Jonathan Alfred Weekes, Developer in Saint Leonards, United Kingdom
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Jonathan Alfred Weekes

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Saint Leonards, United Kingdom
Toptal Member Since
March 11, 2019

Jonathan has nine years of experience performing development roles. 他对可扩展的前端和后端web开发有直观和扎实的理解, macOS and Linux software development and architecture, 以及iOS和Android应用程序开发——无论是在专业还是个人环境中.


Analog Republic
OpenGL, Docker, Gulp, SCSS, JavaScript, Go, C, PHP, Java, Objective-C, Swift...
YAML, Ruby on Rails (RoR), User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI)...
Playne Design
Python, Ruby on Rails (RoR), PHP,用户体验(UX),用户界面(UI)...




Preferred Environment

Git, Xcode, Sublime Text, MacOS, Linux

The most amazing...

...project I've built has to be Artisan, 用c++编写的多平台游戏引擎,带有嵌入式和扩展的Lua,用于极简脚本.

Work Experience

Remote Software Engineer

2016 - 2018
Analog Republic
  • 使用定制的PHP MVC和Docker开发一个web应用程序,以确保后端API和前端使用2FA登录的用户系统, internal messaging system, and many forms.
  • 参与OpenGL macOS桌面应用实现其IP远程团队管理和通信软件, 实现一个未记录的测试版C AV流SDK到AVFoundation I/O.
  • 构建原生iOS和Android扫描应用程序来扫描门票,并根据api检查其代码(我也构建了api),用于扫描音乐节上的数千张门票. I made apps for both platforms in one day.
  • Developed a "scarf builder" UI module for RedBull that allowed to add, remove, drag and drop, resize and rotate "stickers" onto a scarf as well as pick a backdrop. This would then be rendered into a canvas and be saveable as a PNG.
  • 为Pearl Jam制作了一个广播弹出窗口,利用他们已经在运行的Icecast,并通过HTML5音频标签进行流媒体播放.
Technologies: OpenGL, Docker, Gulp, SCSS, JavaScript, Go, C, PHP, Java, Objective-C, Swift, Android, iOS, PostgreSQL, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Xcode, CSS3, MySQL, HTML5, PHP 7, PHP MVC, Git, Cross-platform, Node.js, WebGL, Android Studio, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Windows, Ajax, Content Management Systems (CMS), AVFoundation, MVC Frameworks, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Concurrent Programming, MacOS, MySQLi, Sublime Text, CSS, HTML, Multithreading, Software Architecture, Animation, APIs, iOS Camera, GLSL

Software Engineer

2015 - 2016
  • 维护和部署用于制造业管理的web应用程序的新实例. 在新实例上做了很多工作来构建报告输出——我主动创建了一个系统来自动完成这些工作.
  • Worked from beginning to end, 通过将这些规范解释并开发成Rails后端和前端架构,确保应用程序的新实例符合每个客户端的独特规范.
  • 熟练掌握Ruby,虽然我更喜欢Go,但我目前对它有好感.
Technologies: YAML, Ruby on Rails (RoR), User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), JavaScript, CSS3, jQuery, MySQL, HTML5, Ruby, Git, Ajax, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Concurrent Programming, SCSS, Sublime Text, CSS, HTML, Software Architecture, Animation, APIs, React

Software Engineer and Full-stack Developer

2013 - 2015
Playne Design
  • Worked in-house at Playne Design, 从简单的带有CMS的动态商业网站到伦敦议会的成熟的社交媒体平台.
  • Picked up a lot of my PHP experience here, 因为许多项目让WordPress不仅仅是一个博客工具.
  • 使用Python和Ruby on Rails构建内部服务器基础设施,以加快内部流程,如测试HTML电子邮件. 我还使用Git钩子在本地登台服务器上自动部署,使他们的web开发工作流程更加流畅.
  • 与设计师并肩工作,确保成品的每一个元素都达到标准. 直到今天,我仍然在我的大型自由职业合同中使用这种方法.
Technologies: Python, Ruby on Rails (RoR), PHP,用户体验(UX),用户界面(UI), JavaScript, Linux, CSS3, jQuery, WordPress, MySQL, HTML5, PHP 7, Ruby, Git, Ajax, Content Management Systems (CMS), Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Concurrent Programming, MySQLi, SCSS, Sublime Text, CSS, HTML, Multithreading, Software Architecture, Animation, APIs

Jet2 Installation iOS App

This project was a fun one. 它包括构建一个应用程序,作为一个在英国许多主要城市巡回演出的装置的界面, 收集了数百个视频和报名参加派对飞机比赛的人,因为它在移动互联网上到处都是, too!).

There was no room for error, 这个应用程序需要非常健壮,以应对它在每个城市遇到的大量用户, on top of the necessary use of mobile data to send/receive all data. With this in mind, 我确保缓冲API请求(要么发送并从缓冲区中删除,要么在请求失败时留在缓冲区中),并保持所有内容的安全备份.

该应用程序还提供了使用设置面板更改相机设置的方法. This allowed the exposure bias, manual exposure, 和RGB色调调整现场,以确保一个完美的图像输出,避免不可用的内容.

Additionally, 我被叫去做一些网络工作,以便在Jet2的服务器上注册(在飞行中上传的)YouTube视频, saving the team a lot of hassle at a mission-critical time.


我参与的这个项目包括利用一个定制的基于滚动的JavaScript动画引擎构建一个完整的页面前端演示, Gulp/SCSS/UglifyJS for production-level compression and compatibility, 以及基于go的HTTPS web服务器和Ajax端点,用于使用SendGrid API进行联系表单和邮件列表注册. I also worked as a project manager, art director, copywriter and took complete creative control over every animation.

这个项目最好的部分是思考和构建动画, 特别是基于HTML5画布的挥舞旗帜和使用物理引擎逼真地动画硬币的小费罐.

This, combined with Matt's brilliantly tailored design, makes this a fantastic addition to my portfolio that I'm very proud of.



Artisan的重点是为原型设计提供一个强大、高效、直观、简单的开发环境, building, and deploying native interactive experiences.

Artisan currently features:
• Lua extension headers to provide a more modern, minimal, and linguistic language with array and hash types, classes, and more
• Full pretty print logging of every object type in Lua
• Vector drawing API
• Box2D physics
• Audio and music

z- brute是我在Python中构建的一个多核密码暴力破解工具,用于帮助丢失密码的Tezos ICO贡献者. The best part of this project has to have been making it threaded.


CSS, HTML, JavaScript, Python, Lua, PHP 7, Go, Ruby, C++, Swift, SCSS, HTML5, CSS3, Java, PHP, YAML, Objective-C, C, GLSL


Ruby on Rails (RoR), PHP MVC, Box2D


React, jQuery, SDL, OpenGL, OpenGL ES, WebGL, Node.js


Xcode, Sublime Text, Gulp, Makefile, Git, Android Studio




iOS, WordPress, MacOS, Linux, Arduino,树莓派,Android, Docker, Windows


MySQL, MySQLi, PostgreSQL, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), MongoDB


AVFoundation, User Experience (UX), Ajax, User Interface (UI), MVC Frameworks, Content Management Systems (CMS), Multithreading, Software Architecture, Animation, Web Project Management, Art Direction, Copywriting, Game Physics, APIs, iOS Camera

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