Luis Miguel Benitez Ruiz, Developer in Mexico City, Mexico
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Luis Miguel Benitez Ruiz

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Mexico City, Mexico
Toptal Member Since
May 30, 2019

Luis拥有超过十年的使用各种技术开发软件的经验, including Python and Java. He has worked in engineering and cross-disciplinary teams, 为世界上最大的零售网站之一创建创新的机器学习服务,并为金融分析师建立首个同类平台. 他有使用敏捷和传统方法与各种规模的团队合作的经验.


Amazon Web Services (AWS), Python, TypeScript, Google Cloud Platform (GCP)...
Python 3, SQL, ETL, Amazon Web Services (AWS)...
Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microservices, Spark, MXNet, Java, Python...




Preferred Environment

Git, IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, Linux, MacOS

The most amazing...


Work Experience

VP of Technical Product Management

2020 - PRESENT
  • Acted as the software architect and product owner for ESW products. 编写定义工程工作的技术规范,并审查工程交付物以验证价值和代码质量.
  • Collaborated on developing the CloudFix product, 这是一种SaaS服务,它审查AWS资源的使用情况,以识别和执行降低成本的机会.
  • 实施poc和实验,以验证新技术的潜力, mainly focused on AWS and, recently, on LLMs.
  • 领导两名开发人员设计和实现了一个远程工作管理和跟踪工具,用于我们的完全远程, async team.
技术:亚马逊网络服务(AWS)、Python、TypeScript、谷歌云平台(GCP)、Node.js, GraphQL, Serverless, APIs, JavaScript, Infrastructure as Code (IaC), Cloud Infrastructure, React, Serverless Architecture, AWS CloudFormation, AWS AppSync, Lambda Functions, Amazon Cognito User Pools, WebSockets, PostgreSQL, MySQL, CI/CD Pipelines, Caching, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon S3 (AWS S3)

Software Engineer

2020 - 2021
  • 使用Python、FastAPI和dramatic设计并构建了我们的api和后端任务管理器. 高效的设计意味着通过向后端实现添加新类型和包装器来添加新的API端点.
  • Built Finseras data ingestion service, a data pipeline built on AWS Lambda and Step Functions, written in Python. 该服务使用来自Reuters或IBES等来源的数据,并允许客户只需点击几下即可加载他们的自定义数据.
  • 提出并构建了一个PoC,用于用AWS Lambda替换我们的Kubernetes集群. 最大发射时间从最坏情况下的两分钟减少到两秒.
Technologies: Python 3, SQL, ETL, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), Pandas, AWS Step Functions, Serverless, APIs, REST APIs, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), JSON, FastAPI, Python, Infrastructure as Code (IaC), Cloud Infrastructure, DevOps, Kubernetes, Serverless Architecture, AWS CloudFormation, Lambda Functions, Docker, PostgreSQL, CI/CD Pipelines, Caching, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Pytest

Software Development Engineer

2017 - 2019
  • 协作构建用于自动注释目录数据的数据管道. 该管道编排了多个微服务,用有意义的属性自动标注亚马逊的服装目录项目,以增强搜索体验.
  • Created a fast annotation web app. 它在后端使用ML引擎来帮助营销或数据专家快速且高精度地标记非常大的数据集.
  • 重写了一个基于ec2的预测服务,用于在AWS Lambda上运行基于MXnet的推断, providing greatly increased TPS for a fraction of the cost.
  • 倡导并领导团队迁移到使用Ruby和CloudFormation的代码中定义的IaC和CI/CD管道.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microservices, Spark, MXNet, Java, Python, Serverless, APIs, REST APIs, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), JavaScript, Infrastructure as Code (IaC), Cloud Infrastructure, DevOps, Serverless Architecture, AWS CloudFormation, Lambda Functions, Flask, Docker, PostgreSQL, CI/CD Pipelines, Caching, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Pytest

Application Developer

2012 - 2016
  • Developed new features for Oracle's Fusion Incentive Compensation product.
  • 编码单元、集成和端到端测试,以提高现有代码库的质量.
  • Provided fast resolution of product bugs reported by our customers.
技术:SQL, PL/SQL, ADF, Java,面向对象编程(OOP), Spring

Programmer Analyst

2011 - 2012
  • 创建了一个web应用程序,允许客户支持团队自助服务并解决他们最常见的问题. 这减少了我们的漏洞涌入,使我们能够更快地响应更复杂的问题,并有足够的带宽来提供根本原因修复.
  • 创建了一个随叫随到的管理和警报工具,使随到的工程师能够配置班次, escalation, and receive alerts on their phones. This greatly simplified on-call for DevOps engineers and their managers.
  • Wrote web services to integrate three disparate ticketing systems into one, reducing the workload for DevOps engineers and the ticket resolution time.
  • 为Oracle内部部署的报价企业软件提供调试支持和代码修复.
Technologies: SQL, PL/SQL, Java, DevOps

Amazon Fashion
我参与构建了一个数据分析管道,该管道编排了多个服务,以自动注释亚马逊服装目录中的商品. 然后,我使用MxNet网络自动预测,并从目录图像中提取有意义的属性.g., floral pattern, scoop neck), which were used to enhance the catalog items, 这样亚马逊的顾客在购买服装时就可以用它们来搜索或过滤.

I was involved in building the prediction services that used MxNet, 快速注释和审查服务:一个web应用程序,数据注释者可以审查低置信度的预测. Also built a data warehouse to collect metrics throughout the whole process. 我们的数据科学家用它来改进现有的模型并进行新的实验.

On-call Rotation and Alert Manager.

作为DevOps团队的一员,我开发了一个随叫随到的轮换监控工具. 这个应用程序监控我们的bug跟踪数据库,并允许工程师为他们选择的时间框架和产品创建随叫随到的班次, set up alerts to their email and mobile number, and allow managers to set up escalation rules for high-severity incidents.

Before this, the organization had no tool for managing on-call, so rotation was controlled differently across teams, mostly through shared documents or emails. 设置警报很复杂,并且需要工程师在他们通常不应该访问的系统中拥有特权.

一个集中的随叫随到的工具为所有团队的随到轮换提供了更好的可见性和问责制, made the onboarding process easy and quick for new team members, and helped keep sensitive systems more secure.

它是如此的受欢迎,以至于一开始只是我团队的一个个人项目,很快就变成了一个新的内部产品, part of the standard tools for the entire organization.

ML-assisted Data Annotation Tool.


当用户提供标记数据时,应用程序迭代地构建分类模型并生成质量度量. The annotator had a very streamlined and simple UX, 数据科学家可以访问生成模型的聚合指标和其他元数据.

With this tool, annotators had to label only from 1% to 4% of the samples in a dataset, while before, they had to manually label 100% of the dataset. 这使得在为我们的数据科学团队生成高质量的标记数据集时可以更快地周转.

CloudFix: Cloud optimization for AWS
CloudFix is a cost-optimization service for AWS. It scans AWS resources in an organization, identifies inefficient resources, and automatically and securely fixes them.

I collaborated in designing the architecture of the CloudFix framework, designing the detection and fixing algorithms, and implementing the product in TypeScript and Node.js.


Python, JavaScript, Java, SQL, TypeScript, Python 3, GraphQL


AWS CLI, AWS CloudFormation, Pytest, PyCharm, IntelliJ IDEA, Git, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), AWS Step Functions, AWS AppSync


亚马逊网络服务(AWS)、AWS Lambda、Linux、MacOS、谷歌云平台(GCP)、Kubernetes、Docker


Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle SQL, JSON, PL/SQL


Flask, ADF, MXNet, Spark, Bootstrap, Spring, Hibernate


Vue 2, Node.js, REST APIs, React, Pandas


Agile, Microservices, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Continuous Integration (CI), DevOps, Serverless Architecture, Functional Programming, Object-relational Mapping (ORM), ETL


Software Development, Serverless, APIs, Infrastructure as Code (IaC), Cloud Infrastructure, Lambda Functions, CI/CD Pipelines, Software Design, Machine Learning, Fintech, FastAPI, Amazon Cognito User Pools, WebSockets, Caching

2005 - 2009

Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science

ITESM Mexico City - Mexico City, Mexico


AWS Solutions Architect Associate