Lev Gimelfarb, Developer in Nelson, New Zealand
Lev is available for hire
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Lev Gimelfarb

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Serverless Developer

Nelson, New Zealand
Toptal Member Since
May 28, 2019

列夫的专长是为复杂问题寻找优雅的解决方案. He is a natural problem solver who likes to dig deep. Lev's been in the industry for nearly two decades, riding the continuous wave of changes in the tech world. What hasn’t changed though, 是他坚定不移地希望找到技术不断改善我们生活的方法吗. 他在敏捷、团队招聘、自动化、部署和迁移方面有着坚实的背景.


Solidbase Consulting, Ltd.
Amazon Web Services (AWS), Azure, jQuery, JavaScript, ASP.NET, C#, AngularJS...
Just Energy Corp.
Amazon Web Services (AWS)、Octopus Deploy、TFS、Azure、AngularJS、jQuery...
Speedscan NZ, Ltd.
Microsoft SQL Server, Python, jQuery, JavaScript, ASP.NET, C#




Preferred Environment

Visual Studio Code (VS Code), MacOS

The most amazing...

...software I've created was a custom smart email proxy, useable via SMTP, providing templating, indexing, and a searchable archive for over ten million messages.

Work Experience


2015 - 2018
Solidbase Consulting, Ltd.
  • 招募了一个远程工作的高素质工程师团队,参与了多个企业项目.
  • 监督整个工程部门采用的自动化构建和部署, and based on Octopus Deploy.
  • Developed a Cloud-based sales agent commission payment system, replacing an old, ineffective batch-style system.
  • 设计并开发基于web的产品管理管理界面, for managing complex energy marketing products. Integrated single sign-on using Azure AD (OIDC).
  • Mentored senior developers.
  • Acted as the go-to for tough technical challenges, 并将我的专业知识用于他们内部系统的设计和架构.
技术:亚马逊网络服务(AWS)、Azure、jQuery、JavaScript、ASP.NET, C#, AngularJS, Angular, Node.js

Team Lead

2012 - 2014
Just Energy Corp.
  • 领导一个内部开发团队,致力于改变公司的网络和数字形象.
  • 与内部和外部团队一起创建高价值的解决方案, and worked on a multitude of large, varied projects.
  • Developed a high-throughput custom email gateway system, accessible via standard SMTP, offering templating, indexing, and a searchable archive for over ten million messages.
  • 创建新一代在线注册门户系统,支持多个市场和司法管辖区.
  • 设计了一个灵活的产品管理系统,支持在线招生门户.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS)、Octopus Deploy、TFS、Azure、AngularJS、jQuery, JavaScript, ASP.NET, C#


2009 - 2012
Speedscan NZ, Ltd.
  • 为开发团队提供技术领导,并为业务解决问题.
  • 转换开发过程,使其更符合敏捷方法. Educated the business on the benefits of the new approach.
  • Set the vision, 并设计了下一代可配置工作流系统,以驱动主要文档扫描和托管业务.
  • 完成对业务线文件扫描和处理工作流程系统的改造, 解决老系统的安全和性能瓶颈.
  • 担任高级管理层未来业务技术路线图的顾问. 研究新兴技术,并提出建议.
  • 使用c#、ASP设计和开发可定制的文档工作流终端用户前端.NET, JavaScript, JQuery, and SQL Server back-end.
  • Developed a flexible rule engine using dynamic .NET表达式,通过系统配置为每个客户端解决方案提供.
技术:Microsoft SQL Server, Python, jQuery, JavaScript, ASP.NET, C#

Software Engineer

2006 - 2009
  • 致力于Ghost解决方案套件产品的各种功能.
  • 通过几个版本监督用户配置文件迁移产品, redesigning, 并根据封装的最佳实践增强内部结构, and modular design.
  • Injected .NET 2.0 WinForms自定义DataGridView控件到c++, Win32 API和wxWidgets应用程序.
  • 管理印度一个远程离岸承包商团队的工作.
  • 混合虚拟化环境,在各种操作系统版本上测试产品.
Technologies: .NET, Win32, C++


2005 - 2006
Practiv (NZ), Ltd.
  • 为英国金融行业客户开发企业级web应用程序.
  • 在现有的Java表单处理引擎上提供了一个全新的c#层. 监督项目计划、架构和实际解决方案的开发.
  • 为一家英国保险提供商开发企业级web应用程序, allowing online access to pensions.
  • 为中间层的设计提供技术支持, 并且大量参与了web前端的技术架构.
  • Led a small team to implement a new web-based front end.
Technologies: Java, jQuery, JavaScript, ASP.NET, C#


2002 - 2005
Orion Health, Ltd.
  • Developed a Rhapsody Integration Engine product, used by domestic and overseas health industry clients.
  • 开发图形密集型用户界面应用程序,如拖放工作流设计器, using C++, MFC, ATL, C#, and WinForms.
  • 使用Boost和STL开发了一个高性能的c++消息解析引擎.
  • Designed, 并使用MSSQL实现了一个基于java的工作流服务器后端, Oracle database persistence.
  • 在不同的设计和实施阶段展示领导能力. Involved in the architectural design process.
技术:Java, Microsoft Foundation Class Library (MFC), Win32, c++

Software Developer

2001 - 2002
  • 用c++语言设计和开发用于控制和自动化网吧管理的定制软件. 该解决方案已成功部署,并在生产环境中使用.
  • 为在线鲜花和礼品业务开发了一个定制网站.
技术:JavaScript, ASP, Visual Basic, Microsoft Foundation Class Library (MFC), c++


2000 - 2002
University of Auckland
  • 设计并开发了一个自定义客户机-服务器应用程序,用于使用基于unix - c的服务器远程执行和自动化遗留图像处理软件, and Java-based visualization client.
  • 设计并开发了c++和MFC GUI前端,用于在图像处理算法执行过程中实现可视化.
技术:DCOM, Microsoft Foundation Class Library (MFC), c++


Blended React functionality with the existing DOM. The replacement was to inject React into, and blend with an existing page, which was useful for working with HTML produced by a designer, or tools like Webflow or Wix.


在不部署pdb的情况下,从 .NET exception stack trace. This uses a clever extension to .. NET异常堆栈跟踪,它允许人们在不分发PDB文件的情况下获得正确的行号.

HTML Fiddle

This Middleware was used for modifying response HTML. Useful with HTTP-proxy in Node.js, to inject


JavaScript, C#, SQL, C++, C, Visual Basic, Java, Python


Express.js, .NET, .NET Core, ASP.NET, ASP.NET Core, OAuth 2, AngularJS, ASP, Angular, Bootstrap, Bulma


Node.js, React, jQuery, REST api, Microsoft Foundation Class Library (MFC)


Service-oriented Architecture (SOA), Microservices


AWS Lambda、MacOS、Win32、Amazon Web Services (AWS)、Docker、Azure、Visual Studio Code (VS Code)


SQL Server 2016, Amazon DynamoDB, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Elasticsearch, Azure SQL


无服务器,章鱼部署,团队指导,OpenID Connect (OIDC), DCOM, Amazon Kinesis,语义UI


TFS, Docker Compose, Travis CI

2007 - 2008

Postgraduate Diploma in Business Development


2000 - 2002

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science

University of Auckland - Auckland, New Zealand