Chetan Bhuwania,印度卡纳塔克邦班加罗尔的开发商
Chetan is available for hire
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Chetan Bhuwania

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Full-stack Developer

Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Toptal Member Since
March 16, 2019

Chetan是一名全栈开发人员,拥有11年的Node经验和深厚的专业知识.js, React, and React Native. 他的产品遍布整个社会, eCommerce, and automotive industries, 使他成为一个多才多艺的专业人士. For example, Chetan built and launched Goss, the highly rated predictions app, 到Google Play和App Store只用了2年时间.5个月后,他帮助Plaza Technologies在product Hunt上推出了Virtual Showroom产品.


Plaza Technologies
Web开发,React, API开发,Expo,前端,Git, Monorepos...
Plaza Technologies
Web开发,React, JavaScript, Web, Node.js, Next.js...
JavaScript, React Native, CSS, HTML, React, MongoDB, Firebase, Web, Socket.IO...




Preferred Environment

Node.js, React, React Native, JavaScript, TypeScript, Express.js, Expo

The most amazing...

...我开发的一个应用程序允许用户对名人和真人秀做出预测,从而有机会赢得奖品. 这是一次有趣而富有成效的经历.

Work Experience

Lead Developer

2022 - 2023
Plaza Technologies
  • 针对不同用户开发了多种产品, including a Shopify sales channel, 一个带有直播和实时聊天功能的React Native应用, and a Shopify-powered, 为创作者提供的轻量级电子商务链接生物工具.
  • 管理产品和技术决策,计划sprint,并为发布事件提供支持.
  • 将团队成员从2人扩大到7人, onboarded new hires, performed code reviews, managed sprints, 并且做出了重大的个人贡献.
  • 不断改进开发人员的体验,以提高团队的生产力和交付速度.
  • Migrated the back end to Node.js, 使所有开发人员全栈,提高生产力和交付速度,同时减少问题解决时间.
  • 采用先进且经过验证的工具,如使用单一的monorepo与Turborepo, 谁持有所有前端和后端项目的代码, 实现更好的TypeScript集成, faster delivery, and easier deployments.
技术:Web开发、React、API开发、Expo、前端、Git、Monorepos、Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Node.js, MySQL, Prisma, Streaming, Shopify, iOS, GitHub, DOM, REST, CSS, API Integration, Full-stack, Web, React Native, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), TypeScript, APIs, Software Development, Computer Science, HTML, Responsive Design, Figma, SQL, JavaScript, Twilio Programmable Video, Mobile App Development, Express.js, CSS3, JavaScript Libraries, HTML5, Vanilla JS, Mobile, iOS Native Libraries, iOS SDK, Algorithms, MERN Stack, Technical Leadership, Front-end Development, Mobile Development, Mobile UI, Mobile UX, Influencers, eCommerce, Full-stack Development, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), SaaS, Architecture, Team Leadership, JSON REST APIs, Back-end, Software Architecture, Responsive, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Databases

Mobile Front-end Developer

2021 - 2022
Plaza Technologies
  • 构建了一个轻量级但强大的视频通话web应用程序,由Next提供支持.. js, Twilio Video和Tailwind CSS.
  • 与后端团队一起设计和集成api.
  • 确保应用程序完全响应,动画在移动设备上运行顺畅.
  • 为Shopify品牌建立了一个仪表板来管理他们的产品、销售助理和咨询.
  • Trained the client's team on Next.js和顺风CSS,并建立了最佳实践和代码审查流程.
技术:Web开发,React, JavaScript, Web, Node.js, Next.js, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Git, Tailwind CSS, Front-end, TypeScript, APIs, Shopify, Software Development, Computer Science, Expo, Monorepos, Twilio Programmable Video, Mobile App Development, Prisma, Streaming, iOS, GitHub, DOM, REST, CSS, API Integration, Full-stack, Express.js, HTML, Responsive Design, Figma, SQL, CSS3, JavaScript Libraries, HTML5, Vanilla JS, Stripe Checkout, Mobile, Algorithms, MERN Stack, Technical Leadership, Front-end Development, Mobile Development, Mobile UI, Mobile UX, Influencers, eCommerce, Full-stack Development, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), SaaS, Architecture, JSON REST APIs, Back-end, Software Architecture, Responsive, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI)

React Native Engineer

2020 - 2021
  • 建立一个以内容为中心的React Native应用程序,通过让粉丝提前接触到内容和商品,并有机会与他们最喜欢的创作者聊天,来加强创作者和粉丝之间的联系.
  • 与产品经理一起充实详细的需求并迭代多个想法.
  • 开发了一项功能,允许粉丝在多个频道聊天时观看内容.
  • 在聊天频道中加入游戏化,粉丝可以通过在频道中回答问题来解锁访问权限.
  • 构建一个web管理仪表板使用下一步.js和顺风CSS来管理应用内容、游戏化和解锁关卡.
  • 在Google Cloud Functions和MongoDB上实现后端.
  • 利用MongoDB Realm使用GraphQL直接从管理界面操作数据. 使用Realm SDK直接从数据库读取移动应用程序上的数据.
技术:JavaScript, React Native, CSS, HTML, React, MongoDB, Firebase, Web, Socket.IO, Node.js, Next.js, API Development, Google Cloud, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Git, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Tailwind CSS, MongoDB Atlas, Realm, Front-end, TypeScript, APIs, Software Development, Computer Science, Expo, Web Development, Mobile App Development, Streaming, iOS, GitHub, DOM, REST, API Integration, Full-stack, Responsive Design, CSS3, JavaScript Libraries, HTML5, Mobile, iOS Native Libraries, iOS SDK, Algorithms, Front-end Development, Mobile Development, Mobile UI, Mobile UX, Influencers, Full-stack Development, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), Architecture, JSON REST APIs, Back-end, Cross-platform App Development, Software Architecture, Responsive, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Databases

React Native Developer

2020 - 2020
Goss Media
  • 为一家初创公司开发React Native应用, 允许用户进行预测并赢得奖品.
  • 与创始人和后端工程师一起了解需求和API设计,并从Figma设计中实现屏幕.
  • 集成Firebase,用于身份验证、推送通知和错误跟踪.
  • Integrated Branch.io用于深度链接,Mixpanel用于应用使用分析.
  • 使用Firebase App Distribution进行内部测试和独立开发, staging, and production environments.
Technologies: React Native, React, Android, iOS, JavaScript, Firebase, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Git, Front-end, TypeScript, Software Development, Computer Science, Expo, Mobile App Development, GitHub, REST, CSS, API Integration, Figma, JavaScript Libraries, Mobile, iOS Native Libraries, iOS SDK, Algorithms, Front-end Development, Mobile Development, Mobile UI, Mobile UX, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), JSON REST APIs, APIs, Cross-platform App Development, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI)

React Native Developer

2019 - 2019
  • 与一个大型团队合作,在现有的React Native应用程序中构建和发布功能.
  • 共同开发一个代码库,使用React Native for web为移动和web应用程序提供支持.
  • 根据所提供的设计重新构建入职和登录流程.
Technologies: React Native, JavaScript, React, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Git, Front-end, Software Development, Computer Science, Web Development, Mobile App Development, iOS, GitHub, Android, DOM, REST, CSS, API Integration, JavaScript Libraries, Stripe, Mobile, iOS Native Libraries, iOS SDK, Algorithms, Front-end Development, Mobile Development, Mobile UI, Mobile UX, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), JSON REST APIs, APIs, Cross-platform App Development, Responsive, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI)

React Native Developer

2019 - 2019
Egoless Enterprises Inc
  • 使用React Native和Expo开发了一款拼车iOS应用.
  • 与创始人和后端工程师一起确定需求并构建前端.
  • 在iOS中使用React Native Map组件和后台作业集成了应用内地图和方向.
  • 使用推送通知和Socket的组合实现与后端的实时通信.IO.
  • 集成了用于捕获和处理支付的Stripe SDK.
技术:React Native, JavaScript,前端,Node.js、亚马逊网络服务(AWS)、Expo、React、Next.js, Socket.IO, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Git, Software Development, Computer Science, Web Development, Mobile App Development, iOS, GitHub, REST, CSS, API Integration, JavaScript Libraries, Stripe, Mobile, Algorithms, MERN Stack, Front-end Development, Mobile Development, Mobile UI, Mobile UX, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), Architecture, JSON REST APIs, APIs, Cross-platform App Development, Software Architecture, Responsive, Google Maps, Rideshare Services, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI)


2017 - 2019
Numerin Technologies
  • 开发Termis,客户使用的内部工具,用于管理和更新数千个POS系统. 我们基于React、Redux、Apollo Client和Apollo GraphQL构建了完整的解决方案.
  • Built HushtagsApp, 一个可以通过扫描物理标签访问的web应用程序,并具有购物车和结帐功能来购买标签. I built it with React, Redux, and UIkit, 它集成了Braintree API,可以一键结帐.
  • 为Matkraft构建了两个移动应用程序, using React Native and Redux, 并将它们部署到Google Play和App Store. 这些应用程序旨在为建筑公司及其客户管理和跟踪建筑工作.
  • 开发Sou Server,一个由外部节点驱动的对话流机器人.用于业务逻辑的API,以及由React、Redux和Apollo提供支持的管理界面.
  • 使用React Native开发人工智能膳食计划应用ethos. 使用Firebase进行身份验证、分析和推送通知. 使用Next构建登陆页面和管理界面.js, GraphQL, and Apollo.
技术:Google Cloud, MongoDB, API Development, Firebase, Next.js、Web、JavaScript、GraphQL、Google Cloud Platform (GCP)、Node.. js, React Native, React, api, Socket.IO, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Git, MongoDB Atlas, Front-end, Expo, Mobile App Development, iOS, GitHub, Android, DOM, REST, CSS, API Integration, Full-stack, Software Development, Computer Science, Web Development, HTML, Responsive Design, SQL, Monorepos, Express.js, Amazon Web Services (AWS), CSS3, JavaScript Libraries, HTML5, Vanilla JS, Stripe, Mobile, iOS Native Libraries, iOS SDK, Algorithms, MERN Stack, Front-end Development, Mobile Development, Mobile UI, Mobile UX, Full-stack Development, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), SaaS, Architecture, Team Leadership, JSON REST APIs, Back-end, Cross-platform App Development, Software Architecture, Responsive, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Databases

Senior Sofware Developer

2017 - 2017
Tekion Corp
  • 监督技术架构和决策, 在构建超过40个屏幕的React Native应用程序的同时保持干净的代码库,哪些是关键.
  • 将所有业务逻辑提取到可重用模块中, 然后在移动和web应用程序之间共享.
  • 建立代码审查并鼓励团队遵循React最佳实践.
  • Implemented Socket.IO用于不同部门仪表板之间的实时更新.
Technologies: Socket.IO, React, JavaScript, React Native, Web, Git, Front-end, Mobile App Development, iOS, GitHub, DOM, CSS, API Integration, Software Development, Computer Science, Web Development, JavaScript Libraries, Vanilla JS, Mobile, iOS Native Libraries, iOS SDK, Algorithms, Technical Leadership, Front-end Development, Mobile Development, Mobile UI, Mobile UX, SaaS, Architecture, Team Leadership, JSON REST APIs, Software Architecture, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI)

Software Developer

2015 - 2017
  • 使用React Native和Flux为iOS和Android应用构建原型, 在这个过程中帮助公司从Angular迁移到React.
  • 使用React Native和Redux开发了一款具有类似vine功能的iOS应用. 这些都是React Native的早期阶段, 所以我遇到了React Native的性能限制,并编写了自定义解决方案来克服它们.
  • 带领一个小团队用React和Redux开发了一个基于web的面向消费者的应用程序.
  • 为公司未来的React项目创建脚手架.
Technologies: Socket.IO, Web, JavaScript, React Native, React, Node.js, Git, Front-end, Mobile App Development, iOS, GitHub, DOM, REST, CSS, API Integration, Full-stack, Software Development, Computer Science, Web Development, HTML, Responsive Design, Firebase, API Development, APIs, Express.js, CSS3, JavaScript Libraries, HTML5, Vanilla JS, Mobile, iOS Native Libraries, iOS SDK, Algorithms, MERN Stack, Front-end Development, Mobile Development, Mobile UI, Mobile UX, Full-stack Development, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), SaaS, JSON REST APIs, Back-end, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Databases

Software Developer

2015 - 2015
  • 为一家美国初创公司为医生开发了一个复杂的医疗应用程序. 我使用AngularJS和UI模板从头开始构建应用程序.
  • 将Elasticsearch集成到应用程序的强大搜索功能中.
  • 在六个月内为不同的投资者创建了多个版本的产品.
技术:Web、JavaScript、Node.js, Git, Front-end, GitHub, DOM, CSS, API Integration, Software Development, Computer Science, Web Development, HTML, Responsive Design, API Development, APIs, JavaScript Libraries, Vanilla JS, Algorithms, Front-end Development, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), SaaS, JSON REST APIs, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI)

Software Developer

2014 - 2014
  • 构建并维护一个面向web和移动平台的AngularJS应用.
  • 开发了一个带有音频播放器的应用程序的移动版本.
  • Wrote middleware in Node.Js从不同的微服务中获取数据.
技术:Web、JavaScript、Node.js, Git, Front-end, GitHub, DOM, CSS, API Integration, Full-stack, Software Development, Computer Science, Web Development, HTML, Responsive Design, API Development, APIs, Express.js, JavaScript Libraries, Vanilla JS, Algorithms, Angular, Front-end Development, Full-stack Development, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), SaaS, JSON REST APIs, Back-end, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Databases

Software Developer

2012 - 2014
Metadesign Software
  • 使用LAMP堆栈和jQuery构建了一个完整的在线医疗保健门户.
  • 将复杂的工作流迁移到AngularJS中,以提供类似spa的功能.
  • 开发和维护PHP和MySQL的后端api.
Technologies: Web, JavaScript, APIs, Front-end, DOM, CSS, API Integration, Full-stack, Software Development, Computer Science, Web Development, HTML, API Development, JavaScript Libraries, Vanilla JS, Algorithms, Angular, Front-end Development, Full-stack Development, SaaS, Back-end, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Databases

Video eCommerce App for Web
Plaza Technologies是一家早期创业公司,希望打造一个基于shopify的视频电子商务网站应用. 该应用程序将使品牌能够通过销售人员向客户提供视频咨询. 我与创始人合作,了解需求,并发布了一个像素完美的产品,并在product Hunt上发布,并获得了好评.

Goss App
Goss is a fun, 一款复杂的手机应用程序,可以让用户对流行的电视真人秀节目进行预测, celebrities, and current events—all for free. 这款应用的目标用户是年轻人,设计也很时尚. 该应用在Google Play上的安装量为5万次,评分为4分.3 and an average rating of 4.在App Store的2300条评论中排名第六.

使用React Native的拼车应用程序

我使用React Native和Expo为iOS开发了一款拼车应用, 提供一系列复杂的功能, 包括实时地图视图和后台任务管理,更新乘车状态和位置跟踪. 我整合了Stripe用于安全处理客户卡支付和司机银行账户转账. 这款应用迎合了乘客和司机的需求,提供基于角色的上车服务,并且只需点击一下就可以切换角色.


Eatos是一款人工智能膳食计划应用,旨在帮助用户吃得更好. 该应用程序分析用户的饮食习惯,并推荐即将到来的饭菜. 它还提供了成分的详细视图, 管理杂货的购物清单, 并逐步演练,以帮助用户准备饭菜.


JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS, HTML, CSS3, HTML5, GraphQL, SQL


Next.js, React Native,顺风CSS, Vanilla js, Express.js, iOS SDK, Angular


Node.js, React, API Development, Socket.IO, iOS Native Libraries, Google Maps, Stripe


Git, Expo, GitHub, Prisma, MongoDB Atlas, Twilio可编程视频,Figma, Stripe Checkout




Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Web, Mobile, Firebase, iOS, Android, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Shopify, Amazon Web Services (AWS)


Front-end, APIs, Software Development, Computer Science, Web Development, Mobile App Development, DOM, API Integration, Full-stack, Responsive Design, JavaScript Libraries, Front-end Development, Mobile UI, Mobile UX, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), JSON REST APIs, Back-end, Cross-platform App Development, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Streaming, Algorithms, MERN Stack, Technical Leadership, eCommerce, Full-stack Development, SaaS, Architecture, Team Leadership, Software Architecture, Rideshare Services, Monorepos, Influencers


MongoDB,数据库,MySQL, PostgreSQL, Google Cloud, Realm

2008 - 2012

