Edoardo Barp,卢森堡市的开发商
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Edoardo Barp

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Data Scientist and Back-end Developer

Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
Toptal Member Since
August 29, 2022

Edoardo是一位非常有成就的数据科学家,拥有强大的软件开发背景, specializing in driving innovation through R&D项目、自动化和人工智能. 拥有成功领导多家早期创业公司的良好记录, Edoardo拥有引导项目从概念到无缝实现的独特能力.


React, AWS CloudFront, AWS Lambda, Google API, Python, FastAPI, PostgreSQL...
Opali Analytics
Rust, Python 3, AWS Lambda, AWS CloudFormation, TypeScript, Webpack, Bootstrap...
精炼API, Python 3, Python, Pandas,数据科学,数据可视化...




Preferred Environment

Linux, Python 3, Rust, Neo4j, PyCharm, Docker, Scikit-learn, PyTorch, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Apollo Server

The most amazing...

...project I've led, researched, 并实现了一个基于ml的解决方案,能够以每秒5GB的速度检测原始数据中的shellcode网络攻击.

Work Experience

Full-stack Developer

2023 - PRESENT
  • 使用React和Python/FastAPI创建网站的前端和后端.
  • 开发日历同步算法,并与Google API和webhooks集成.
  • Integrated Paddle.com payment provider with a subscription mechanism.
Technologies: React, AWS CloudFront, AWS Lambda, Google API, Python, FastAPI, PostgreSQL, Paddle, API Development


2023 - PRESENT
Opali Analytics
  • 设计了一个DynamoDB数据库,以支持极其快速和负担得起的分析事件.
  • Developed a REST API in Python on AWS (Lambda, API网关)处理所有与用户相关的请求:支付, website management, and dashboard.
  • 使用Bootstrap和TypeScript设计并开发了一个仪表板.
  • 在Rust中开发事件处理,减少延迟.
Technologies: Rust, Python 3, AWS Lambda, AWS CloudFormation, TypeScript, Webpack, Bootstrap, Amazon DynamoDB, FastAPI, Full-stack, ChatGPT, API Development

Data Engineer and Scientist

2023 - 2023
  • 开发了一个数据管道,从refintive API获取信息并进行处理.
  • 创建了一个分析管道来跟踪市场异常并触发警报.
  • 收集有关公司网站的信息,使用GPT创建自定义报告.
Technologies: 精炼API, Python 3, Python, Pandas,数据科学,数据可视化, Scraping, GPT

Neo4j Cypher Queries Developer

2023 - 2023
Public Defence
  • 接管了一个废弃的仓库并更新了所有过时的协议.
  • 编写一个最佳的数据管道,在不到一天的时间内处理1tb的数据(以前的版本需要几个月的时间).
  • 创建复杂的数据分析Neo4j Cypher查询,以检测欺诈性区块链交易.
  • 创建复杂的Neo4j Cypher查询来跟踪交易资金流,并提供分析来证明接收钱包的所有权.
Technologies: Neo4j, Cypher, Graph Databases, Python, Blockchain, Bitcoin, Data Science, Data Engineering

Cloud and Neo4j Developer

2022 - 2023
  • 实现多个可靠智能合约来处理拍卖机制, sponsoring, and general NFT exchanges.
  • 构建Google云平台的容器化部署流程.
  • 利用图论和机器学习为用户实现了一个社会化推荐系统.
  • 实现和维护Neo4j/GraphQL API,包括编写多个自定义函数.
Technologies: Neo4j, GraphQL, Apollo Server, Node.js, Cypher, Docker, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Solidity, API Integration, Web Servers, Cloud Deployment, OpenAI GPT-3 API, Software, Software Development, API Development, Data Engineering

Chief Technology Officer

2020 - 2022
X80 Security
  • 创建了一个基于api的自动代理,不断地从客户端数据源提取数据, such as AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform, GitHub, and Google Workspace, into our storage awaiting processing.
  • 在Neo4j上设计并实现了图形结构来加载客户端的数据, including infrastructure, assets, users, and permissions. 它允许团队分析复杂的关系并发现安全漏洞.
  • 概述并开发了上述图表的框架, 允许开发人员和数据科学家轻松扩展结构并添加新的分析模型以进行持续改进.
  • 创建在客户的AWS和GCP云上运行的自动漏洞扫描程序,以持续分析其实例并报告任何新问题.
Technologies: Product Strategy, Competitive Strategy, Product Management, Data Science, Team Management, Graph Theory, Roadmaps, Neo4j, Python, REST APIs, AWS Lambda, Amazon Web Services (AWS), AWS CloudFormation, Architecture, Enterprise Systems, APIs, Web Development, GraphQL, Cypher, Airtable, Amazon CloudFront CDN, Linux Servers, NGINX, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), SQL, Amazon EC2, SaaS, B2B, GitHub, API Integration, Web Servers, Cloud Deployment, Azure, System Architecture, Software, CTO, Venture Funding, Venture Capital, Software Development, API Development, Data Engineering

VP of Engineering

2019 - 2020
X80 Security
  • 在Rust中研发基于机器学习的高性能软件,能够检测原始网络数据中的shellcode网络安全威胁.
  • 使用Docker将解决方案容器化,使其易于在内部部署.
  • 在AWS上构建了公司的整个云基础设施.
  • 管理技术路线图,分配任务,指导初级开发人员.
  • 与法国最大的网络安全公司之一签订合同,开发特定的网络攻击检测软件.
  • 用自动备份和安全规则设置Neo4j和PostgreSQL数据库.
  • 使用AWS Lambdas设置隔离环境、防火墙安全规则和REST API.
  • 包括使用CloudFormation进行适当部署的几个AWS服务, such as AWS Lambda, SQS, SNS, Secrets Manager, S3, REST API, RDS, and AWS IoT.
  • 设计并实现公司的python代码库,并在之后管理其开发.
  • 在Rust中开发了RAM扫描器,以便将笔记本电脑的平均速度提高到5 Gbit/s.
Technologies: Python 3, Rust, Docker, Kanban, Team Management, IT Project Management, Cybersecurity, Cloud Infrastructure, Neo4j, REST, Python, REST APIs, AWS Lambda, Amazon Web Services (AWS), AWS CloudFormation, Architecture, Enterprise Systems, APIs, Amazon DynamoDB, Jupyter, Web Development, GraphQL, Cypher, Airtable, Amazon CloudFront CDN, Linux Servers, NGINX, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), SQL, Amazon EC2, SaaS, B2B, GitHub, API Integration, Web Servers, Cloud Deployment, Azure, System Architecture, Software, CTO, Venture Funding, Venture Capital, Software Development, Retool, API Development, Data Engineering

Data Scientist

2018 - 2019
Shift Technology
  • 实现了最先进的模型来检测和读取图片中的汽车牌照.
  • 研究并实施针对意大利特定类型欺诈性索赔的新检测算法.
  • 在意大利的销售会议期间为潜在客户提供技术解释和支持.
  • Created a pipeline to process, load, 每天从我们的客户那里分析几千兆字节的原始数据.
技术:c#,应用研究,异常检测,机器学习,Node.js, Enterprise Systems, Jupyter, Pandas, Web Scraping, Scraping, Video Streaming, SQL, Microsoft Excel, GitHub, Cloud Deployment, Software, Software Development, Refinitive API, Data Engineering

Teacher Assistant

2018 - 2018
University of Warwick
  • 学习CUDA并使用它开发模拟来演示对CPU的速度增益.
  • 教学生什么是GPU,什么是CUDA,什么时候应该考虑它.
  • Participated in the development of CUDA.jl, the Julia CUDA wrapper.
Technologies: GPU Computing, Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), Numerical Analysis, NVIDIA CUDA, Jupyter, Video Streaming, GitHub, Software, Software Development

Lead Back-end Developer

2015 - 2016
  • 设置由MySQL数据库和Ubuntu服务器组成的基础架构.
  • 建立持续开发和集成的CI/CD.
  • 设计并实现整个后端逻辑.
  • 创建了一个REST API与前端交互,并集成了端点.
Technologies: PHP, Marketplaces, cPanel, Payment APIs, SQL, Django, GitHub, Web Servers, Salesforce API, Office 365 API, Software, Software Development



该项目由两大部分组成:研究高速推理模型及其实现. 由于保密协议,我不能透露研究方面的任何细节. Still, 我可以评论的主要问题是,模型应该具有较高的检测率和较低的误报率,以确保误报不会压倒分析师.

主要的项目限制之一是速度,因为它充当防火墙和, therefore, 必须实时决定让数据包通过还是不通过. 据估计,在一台普通笔记本电脑上,该解决方案至少需要达到1gbps的速度. Furthermore, the solution's security was also critical, 是什么让我使用结合了这两个特性的Rust语言. 必须在最低级别的缓存中处理和保存数据,并在CPU级别使用向量化以达到预期的速度.


Created MLJ.jl, Julia's Largest Machine Learning Framework

As part of my master's degree, 我意识到Julia编程语言的生态系统有一个明显的缺点——缺乏统一的机器学习框架, alike scikit in Python.

因此,我设计、构建并实现了该框架的第一个版本. 难点在于设计一个平衡的界面, 一些足够通用的东西,包括所有的模型,但又足够严格,不会太长,也不会太抽象.

By the end of my master's, 十几个最基本的机器学习库已经统一起来, 这个项目引起了艾伦·图灵研究所的注意. 我被邀请在茱莉亚大会上展示它,并最终接管了它,并从那时起继续发展它.

Creator and Owner of Websek.co


•前端使用AWS Lambda的REST API
•调度程序,在需要时使用AWS Lambda和AWS EC2启动EC2分析实例
•使用AWS Lambda验证实例是否正常的监视代理
• An analysis tool based on OWASP ZAP
• A PostgreSQL database
• A simple Bootstrap and jQuery front end

Co-author of a Peer-reviewed Scientific Paper


该项目包括一个数值模型分析,以确定各种属性如何根据环境参数变化. 这种环境存在于三维空间和一维时间的四维晶格上,并且随着晶格的增加而变得越来越精确. 从早期的研究来看,误差范围是可以接受的,从大约100格开始.

Before this paper, 该模型的唯一实现将花费10分钟来模拟一个10格. 这是一个最小的晶格,不能精确地用于数值分析,而且速度太慢.

I redesigned and implemented the model in C, 创建一个软件,可以在几秒钟内模拟160格. With such a performance, we could do a grid search on multiple parameters, 为我们提供了每个参数如何影响结果的全局视图. 这篇论文收集了最重要的结果,并解释了其进一步的含义.

Invester: Stock Price Prediction Bot

A stock price prediction bot written in Julia.

背景故事:我即将完成我的数学学位, 多年来我一直对股票交易感兴趣, I decided to try and write my trading agent. 当时的想法不是做实时算法交易,而是主要做中长期建议.

Tech:我创建了一个框架,允许不同的交易策略,这样我就可以独立地比较不同的想法. 我还执行了回溯测试机制和各种策略, 一些人严重依赖机器学习,而另一些人则遵循更简单的信号. 代码被部署到云端,每天运行, giving a list of the top 10 suggestions to buy.

有趣的观察:算法越复杂, 它对COVID-19早期的处理就越差.

Twitter Sentiment Analysis

A sentiment analysis classifier based on Tweets.

Designed, researched, 并开发了几个分类器来处理和研究推文,并预测情绪是积极的, negative, or neutral.

Train Ticket Cost Optimizer

一个软件刮火车票供应商得到通知时,火车票是在一个有利的价格. 该软件将每天运行,并从多家火车票供应商那里收集数据,为特定路线找到最优惠的价格, with specified constraints, 例如时间段和台数的变化.


Python 3, Python, JavaScript, Cypher, Rust, HTML, CSS, SQL, Solidity, C#, Julia, C, Java, GraphQL, R, PHP, TypeScript


API开发,Scikit-learn, jQuery, Pandas, refintive API, PyTorch, REST API, Node.. js、SQLAlchemy、Salesforce API、Office 365 API、React、Google API


AWS CloudFormation, Jupyter, GitHub, Retool, PyCharm, Microsoft Excel, Amazon CloudFront CDN, NGINX, WiX, Webpack


Data Science, B2B, Anomaly Detection, Kanban, REST


AWS Lambda, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Docker, Amazon EC2, Azure, Linux, NVIDIA CUDA, cPanel, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Blockchain


Neo4j,云部署,PostgreSQL, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon S3 (AWS S3),图数据库


APIs, API Integration, Software, Software Development, Data Engineering, Machine Learning, Graph Theory, Algebra, Architecture, Web Scraping, Scraping, Linux Servers, Data Scraping, SaaS, Web Servers, OpenAI GPT-3 API, System Architecture, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Statistics, Applied Research, Physics, Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Game Theory, Reinforcement Learning, Bayesian Inference & Modeling, Scientific Computing, Team Management, IT Project Management, Cloud Infrastructure, Product Strategy, Competitive Strategy, Product Management, Roadmaps, Software Architecture, eBPF, Optimization, Enterprise Systems, GPU Computing, Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), Numerical Analysis, Bots, Web Development, Trading, Stock Trading, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Airtable, Apollo Server, Video Streaming, Marketplaces, Payment APIs, Data Analysis, GPT, Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT), CTO, Venture Funding, Venture Capital, FastAPI, Full-stack, ChatGPT, Bitcoin, AWS CloudFront, Paddle, Data Visualization

Industry Expertise



Django, Bootstrap

2017 - 2018


University of Warwick - Warwick, United Kingdom

2014 - 2017

Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics and Physics

University of Warwick - Warwick, United Kingdom