Christos Tsakostas,雅典开发商,希腊雅典市中心
Christos is available for hire
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Christos Tsakostas

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Architecture Developer

Athens, Central Athens, Greece
Toptal Member Since
October 13, 2020

Christos架构和实现帮助企业成长和成功的软件解决方案. 他最大的专长是通过结合不同领域和技术的知识有效地解决问题. 他曾为许多客户和行业工作,包括初创公司和企业组织. 拥有电气和计算机工程硕士学位, 自2001年以来,他一直在专业开发全栈软件.


iptiQ Life
Java, Spring, Apache Kafka, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Team Mentoring, REST




Preferred Environment

亚马逊网络服务(AWS)、GitLab、IntelliJ IDEA、MacOS

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Java and Spring Technical Lead

2021 - PRESENT
iptiQ Life
  • 通过将大约10MB的大引号压缩到0左右,将Amazon DocumentDB与MongoDB兼容的AWS成本降低了大约95倍.1MB.
  • 组织并帮助自动创建以前需要手工操作的保险产品配置, 节省了数百个小时,从而节省了成本.
  • 在Java中实现了一个马尔可夫链模型来计算保费计算中使用的现值.
技术:Java, Spring, Apache Kafka, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Team Mentoring, REST

Software Architect and Engineer

2020 - 2021
  • 基于Hyperledger Fabric区块链实现RESTful Java客户端作为微服务,用于商标注册. 客户是欧洲知识产权局.
  • 实现了一个基于给定语料库将长url缩短为六个字符的微服务. 自适应算法会在当前限制耗尽后自动增加路径所需的字符数.
  • 参与产品地理标志GIView项目. 客户是欧洲知识产权局.
  • 通过生成服务器发送的事件改进了用户体验, 每当添加或更新商标时,在UI上呈现为商标实时变化的垂直时间轴. 客户是欧洲知识产权局.
Technologies: 后端、api、后端开发、服务器发送事件(SSE), Continuous Deployment, Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Development (CD), Architecture, REST APIs, RESTful Development, Mockito, JUnit, Back-end Architecture, Confluence, Jira, Apache Maven, Git, MongoDB, Java, Docker, Kubernetes, Web Applications, Team Mentoring, CQRS, Microservices, Spring Boot, React, REST


2019 - 2020
  • 继续开发公司的Drupal网站,这是由另一个供应商发起的. 修复了初始实现中的几个bug,并根据客户需求实现了变更请求.
  • 根据客户的需求调整Drupal主题, which was based on Bootstrap 4, SCSS, and jQuery.
  • Proposed, designed, 并开发了一个名为Staticfy的Java应用程序,用于将Drupal网站转换为静态网站. 这意味着提高了性能,提高了安全性,降低了客户机的托管成本.
  • 为静态站点的搜索功能开发了一个Drupal模块. Drupal的搜索功能是基于PHP的. 因为PHP代码不能在静态站点中执行, 另一种选择是使用Ajax和JavaScript实现搜索功能.
  • 在网站的搜索功能所需的AWS EC2实例上设置SORL服务器.
  • 开发了一个Drupal模块,用于处理用户请求的提交表单. 提交的数据通过jQuery和Ajax发送到AWS网关API, which calls an AWS Lambda function. 该函数向用户和客户端发送一封确认邮件.
  • 使用Terraform在AWS架构和实现整个基础设施. 这项工作包括以下服务:S3, CloudFront, Route53, EC2, SES, ACM, KMS, EFS, API Gateway, Lambda, and DynamoDB.
  • 为内容环境中的部署构建并实现了GitLab管道, 执行Staticfy并将其部署到暂存环境, and deployment to the production. The client handles deployment at will.
Technologies: 后端开发、解决方案架构、持续集成(CI), Continuous Deployment, Continuous Development (CD), Node.js, Architecture, Serverless, API Integration, Content Management, Scraping, Web Scraping, Web Development, Full-stack, Packer, Amazon API Gateway, Amazon Simple Email Service (SES), jQuery, GitLab CI/CD, GitLab, Amazon EC2, Ajax, SCSS, Bootstrap, Java, Amazon Route 53, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Terraform, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Amazon DynamoDB, AWS Lambda, CSS, JavaScript, HTML5, Drupal, REST


2017 - 2020
  • 构建了微服务基础架构,并实现了基于域事件的微服务异步通信库.
  • 设计并实现了与Stripe支付网关的集成,用于结账时的在线支付和分期付款的离线循环收费.
  • Analyzed, designed, developed, and tested, 与公司律师密切合作, a microservice for GDPR compliance.
  • 为美国和西班牙使用的结帐UI开发了一个REST API.
  • 应用CQRS并开发预测,为业务分析部门开发的机器学习算法提供数据.
  • 参加商业研讨会,参与欧博体育app下载相关的商业决策.
  • 指导几个高级开发人员,并向他们介绍领域驱动设计(DDD)的哲学。.
  • 将遗留的单片系统转变为基于现代微服务的系统,并在架构上进行了重大改进, codebase structure, and processes.
  • 开发了一个web scraper,通过解析HTML代码从ActiveMQ web控制台检索死信队列中的消息. 抓取的数据显示在管理UI上, 管理员可以随意重播这些信息.
  • 将核心引擎与外部提供商集成,用于电话号码验证和信用卡信息验证.
Technologies: Systems Analysis, Integration, Back-end, APIs, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Solution Architecture, Financial Modeling, Back-end Development, Technical Leadership, Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Deployment, Continuous Development (CD), Architecture, Hibernate, REST APIs, Financial Services, Mockito, JUnit, Back-end Architecture, API Integration, Confluence, Jira, Git, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Web Scraping, Scraping, Payment Security, Payment APIs, Card Payments, Payment Gateways, Fintech, Java, Docker, Web Applications, Cucumber, ActiveMQ, Stripe Payments, Team Mentoring, CQRS, Microservices, Domain-driven Design (DDD), MariaDB, Apache Camel, Spring Boot, REST

Software Architect and Engineer

2013 - 2017
Trasys International
  • Architected, designed, 并实现了一种异步消息传递系统,该系统支持处理合作方为临床试验安全报告发送的XML消息. 我的客户是欧洲药品管理局.
  • 分析并开发了Tractebel电力系统分析平台中与能源和基础设施项目相关的一套模块.
  • 对CHESAR软件应用系统进行了体系结构设计. 参与与领域专家的讨论和物质化学评估模型的实施. 我的客户是欧洲化学品管理局.
Technologies: Back-end, APIs, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Back-end Development, Technical Leadership, Continuous Development (CD), Architecture, REST APIs, PostgreSQL, Mockito, JUnit, Back-end Architecture, API Integration, Confluence, Jira, Apache Maven, Git, Team Leadership, Docker, Web Applications, Apache Camel, Spring Boot, Spring, Java, REST

Senior Software Engineer

2007 - 2013
Custom Software Solutions
  • 为西联汇款希腊公司设计并参与后端系统的开发. 将核心系统与美国西联汇款中央系统集成,实现汇款交易的执行和管理.
  • 开发了大量支持西联汇款希腊后端的前端应用程序.
  • 为ICAP年刊广告管理构建了一个web应用程序.
  • 为希腊国家银行的新电子银行系统做出了贡献.
Technologies: Systems Analysis, Integration, Back-end, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Financial Modeling, Back-end Development, Technical Leadership, Continuous Development (CD), Hibernate, Financial Services, Apache Tomcat, SQL, Spring MVC, Jakarta Server Pages (JSP), Back-end Architecture, Team Leadership, Web Development, Full-stack, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS, jQuery, Fintech, Web Applications, Java, Spring


2005 - 2013
  • 为贷款申请管理应用程序的开发做出了贡献. My client was Eurobank.
  • 为音频相关的研究项目开发软件. 这个项目的客户是希腊的爱奥尼亚大学.
  • 为与电子学习相关的研究项目构建软件. 我的客户是雅典国立和卡波迪斯特里安大学.
  • 创建了一个处理XML文件的应用程序,用于为On Telecoms制作电视频道的日常节目.
  • 写了一份评估橄榄油的申请. My client was Rodax Agro.
Technologies: Hibernate, SQL, Spring MVC, JSF, Jakarta Server Pages (JSP), Apache Tomcat, Ajax, jQuery, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, Web Applications, Spring, Java

Software Engineer

2001 - 2005
  • 为电子签名设备开发了一个Windows打印机驱动程序.
  • 构建了一个用于管理餐厅订单的应用程序.
  • 创建了一个用于实时编码、解码和传输音频和视频的应用程序.
Technologies: C, Full-stack, C++

The Trinity Architecture
提出了后端企业应用程序的体系结构模式Trinity Architecture. 它源于采用依赖倒置原则(DIP)的典型四层体系结构。. 它是领域驱动设计应用程序的理想选择,但不限于此.

开发了一个将动态网站转换为静态网站的应用程序. 人们可以继续使用他们喜欢的CMS, including Drupal, WordPress, and more, 用于内容管理,并将基于服务器的站点转换为无服务器站点. This means increased performance, improved security, 并且成本较低,具有静态站点的优点. 应用程序还可以识别错误链接并创建存档快照. 在CAST的网站上可以看到一个将Staticfy应用于Drupal网站的示例.

Polyfono: Chrome扩展音频插件在Web浏览器
设计并开发了一个音频插件主机作为chrome扩展. 该扩展通过使用特殊的音频插件和EQ等效果来调整web浏览器的声音,从而提升了声音体验, dynamics compressor, and virtual surround. 它利用每个插件的多个实例,可以根据需要动态连接.

直接链接到Polyfono chrome扩展:


一篇有关在chrome扩展中使用的Web音频API的文章: / web -音频api -在- 4% - c2%bd -数据- 89 ae9f872e9e

ARIA-3D: Chrome Extension & Web播放器的3D声音在一个Web浏览器
创建了一个网络媒体播放器和chrome扩展,将常规立体声转换为身临其境的3D声音, within a typical web browser. ARIA-3D是一项专利创造,结合了数学等多个领域的知识, digital signal processing, psychoacoustics, domain-driven design, architectural design best practices, asynchronous processing, and tools such as C++, Angular 6, Material Design, Java, Camel, Spring Boot, and Docker.

Medium article:

Conference paper:


Back-end Architecture, Continuous Development (CD), Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Microservices, CQRS, Continuous Integration (CI), RESTful Development, REST, Continuous Deployment, DevOps


Domain-driven Design (DDD), Software Architecture, Web Applications, Ajax, Full-stack, Web Scraping, Team Leadership, API Integration, Architecture, Technical Leadership, Back-end Development, APIs, Back-end, Mentorship & Coaching, Mentorship, Team Mentoring, Stripe Payments, Amazon Route 53, Fintech, Payment Gateways, Card Payments, Payment APIs, Payment Security, Web Development, Scraping, Content Management, Serverless, Chrome Extensions, Material Design, Financial Services, Audio, Visualizer, Solution Architecture, Financial Modeling, Integration, Systems Analysis, Communication, Coaching, Amazon API Gateway, DSP, Server Sent Events (SSE)


Java, HTML5, JavaScript, CSS, SCSS, HTML, TypeScript, SQL, C, c++


Spring, Spring Boot, Redux, Jakarta Server Pages (JSP), Spring MVC, Apache Camel, Angular, Bootstrap, JUnit, Mockito, JSF, Hibernate


Web音频API, REST API, React, jQuery, Node.js


Emscripten, GitLab, Amazon Simple Email Service (SES), Git, Apache Maven, Apache Tomcat, ActiveMQ, Cucumber, Terraform, Packer, GitLab CI/CD, Jira, Confluence


AWS Lambda, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon EC2, Drupal, Kubernetes, Docker, Apache Kafka


Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), MariaDB, MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL

1998 - 2001

Ph.D. 声学候选人和研究员

Ruhr University - Bochum, Germany

1992 - 1998

