stack Development, Full-stack, Software Architecture, Solution Architecture, Metabase, Technical Architecture, Technical Leadership, Architecture, Back-end

Lead Developer

2015 - 2018
Email Delivered
  • Built the CSV contact importer process supporting CSV files with over 2 million rows.
  • 开发联系人搜索引擎,支持数百万个文档.
  • Created an AB testing email engine, supporting automatic AB testing and winner selection.
  • 构建智能营销活动引擎, 支持动态活动流程和定时延迟活动.
  • 开发智能列表细分, 基于自定义属性(字段值)创建动态列表, engagement history, tags, custom fields).
技术:亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Bootstrap, Redis, MySQL, Elasticsearch, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby, Full-stack Development, Full-stack, Software Architecture, Solution Architecture, Metabase, Technical Architecture, Technical Leadership, Architecture, Back-end

Senior Software Engineer

2013 - 2015
  • Created a Ruby gem that reads user-generated content from Facebook pages and inserts them into a proprietary API.
  • Developed a Ruby on Rails website to manage and map Facebook pages to user accounts.
  • Built a Ruby gem that listens to tweets in real time and inserts them into a proprietary API.
  • Programmed a Ruby gem that reads comments from Disqus and inserts them into a proprietary API and, after they are processed, 将审核结果发回Disqus.
  • 为Facebook Page Insights写了一个Ruby on Rails网站.
  • Created a Ruby gem that reads sitemaps and looks for Facebook comment boxes and imports their comments into a proprietary API.
Technologies: Bootstrap, jQuery, Redis, MongoDB, ActiveMQ, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby

Software Developer

2012 - 2013
DC Group Argentina
  • 维护用Ruby on Rails编写的DescuentoCity网站.
  • Created a mailer process to send a custom newsletter to 300+ thousand users using Amazon SQS and multiple AWS workers.
  • 将Facebook整合到网站中, 允许用户喜欢和评论每个交易, using Facebook JavaScript SDK.
  • Built an administration website using Ruby on Rails, Bootstrap, jQuery, and MySQL.
  • 编写了一个基于用户视图/点击的交易排序算法.
技术:亚马逊网络服务(AWS)、jQuery、MySQL、Ruby on Rails (RoR)

Software Developer

2012 - 2013
  • Created an Entity Framework extension to generate classes based on a stored procedures result.
  • 维护一个ASP MVC在线平台,用于管理电视广告投放.
  • Implemented a Lucene.网络搜索引擎库中的一个服务市场网站.
  • 创建了一个基于手机的葡萄酒商店订单处理网站.
  • Created an MVC website to compare real estate property prices based on multiple factors.
技术:JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, Microsoft SQL Server, .NET, C#

Software Developer

2011 - 2012
  • 为在线Facebook游戏创建商业智能网页面板.
  • Built a custom reports platform where users were able to share their reports with other users.
  • Wrote a batch process to move and compact SQL server table information to archive tables.
  • 开发了一个在线仪表盘,可以汇总多种游戏信息.
  • Programmed a tool to import users' friend lists from the Facebook API and generate a custom report to analyze game acquisition virality.
技术:jQuery UI, jQuery, Web MVC, Microsoft SQL Server, c#

Software Developer

2008 - 2010
  • 在发票系统中实现了AFIP(政府)web服务.
  • 现代化的系统界面,增加新的DevExpress .NET components.
  • 维护SQL存储过程.
  • 使用DevExpress组件在c#中创建了一个自定义报表工具.
  • 在发票系统中实现了LA POS(信用卡)支付系统.
技术:Microsoft SQL Server, c#, .NET

Showplace HQ
A platform that connects brands with Airbnb super hosts built on Ruby on Rails and React. It allows brands to create their campaigns and give away products to Airbnb hosts for free in exchange for content creation and other custom requirements.


A Ruby on Rails web app for merchants that allows users to recover abandoned cart sessions by letting them subscribe with an opt-in popup using different channels like SMS, Whatsapp, Email, Facebook Messenger, and push notifications.

Showplacehq MVP
一个React和Rails平台,用于连接顶级Airbnb主机和品牌. 我花了4个月的时间开发了MVP. Brands were able to create campaigns and ship free products for Airbnb hosts in exchange for reviews, photos, product placement, and other extra requirements. 主持人可以申请活动并提交工作证明.


JavaScript, SQL, HTML, Ruby, Unicorn, T-SQL (Transact-SQL), C#, CSS, GraphQL, TypeScript


Ruby on Rails (RoR), ASP.. NET MVC 5, OAuth 2, Bootstrap 3, Sinatra, AngularJS, Ember.js,顺风CSS, Bootstrap, Ruby on Rails 5, .NET, Chrome, Next.js, NestJS


Back-end, Proof of Concept (POC), Full-stack Development, WhatsApp, API Integration, REST API Clients, Technical Leadership, Technical Architecture, Architecture, CTO, Metabase, Software Architecture, Solution Architecture, Full-stack, OpenAI GPT-3 API, Chatbots, ChatGPT, OpenAI, APIs, Web MVC, Amazon Route 53, Computer Engineering, Postmark, HubSpot CRM, OpenAI GPT-4 API, Large Language Models (LLMs)


Facebook API, HTML Offline API, jQuery, React, Ruby on Rails API, Shopify API, Twilio API, Sidekiq, SendGrid API, Twitter API, Mongoid, jQuery UI, Node.. js, WhatsApp API, OpenAI助手API


Heroku, MacOS, Ubuntu, Mailgun, Amazon EC2, Twilio, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Contentful, Salesforce, HubSpot


Elasticsearch, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Redis, NoSQL, MongoDB, Redshift


Sublime Text, Git, Microsoft Excel, GitHub, Mailchimp, ActiveMQ, Capistrano, NGINX, SendGrid, Terminal, Amazon弹性容器服务(Amazon ECS), Qualtrics



2010 - 2014



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