Iduart Dean Barrios, Medellín开发者——哥伦比亚安蒂奥基亚
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Iduart Dean Barrios

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Front-end Web Developer

Medellín - Antioquia, Colombia
Toptal Member Since
December 10, 2021

Iduart是一名拥有9年经验的全栈开发人员和技术领导者, specializing in front-end development with JavaScript and React. 他还使用过各种各样的技术,包括PHP, .NET, jQuery, Angular, Durandal, Node.js, MongoDB, Elasticsearch, Oracle, and MySQL. Iduart曾在教育、医疗、房地产和电子商务领域工作.


React, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, GraphQL, Figma, Gatsby, Sass, Cypress...
TalkShopLive, LLC
JavaScript, HTML, CSS, React, Webpack, Redux, Redux- saga, PubNub, Git, GitHub...
JavaScript, HTML, CSS, React, Next.js, Cypress, CircleCI, GitHub, Mapbox, Sass...




Preferred Environment

MacOS, Slack, Chrome, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), React, Redux, Redux- saga, JavaScript

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Gatsby Developer

2023 - 2023
  • 使用React和Gatsby开发和维护公司的主要网站. Implemented A/B tests in collaboration with marketing, aiding user engagement and conversion improvements.
  • Managed several projects concurrently, 通过有效的沟通和任务优先级成功地满足最后期限和利益相关者的要求.
  • 通过清理陈旧的A/B测试代码提高了代码库质量,并通过创建可重用的UI组件为开发新的设计系统做出了贡献.
Technologies: React, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, GraphQL, Figma, Gatsby, Sass, Cypress, Unit Testing, JavaScript 6, JavaScript 5, HTML, CSS3, CSS3 Animation, Debugging, Contentful, drift, Optimizely, A/B Testing, Stakeholder Management, Marketo, SaaS, SCSS, Netlify

React Developer

2023 - 2023
TalkShopLive, LLC
  • 将主应用程序聊天从WebSockets迁移到PubNub服务, 确保为用户提供更健壮和可扩展的实时通信系统.
  • Implemented the PubNub authorization flow on the front end, 简化用户认证流程,增强整体安全措施.
  • Developed all UI elements in React, 创建直观且具有视觉吸引力的用户界面,以改进用户体验并促进聊天应用程序内的无缝交互.
Technologies: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, React, Webpack, Redux, Redux- saga, PubNub, Git, GitHub, Debugging, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), Authorization, REST APIs, SCSS

React/Python Full-stack Developer

2022 - 2023
  • 合作重新设计了一个新的工作流程,用于评估种植者领域是否符合碳信用计划, 简化评估过程,提高管理面板的整体效率.
  • 为内部支持工具开发用户友好的UI组件, 使支持人员能够有效地对种植者的田地进行分类,并轻松确定他们是否适合该计划.
  • Implemented data-driven features within the admin panel, facilitating real-time insights and accurate assessments, 是什么促成了越来越多的合格领域被纳入碳信用计划.
Technologies: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, React, Next.js, Cypress, CircleCI, GitHub, Mapbox, Sass, Jira, Flask, Python 3, Python, PostgreSQL, SQL, SAML, LogRocket, Datadog, Slack, PagerDuty, Debugging, Jinja

React/Node.js Full-stack Developer

2022 - 2023
TalkShopLive, LLC
  • 为分析仪表板设计并实现了一个组件体系结构, 在基于react的环境中增强可重用性和简化开发.
  • Developed a comprehensive components library, including data-driven cards with graphs and filterable tables, 是什么促成了类似于Google Analytics的无缝和交互式用户体验.
  • Optimized SQL queries and crafted a robust Node.js back end for report generation, 提高数据检索效率,并确保可靠的数据管道为仪表板UI提供数据.
Technologies: React, Node.js, PostgreSQL, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, CSS3, Figma, Jest, SQL, Redux, Redux-Saga, Analytics, GitHub, CircleCI, Cypress, Debugging, Webpack

Contentful Developer

2022 - 2022
OpenPayd Services Limited
  • Developed a feature to dynamically generate static pages in Nuxt.js when pages are added in Contentful.
  • 增加了主要营销网站的国际化支持.
  • Improve SEO tags and metadata for Nuxt.js static site generation.
Technologies: Nuxt.js, Contentful, JavaScript, HTML, CSS3, Tailwind CSS, Vuex, Vue, GitLab, GitLab CI/CD, Netlify, Vue SSR, Axios, Unit Testing, Webpack

React Developer

2022 - 2022
Crush & Lovely LLC
  • 作为一个工作流管理应用程序的React开发人员.
  • Developed a module for automated rules by setting a trigger, conditions, 和自动执行的操作(像Jira中的自动规则). The tech stack was React, Redux, and Formik.
  • 与客户一起发现需求,组织待办事项,并为每次迭代创建任务.
Technologies: React, HTML, CSS, Redux, Formik, JSDoc, GitHub, PostgreSQL, Azure SQL Databases, Debugging, JavaScript, Bootstrap, React-Bootstrap, Less, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), REST APIs, Webpack

Senior React Native Developer

2021 - 2022
  • 在单线程中实现了一个React Native项目,以共享web和移动代码依赖.
  • 开发了一个使用数字钱包支付财产分成的模块.
  • 在所有手机应用测试确定的日期内完成最小可行产品(MVP)所需的所有开发.
Technologies: React Native, React, Docker, PostgreSQL, Apollo, GraphQL, Lerna, Monorepos, Mobile, GitHub, Next.js, JavaScript, Dwolla API, Plaid API, Plaid, TypeScript, Jest, Automated Testing, Android, Debugging, iOS, Formik, Tailwind CSS, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), REST APIs, Webpack

Senior React Developer

2020 - 2022
Sunrise Integration
  • 为电子商务平台开发React Native移动应用程序,用于展示实时视频以推广和销售产品.
  • Built an API documentation site by combining several sources, such as OpenAPI specs, custom JSON files, and Contentful and company-specific data. The tech stack was Vue/Nuxt.js and Firestore.
  • Developed a product management application based on Vue/Nuxt.js and MySQL.
Technologies: React, Redux, MobX, React Native, Nuxt.js, Vuex, Vue, Sentry, HTML5, HTML, CSS, CSS5, JavaScript, Algolia, Cloud Firestore, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Amazon EC2, REST APIs, Git, GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, Unit Testing, E2E Testing, Jest, Enzyme, Chai, Cypress, Styled-components, SaaS, Web Accessibility, Accessibility, A11Y, Debugging, Web Platforms, Mobile, Mobile Apps, Contentful, Automated Testing, Android, iOS, Bootstrap, React-Bootstrap, Less, Tailwind CSS, Vue 2, Webpack

Technical Lead

2021 - 2021
TEAM International
  • 参与一个网站从Create React App到Next的迁移.js.
  • Conducted interviews to recruit front-end developers for my team.
  • 领导一个四人开发团队,按时计划和交付项目.
Technologies: React, Redux, Next.js, Team Leadership, Create React App, TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Amazon EC2, GitHub, PostgreSQL, Git, GitLab, Cypress, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Unit Testing, Jest, Chai, Enzyme, E2E Testing, Styled-components, SaaS, Web Platforms, Debugging, Automated Testing, Bootstrap, React-Bootstrap, Less, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), REST APIs, Webpack

Senior React and Node.js Developer

2019 - 2021
  • Designed front-end patterns to reduce development time.
  • 为某房地产企业开发预防性维护调度模块.
  • 通过提供新模式,改进了前端开发人员的体验.
Technologies: React, Redux, Redux-Saga, Node.js, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Git, GitHub, Amazon EC2, Unit Testing, E2E Testing, Cypress, Jest, Enzyme, Chai, Debugging, Web Platforms, Automated Testing, Bootstrap, React-Bootstrap, Less, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), REST APIs, Webpack, SCSS

Senior Developer and Technical Lead

2014 - 2019
Condor Labs
  • Progressed from a mid-level developer to a technical leader.
  • Led the development of a new section of the company using React, Redux, and Redux-Saga on the front end; consuming an API in Node.js and Express.js; and using different storage services and databases, such as Elasticsearch, MongoDB, and Oracle.
  • Built an application from scratch to search for courses, using React on the front end and a mix of C#, Elasticsearch, and Oracle on the back end.
Technologies: React, Node.js、JavaScript、Redux、Redux- saga、Elasticsearch、Oracle、MongoDB、c#.NET, SQL, Durandal, jQuery, Express.js、C、GraphQL、HTML、CSS、Git、GitHub、Amazon EC2、Unit Testing、Jest、Sinon.JS, Enzyme, Chai, Debugging, Web Platforms, Automated Testing, Less, Sass, Bootstrap, React-Bootstrap, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), REST APIs, MUI (formerly Material UI), Webpack, Gatsby, SCSS

Junior Software Developer

2012 - 2014
Blinsoft Tecnologia e Información
  • Provided post-implementation support and mentorship for clients.
  • 开发了一个医疗保健平台,用于跟踪临床病史、账单和程序.
  • 设计并开发了一个管理和自动生成法律文件模板的平台.
Technologies: PHP, Zend Framework, Laravel, MySQL, JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, CSS, Amazon EC2, GitHub, Git, Debugging, Web Platforms, Bootstrap, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), REST APIs, OAuth, MUI (formerly Material UI)

CE Broker
一个持续教育跟踪平台,帮助专业人士遵守美国的法规和州要求. 我管理的团队建立了一个平台,监管委员会可以在这个平台上确定一个人是否合规.

Recharge API Docs
在Sunrise Integration,我设计了架构并开发了Recharge API文档. 该站点是通过阅读OpenAPI规范和其他自定义公司信息自动生成的. The tech stack included Nuxt.js (client/server) and Firestore database.

一个基于React和Django的房地产管理web应用程序. I was the main front-end developer working on several modules, including communications and preventive maintenance. I also contributed to refactors, implementation of new patterns, memory leak fixes, 和性能改进使用Chrome DevTools性能和内存选项卡.


JavaScript, CSS, HTML, HTML5, Less, SCSS, GraphQL, Sass, C#.. NET, SQL, PHP, C, TypeScript, CSS3, Python 3, Python, SAML, JavaScript 6, JavaScript 5


Redux, React Native, Jest, Bootstrap, React-Bootstrap, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), Express.js, Cypress, Tailwind CSS, MUI (formerly Material UI), Nuxt.js, Zend Framework, Laravel, Durandal, Next.js, Django, Vue SSR, Flask, Jinja


React, Redux-Saga, Sinon.JS, Chai, REST APIs, Node.js、Vue、jQuery、Vuex、MobX、OpenAPI、Bitbucket API、Dwolla API、Plaid API、Formik、Vue 2、PubNub


Create React App, GitHub, Git, Sentry, Chrome Developer Tools, Bitbucket, Ngrok, GitLab, Lerna, Plaid, GitLab CI/CD, Webpack, Figma, CircleCI, Jira, Slack, Optimizely


Unit Testing, E2E Testing, Automated Testing


Front-end, CSS5, Enzyme, Styled-components, OAuth, Axios, APIs, SaaS, Web Accessibility, Accessibility, Accessible Design, Mobile Apps, Gatsby, Team Leadership, A11Y, Debugging, Web Platforms, Apollo, Monorepos, JSDoc, Analytics, Authorization, LogRocket, CSS3 Animation, drift, A/B Testing, Stakeholder Management


Amazon EC2, Mobile, Algolia, Oracle, Contentful, Docker, Android, iOS, Netlify, Mapbox, PagerDuty, Marketo


MySQL, PostgreSQL, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), MongoDB, Elasticsearch, Cloud Firestore, Azure SQL Databases, Datadog