Krishna Gadiraju,印度海得拉巴的开发商
Krishna is available for hire
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Krishna Gadiraju

Verified Expert  in Engineering

AWS Developer

Hyderabad, India
Toptal Member Since
November 4, 2021

Krishna has been working at Verizon and has proudly been part of huge programs such as AWS cloud migration, DevSecOps transformation, API-first approach, 和呼叫中心自动化与谷歌云. 他的专长包括多云架构, DevSecOps transformation, effective communication, strategic leadership, AWS, and Google Cloud. 他的成就包括2021年要跟进的21个GCP建设者, 100,000+ YouTube subscribers, 并在AWS re:Invent大会上发表演讲.


Chumly Giftcard Solutions Ltd
谷歌云平台(GCP), DevOps,谷歌云扳手,Kubernetes, GitOps...
Cortina, INC.
Amazon Web Services、AWS IAM、Amazon Virtual Private Cloud、VPN...




Preferred Environment

Linux, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Slack

The most amazing...

...experience I've had is getting the opportunity to present one of my solutions at AWS re:Invent.

Work Experience

DevOps Engineer

2022 - 2023
Chumly Giftcard Solutions Ltd
  • 使用Terraform和GitHub Actions创建GCP着陆区和自动部署. Enabled DevSecOps pipelines to deploy using GitHub Actions and to detect early security vulnerabilities.
  • 为GCP和谷歌Kubernetes Engine (GKE)设置端到端Datadog监控. Enabled application performance monitoring (APM) capabilities and alert monitors in Datadog. 使用Argo CD和Kubernetes管理蓝绿色部署.
  • Identified gaps in the implementation and tightened the cloud security using identity and access management (IAM) controls and workload identity federation in GCP and GKE.
Technologies: 谷歌云平台(GCP), DevOps,谷歌云扳手,Kubernetes, GitOps, Argo CD, GitHub Actions, GitHub, Datadog, Agile, Scrum, Terraform, Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Cloud Security, DevSecOps, APM, Kubernetes Operations (kOps), Blue-green Deployment, Logging, Continuous Delivery (CD), Continuous Integration (CI)

DevSecOps Engineer

2022 - 2022
Cortina, INC.
  • Created AWS accounts/landing zones from scratch and streamlined AWS IAM for existing accounts. 使用策略模拟器收紧IAM策略,并遵循最少特权原则.
  • 使用AWS配置和SSM创建自动修复. 使用Cloudflare和ALB在传输过程中启用端到端加密. 使用Terraform自动化/启用AWS VPC流量日志.
  • Followed Agile and DevSecOps processes to automate workloads, provisioning on AWS using GitLab CI/CD.
  • Conduct regular vulnerability assessments as part of your ongoing cloud security strategy to stay ahead of emerging threats and maintain a strong security posture.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services、AWS IAM、Amazon Virtual Private Cloud、VPN, Networking, AWS HA, Terraform, GitLab CI/CD, AWS Config, DevSecOps, Jira Align, Agile DevOps, Cloudflare, AWS Systems Manager, Costs, Management, Infrastructure as Code (IaC), Continuous Delivery (CD), Continuous Integration (CI), Threat Modeling, Vulnerability Assessment

DevOps Engineer

2021 - 2022
  • Set up a Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) private cluster with only access to the authorized network. Did this for development and staging.
  • 在一个GKE集群上安装并配置了Argo CD. 这有助于实现端到端的GitOps实践.
  • Created GitHub Actions for five microservices to configure auto-deploy on the development using the GKE cluster.
  • Created Docker images for five microservices and deployed them on the cluster for end-to-end testing. 使用GitHub Actions设置Terraform自动化来创建GKE集群.
Technologies: DevOps、GitOps、谷歌Cloud、谷歌云平台(GCP), Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Kubernetes, Helm, Docker, Argo CD, GitHub, Terraform, GitHub API, GitHub Actions, Infrastructure as Code (IaC), Continuous Delivery (CD), Continuous Integration (CI)

Senior Architect

2021 - 2021
  • 领导平台安全团队,负责整个AWS的安全云工作负载, GCP, and Azure.
  • Identified a security vulnerability in GCP and rearchitected the GCP key management process using workload identify federation.
  • Managed the team using Agile/Scrum. 在Verizon应用程序中使用42Crunch建立API安全性.
  • 具有威胁建模技术经验, effectively identifying and analyzing potential security risks to ensure proactive risk mitigation.
  • 熟练掌握在云环境中进行漏洞评估, including AWS and Google Cloud, 确保全面覆盖基于云的应用程序和服务.
Technologies: Leadership, Cloud Security, Security, APIs, 42Crunch, Prisma, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Agile, Google Cloud, Secure Containers, Kubernetes, AWS IAM, DevSecOps, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Azure, Continuous Delivery (CD), Continuous Integration (CI), Threat Modeling, Vulnerability Assessment

Senior Architect

2020 - 2021
  • 带领工程师团队将用例迁移到呼叫中心AI, a platform powered by Google Cloud. 使用GitLab CI设置谷歌Cloud项目自动化.
  • 授权团队充分操作CCAI平台, 将作业时数减少40%.
  • 领导组织转型,为CCAI建立CI/CD流程. 在团队中建立敏捷和DevOps流程,以有效地交付故事.
Technologies: Leadership, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Dialogflow, GitLab CI/CD, CI/CD Pipelines, System Design, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), GitLab, Infrastructure as Code (IaC), Continuous Delivery (CD), Continuous Integration (CI)

Distinguished Member of Technical Staff

2019 - 2020
  • 架构语音应用程序并将其从本地迁移到AWS. Established CI/CD processes, cost governance, test automation, and test-driven development.
  • Achieved an increase of unit testing from 1% to 15% in two months by introducing sonar checks in the CI pipeline. 采用云原生服务架构,改变设计, which helped achieve 40% cost savings.
  • Architected conversational AI service architecture for chat and voice from GCP to AWS services. 与安全、治理和其他涉众一起工作,运行体系结构审查. 架构GCP日志,使用pub-sub将日志流传输到AWS.
  • 为使用AWS API网关的应用程序实现弹性架构. 用Lambda取代EC2,成本降低了70%.
Technologies: Google Cloud ML, Cloud Engineering, Cloud Migration, Modernization, Applications, APIs, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Amazon API Gateway, Amazon Web Services (AWS), GitOps, Git, Infrastructure as Code (IaC), Continuous Delivery (CD), Continuous Integration (CI)

Senior Member of Technical Staff

2017 - 2019
  • Implemented architecture patterns for applications as part of Verizon enterprise shift from data center-centric model to public cloud-first model to drive IT efficiency and modernization.
  • Architected a solution using ServiceNow and AWS Service Catalog to allow developers to provision AWS resources. Presented at AWS re:Invent on the same.
  • Contributed to the AWS Config service to replace current in-house remediation practices and gave feedback to the AWS PM team to improve the service. Coordinated with IT security to implement the best cloud governance IAM permissions and policies.
  • Delivered CloudFormation blueprint templates and ran a cloud share program for enterprise business units to accelerate the cloud journey. 这包括创建Terraform模板和移动模板的Git管道.
  • 通过实现IAM权限启用新的AWS服务. 与供应商合作实现谷歌云平台项目创建.
  • Architected post-provisioning software installation using AWS Systems Manager and wrote a blog article on the AWS website.
Technologies: AWS Cloud Architecture, AWS Certified Solution Architect, AWS DevOps, AWS Systems Manager, AWS Certified SysOps Administrator, AWS Certified DevOps Engineer, System Design, Amazon Web Services (AWS), AWS IAM, Cloud Security, Terraform, Cloud Infrastructure, Google Cloud, DevOps, Git, GitOps, Infrastructure as Code (IaC), Continuous Delivery (CD), Continuous Integration (CI)

DevOps Manager

2016 - 2017
  • Led the team to develop an award-winning DevOps dashboard from an open-source tool currently used by 6,000+ people, including managers and directors, to track DevOps progress.
  • 推动网络系统(事业部)AWS云迁移和数字化转型. 领导一个11人的团队,将应用程序从本地迁移到AWS. 在第一届Verizon TechDay上展示了DevOps仪表板解决方案.
  • Ran enterprise-wide DevOps Cup in Verizon India to migrate applications to DevOps tools and used the DevOps dashboard to measure the metrics. Empowered the team to adopt DevOps and Agile practices and increased overall velocity by 40%.
  • Received the Verizon SVP certificate of recognition for the DevOps migration program at Verizon India.
Technologies: DevOps, CI/CD Pipelines, Ansible, Agile, Leadership, Jenkins, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Agile DevOps, Continuous Delivery (CD), Continuous Integration (CI)

Consultant System Development

2015 - 2016
  • 举办棕包会议,帮助团队了解DevOps和实现CI/CD. 使用DevOps工具如Git, Jenkins和Ansible实现CI/CD管道.
  • 使用Apache实现SSO设置,并对迁移到AWS的所有应用程序进行模板化. Created POCs with Docker containers.
  • 使用Hygieia架构并实现了DevOps仪表板的POC. Expanded the scope of the application by implementing an aggregated metrics dashboard and collaborated with the Capital One team.
Technologies: DevOps, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Linux, Ansible, Jenkins, Git, Operations, Agile DevOps, CI/CD Pipelines, Docker, Linux Administration, Infrastructure as Code (IaC), Continuous Delivery (CD), Continuous Integration (CI)

Senior System Engineer

2014 - 2015
  • Held brown bag sessions on DevOps and CI/CD to the client and set up Jenkins pipeline with Ansible. Wrote Terraform templates along with Linux administration for the clients in the same project.
  • Implemented a high-availability Drupal solution with varnish caching to sustain high traffic (POC).
  • 创建和修改Jenkins脚本,以便在OpenShift上部署应用程序. 在OpenShift Origin M4上创建POC,并与客户端进行分析.
Technologies: DevOps, Git, Red Hat OpenShift, CI/CD Pipelines, Jenkins, Ansible, Proof of Concept (POC), Linux, 高可用性灾难恢复(HADR), Design Systems, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Linux Administration, Terraform, Continuous Delivery (CD), Continuous Integration (CI)

Software Engineer

2011 - 2014
CA Technologies
  • 使用Ansible剧本为开发人员和QA自动化一个CA SaaS平台.
  • 创建了一个CA SiteMinder设置和配置,并使用TeamCity构建了一个集成.
  • Conducted Ansible deployments on Amazon and manual and automated QA for platform resilience testing. Followed Agile and DevOps practices.
Technologies: Manual QA, QA Testing, QA Automation, Selenium IDE, Ansible, OpenShift, TeamCity, Shell Scripting, Rally, Agile Sprints, Scrum, DevOps, Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Senior Product DBA

2010 - 2011
The Pyro Group Companies
  • Upgraded Oracle database from 10g to 11gR2 with minimal downtime of a mission-critical application for one of the largest telecom companies in India, 提高应用程序性能并保持在规定的停机时间内.
  • Implemented a cost-effective HA solution for MySQL using DRBD for a customer and received a spotlight award for the same. 受管理和支持的端到端客户机Linux服务器(Linux管理).
  • 为关键电信应用提供数据库支持, automated DB backups using Shell, 与开发人员协调调优数据库, and implemented Oracle Data Guard.
Technologies: Oracle Database Tuning, Database Administration (DBA), Linux, MySQL DBA, Shell Scripting, Linux Administration, Oracle Database

Software Engineer

2008 - 2010
  • 回复客户端邮件并修复1级问题. 支持客户端和管理Linux服务器. Provided end-to-end Linux administration.
  • 编写和修改shell脚本,用于监控Linux系统和Oracle数据库.
  • Conducted web development for based on HTML and PHP.
Technologies: PHP, Linux, Oracle Database, HTML, Shell Scripting, Linux Administration, Database Administration (DBA)

We needed a solution to implement application deployment as part of the design using ServiceNow and AWS Service Catalog. I worked on the solution to introduce AWS Systems Manager (AWS SSM) and Ansible to help application teams configure their applications.

Architecting AWS Service Catalog

AWS云发放平台,供非技术人员发放AWS服务. This solution was widely adopted in the company and helped the cloud migration process for application teams. It required working with AWS BA and SAs to use Service Catalog and ServiceNow connector to create the cloud formation templates as products.

Vlogging as Cloud Advocate on YouTube
关于云计算和DevSecOps主题的内容创建. 我广泛地报道了GCP,因为我觉得它的内容比AWS少.

Here are some statistics:
• subscriber base of 78,900.
• 98% average likes.


Ansible, Git, Jenkins, AWS IAM, Terraform, Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), AWS Systems Manager, GitLab CI/CD, AWS CloudFormation, Helm, GitHub, Slack, TeamCity, Rally, Dialogflow, Prisma, GitLab, Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), VPN, Logging


DevOps, DevSecOps, Agile, Continuous Delivery (CD), Continuous Integration (CI), Scrum, Management


Linux, Docker, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Kubernetes, Oracle Database, OpenShift, Red Hat OpenShift, AWS Lambda, YouTube, Azure


Google Cloud, Oracle Database Tuning, Database Administration (DBA), Google Cloud Spanner, Datadog


Shell Scripting, CI/CD Pipelines, AWS Cloud Architecture, AWS DevOps, AWS Certified SysOps Administrator, AWS Certified DevOps Engineer, Cloud Security, Cloud Migration, Leadership, Cloud Infrastructure, System Administration, Linux Administration, Infrastructure as Code (IaC), System Design, AWS Service Catalog, Video Editing, GitOps, Argo CD, Networking, Operating Systems, MySQL DBA, Manual QA, QA Testing, QA Automation, Selenium IDE, Agile Sprints, Proof of Concept (POC), 高可用性灾难恢复(HADR), Design Systems, Operations, Agile DevOps, AWS Certified Solution Architect, Google Cloud ML, Cloud Engineering, Amazon API Gateway, 42Crunch, Secure Containers, Presentations, GitHub Actions, AWS Config, Jira Align, Cloudflare, Applications, Modernization, APIs, APM, Kubernetes Operations (kOps), Blue-green Deployment, Costs, Threat Modeling, Vulnerability Assessment






GitHub API

Industry Expertise


2003 - 2007

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science

Osmania University - Hyderabad, India



Google Cloud

JULY 2021 - JULY 2024


Google Cloud


Microsoft Certified: Azure Fundamentals


JUNE 2018 - DECEMBER 2021


Amazon Web Services

JUNE 2017 - DECEMBER 2021


Amazon Web Services