Bruno Leite, Developer in Garopaba - State of Santa Catarina, Brazil
Bruno is available for hire
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Bruno Leite

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Back-end Developer

Garopaba - State of Santa Catarina, Brazil
Toptal Member Since
May 12, 2014

Bruno is a senior solutions architect with unparalleled technical skills and expertise in various programming languages and technologies. He can guide teams to write code that is always clean, efficient, elegant, and without issues, and he has a rare talent for finding innovative solutions to complex problems. Bruno's programming abilities are awe-inspiring, and he consistently delivers high-quality work that exceeds expectations.


Aspire HR Software, LLC
Node.js, TypeScript, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Serverless, AWS Lambda...
PLS Logistics
Java, Angular, JavaScript, Spring, AngularJS, Hibernate, Agile, CI/CD Pipelines...
AWS Lambda, TypeScript, Amazon Cognito, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Angular...




Preferred Environment

Java, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Serverless, TypeScript

The most amazing...

...architecture I've built is for a multitenant SaaS app that had SSO, external systems integration, and CI/CD with an automated serverless testing framework.

Work Experience

Head of Engineering via Toptal

2023 - 2024
Aspire HR Software, LLC
  • Led the architecture and development of a multitenant SaaS application that was classified by AWS architects as very sophisticated.
  • Established the architectural foundations as code standards, testing methods, repository organization, libraries to use, and which AWS services to use and how.
  • Created a CI/CD pipeline for deploying serverless applications that could deploy the whole application with infrastructure in 10 minutes. Developers could easily run the application using AWS resources for faster development.
  • Set up DynamoDB working guidelines according to the latest single-table design standards and designed a data ingestion pipeline using DynamoDB streams.
  • Hosted more than 50 pair-programming sessions with developers to improve their coding abilities to improve maintainability and reliability.
Technologies: Node.js, TypeScript, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Serverless, AWS Lambda, Amazon DynamoDB, AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK), Automated Testing, Amazon Cognito, Single Sign-on (SSO), Secure Code Best Practices, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), SST, Solution Architecture, REST, Shell, JSON, Microservices, Agile, Infrastructure as Code (IaC), HTML, CSS

Full-stack Engineer

2023 - 2023
PLS Logistics
  • Maintained and developed new AI and ML components for automated document revision and invoice release.
  • Implemented new Java, Spring, and PostgreSQL testing standards that leveraged software quality.
  • Refactored and improved various legacy components in a time-sensitive environment.
Technologies: Java, Angular, JavaScript, Spring, AngularJS, Hibernate, Agile, CI/CD Pipelines, REST, Shell, JSON, Microservices, HTML, CSS

Cloud Engineer via Toptal

2022 - 2023
  • Created and enforced excellent project architecture, build, code, and test standards for a Node.js, TypeScript, and AWS CDK application.
  • Built a shared library to be used by other developers, which enabled the creation of on-the-fly deployment pipelines with AWS CodePipeline using AWS CDK and TypeScript.
  • Created build scripts for assembling TypeScript projects and automatic library release with semantic release.
  • Led a significant project refactoring, which resulted in improved adherence to AWS CDK standards and better code organization.
  • Created AWS CDK and AWS Lambda TypeScript components unit test standards.
  • Ensured that all developers were following good standards through code PRs.
Technologies: AWS Lambda, TypeScript, Amazon Cognito, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Angular, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), JavaScript, AWS CodePipeline, Cloud, Semantics, Amazon DynamoDB, Back-end, APIs, REST APIs, Integration Testing, Unit Testing, Architecture, Node.js, Jest, NoSQL, Solution Architecture, REST, Shell, JSON, Microservices, Agile, Infrastructure as Code (IaC), HTML

Senior Java Expert

2021 - 2022
  • Maintained and improved a deployment microservices pipeline to AWS ECS using Docker and CircleCI.
  • Developed various fixes and improvements on Spring Boot microservices that integrated with Firebase, MySQL databases, AWS SQS, and AWS S3.
  • Worked on a very tight release schedule and ensured that deadlines were respected.
Technologies: Java, Spring Boot, Spring, Microservices, Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), CircleCI, CI/CD Pipelines, Firebase, Back-end Development, RESTful Web Services, MySQL, Hibernate, Linux, Spring Data JPA, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Cloud Computing, IntelliJ IDEA, Spring 5, Back-end, APIs, REST APIs, Integration Testing, Unit Testing, Java 11, Java 8, REST, Shell, JSON, Agile, Infrastructure as Code (IaC), HTML

Back-end Developer

2021 - 2022
MP Analytics Limited
  • Maintained and improved an application that gathers data from multiple banks and creates analysis of investment strategies.
  • Improved call times on various code parts by optimizing SQL queries and JPA implementations.
  • Implemented new requirements along with a new test structure.
  • Split up the project into microservices and created new Github actions deployment jobs, Dockerfiles, and server setup scripts.
  • Created an asynchronous file processor to speed up XLS file uploads that run in the background with Amazon SQS and S3.
Technologies: Java, Spring Boot, Hibernate, Back-end Development, RESTful Web Services, MySQL, Linux, SQL, Ubuntu, Test-driven Development (TDD), Spring, Git, Spring Data JPA, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon S3 (AWS S3), DevOps, Software Architecture, Cloud Computing, IntelliJ IDEA, Spring 5, CI/CD Pipelines, Back-end, APIs, REST APIs, Integration Testing, Unit Testing, Java 11, Architecture, Java 8, REST, Shell, JSON, Microservices, Agile, HTML

Back-end Engineer

2021 - 2021
Shoshin Works
  • Developed an app that gathers data from multiple sources, inputs this data into an NLP processor, and provides data visualizations to predict the future.
  • Integrated with SerpApi to get data from Google services and Zyte API for HTML data processing.
  • Created abstract Java components that facilitate the addition of new external services.
  • Managed a Java with Spring Data connection to a MongoDB instance on MongoDB Atlas.
Technologies: Java, Spring, Back-end Development, RESTful Web Services, MySQL, Linux, SQL, Ubuntu, Test-driven Development (TDD), Git, Amazon Web Services (AWS), AWS Lambda, Spring Boot, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), DevOps, Software Architecture, Cloud Computing, IntelliJ IDEA, Reactive Streams, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), Spring 5, CI/CD Pipelines, Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), Back-end, APIs, REST APIs, Integration Testing, Unit Testing, Java 11, Architecture, MongoDB, Java 8, REST, Shell, JSON, Microservices, Agile, Infrastructure as Code (IaC), HTML

Java and Spring Engineer

2019 - 2021
Wearsafe Labs
  • Developed Java AWS Lambda functions for processing IoT messages from personal safety devices. Configured AWS IoT rules and Kinesis Stream to interact with the Lambda function.
  • Created a Java critical section locking mechanism to handle parallel processing of device messages and avoid concurrent changes on devices.
  • Improved the legacy codebase with constant refactoring, reorganization of dependencies, and introduction of unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests. That heavily increased delivery reliability and sped up the deployment cycle.
  • Improved the overall development processes with better PR reviews and helped propose a better scrum process by keeping it lean.
  • Implemented a solution to avoid duplicate message processing using Memcached on AWS Elasticache.
  • Created an end-to-end tester platform to allow testing messages flow from AWS IoT to Kinesis, Lambdas, Java API, and DB.
  • Developed a continuous delivery strategy for zero downtime on production deployments allowing a rollback when necessary.
  • Created an AWS Lambda function for processing and storing the device's audio data on S3.
  • Redesigned DB integration test architecture, enabling tests to run up to five times faster and with 1/3 code lines.
  • Implemented an AWS X-Ray tracing service for an API, instrumenting AWS Lambda and external services calls.
Technologies: Spring, Java 8, Back-end Development, RESTful Web Services, MySQL, Agile Software Development, Internet of Things (IoT), Hibernate, Java, Linux, SQL, Ubuntu, Test-driven Development (TDD), Git, Spring Data JPA, Amazon Web Services (AWS), AWS Lambda, Spring Boot, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), DevOps, Software Architecture, Cloud Computing, IntelliJ IDEA, AWS IoT, CI/CD Pipelines, Back-end, APIs, REST APIs, Integration Testing, Unit Testing, Java 11, Architecture, Solution Architecture, REST, Shell, JSON, Microservices, Agile, HTML

Java Architect

2020 - 2020
Rebel Minds
  • Developed an MVP application using Spring Boot to send out forms to clients, process their responses, and provide a dashboard for analyzing the responses.
  • Structured a microservices architecture using Netflix Eureka.
  • Created a deployment pipeline using Github and Heroku.
  • Developed REST API integrations with Typeform and
Technologies: Java, Heroku, Spring, Back-end Development, RESTful Web Services, MySQL, Linux, SQL, Ubuntu, Test-driven Development (TDD), Git, Spring Data JPA, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Spring Boot, DevOps, Software Architecture, Cloud Computing, IntelliJ IDEA, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), CI/CD Pipelines, Back-end, APIs, REST APIs, Integration Testing, Unit Testing, Java 11, Architecture, Java 8, REST, Shell, JSON, Agile, HTML, CSS

Java Architect

2019 - 2019
Dandelion Development
  • Defined project structure with Spring Boot 2 and developed most of the application.
  • Led two other developers ensuring code quality and testability through code reviews.
  • Created an integration layer for interacting with ERP and CRM sides using Spring 5's new web client.
  • Created test cases structure for each code sector: controllers, database, and entities. Achieved 75%+ overall code coverage.
Technologies: Spring Boot, Spring 5, Java 8, Back-end Development, RESTful Web Services, MySQL, Agile Software Development, Hibernate, Java, Linux, SQL, Ubuntu, Test-driven Development (TDD), Spring, Git, Spring Data JPA, DevOps, Software Architecture, Cloud Computing, IntelliJ IDEA, CircleCI, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), CI/CD Pipelines, Back-end, APIs, REST APIs, Unit Testing, Java 11, Architecture, REST, Shell, JSON, Agile, HTML

Java Engineer

2018 - 2018
  • Created definitions of how to integrate with external services from logistics providers, matching our modeling to providers' custom modeling.
  • Developed integrations with logistics carriers using an API made by P44 for data parsing/processing.
  • Developed unit and integration tests for components using the latest standards.
Technologies: Spring, Java 8, Back-end Development, RESTful Web Services, Agile Software Development, Hibernate, Java, MySQL, Linux, SQL, Ubuntu, Test-driven Development (TDD), Git, Spring Data JPA, Spring Boot, Software Architecture, Cloud Computing, Back-end, PostgreSQL, APIs, REST APIs, Unit Testing, Java 11, REST, Shell, JSON, Agile, HTML, CSS

Java Lead Engineer

2017 - 2018
Aon Inpoint
  • Architected a complete Java 8 with Spring Boot project.
  • Created REST web services for survey processing, reports, benchmark, and client configurations.
  • Developed full project test coverage with multiple scenarios.
  • Created an email processing and queuing system for sending out surveys.
  • Implemented a multi-language survey system that adapts to each user.
  • Implemented user security with JSON Web Token (JWT), including endpoints and authentication.
  • Created the continuous integration and deployment pipeline with Docker and CircleCI.
Technologies: Spring, Java 8, Back-end Development, RESTful Web Services, Agile Software Development, Hibernate, Java, MySQL, Linux, SQL, Ubuntu, Git, Spring Data JPA, Spring Boot, Software Architecture, Cloud Computing, CircleCI, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Back-end, APIs, REST APIs, Unit Testing, Java 11, Solution Architecture, REST, Shell, JSON, Agile, HTML, CSS

Back-end and Web Developer

2016 - 2017
  • Architected an AngularJS web front-end application using Grunt.
  • Structured the deployment pipeline using CircleCI and Cloud66.
  • Developed a standalone Java application that runs on clients to extract DB information from legacy Sybase and communicate to an FTP server.
  • Created a Spring Batch data integrator that imports data from various clients into a multi-retailer DB.
Technologies: Spring, Java 8, Back-end Development, RESTful Web Services, Agile Software Development, Hibernate, Java, MySQL, Linux, SQL, Ubuntu, Git, Spring Data JPA, Spring Boot, Spring Batch, Cloud Computing, CircleCI, Cloud66, JavaScript, Back-end, APIs, REST APIs, Unit Testing, Java 11, REST, Shell, JSON, Agile, HTML, CSS

Java Engineer

2015 - 2017
Tasting Table
  • Developed a web application using AngularJS and Bootstrap 3 for creating multiple crops of a single picture.
  • Managed Ubuntu Linux servers and Wildfly application server.
  • Created REST integration with and Imgix APIs to post-process images.
  • Managed a (Back4App) application and created JavaScript functions, cloud jobs, and integration with Foursquare, Yelp, and Algolia APIs.
  • Created Node.js tests for functions using Mocha, Sinon, and Chai.
  • Developed a dashboard that retrieves restaurant information using Foursquare API. Used Spring Boot and AngularJS.
Technologies: Python, Java, Back-end Development, RESTful Web Services, Agile Software Development, Linux, SQL, Ubuntu, Git, Cloud Computing, JavaScript, Back-end, APIs, REST APIs, Unit Testing, REST, Shell, Agile, HTML, CSS

Java Senior Developer and Architect

2013 - 2015
  • Handled architecture and development of Jakarta EE components using SOAP and RESTful web services, test-driven development (TDD), JPA (OpenJPA and Hibernate), unit testing (JUnit and JMock), integration testing, and a continuous delivery model.
  • Implemented architecture and set up of cloud environments, creating images and a provision/de-provision process. The environments were used as environments for developers hired through the IBM Liquid platform.
  • Led development events in the IBM Liquid platform (a crowdsourcing platform of short cycle assignments), creating development specifications, validating solutions provided by developers, and integrating code into the existing one.
  • Created and improved processes for automating tasks such as deployments, module packaging, and Websphere management with Python scripting.
  • Handled administration and configuration of the Websphere Application Server.
  • Worked as a support analyst, providing ongoing support for high-availability production environments.
Technologies: Back-end Development, RESTful Web Services, Agile Software Development, Hibernate, Java, Linux, SQL, Ubuntu, Back-end, APIs, REST APIs, Unit Testing, Java 11, Shell, JSON, Agile, OpenJPA, HTML, CSS

Java Developer

2011 - 2012
  • Developed Java components for managing security in ADP's portal application.
  • Worked on the migration of a portal platform to a PaaS business model.
  • Worked in an agile team with a goal-oriented pace with daily scrum meetings.
Technologies: Back-end Development, RESTful Web Services, Agile Software Development, Hibernate, Java, Linux, SQL, Ubuntu, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Back-end, APIs, REST APIs, Unit Testing, Java 11, Shell, JSON, Agile, HTML, CSS

Wearsafe Cloud

A cloud-based app for managing wearable safety devices data. I was a back-end developer, responsible for providing solutions to scalability issues and improving the project code quality and test coverage. Created various components and extensions to the existing project with success.

Experience Monitor 2

EM2 is an application to assess insurance customers' satisfaction levels based on net promoter scores and questionnaires. I've worked as the lead architect and back-end developer on EM2, an application built with Java 8 and Spring. I've been responsible for the architectural decisions, including which technologies and APIs to use, how to structure the translating system, and usage of design patterns, deployment pipeline, security implementation, REST endpoints layout, and more.

"Everyone was happy, we delivered as promised and under budget [...] the client has taken over maintenance of the solution." – Richard Forsythe, PM


MhSync is an app that synchronizes data from the fitness app Mariana Tek to Hubspot. I've worked as the lead architect of an ERP to CRM integration with a data warehouse, guiding the architectural decisions, code and test standards, and CI/CD structure. The project was a great success with almost zero issues.


GroceryPress is a personalized digital promotions and loyalty applications suite for natural and specialty retailers. I worked as a full-stack engineer in the project, first building a front-end application called Consumer using AngularJS. I structured the whole architecture, continuous integration, and continuous deployment. I built a console application that runs on client machines to extract data from Sybase databases as well as manipulate and communicate to the GroceryPress FTP server using Java with Gradle builds. I worked on the core application on the ingestion module to enable Spring Batch ingestion of client data into a multi-retailer database.

IEPD is an inter-enterprise data orchestrator that treats and routes calls from failing hardware devices and takes immediate actions to solve the problems. Those calls can come from web service calls or emails. I worked as a Java developer, writing components for that application. After 2013, IBM started using a new methodology for development called Liquid, where the development is packed in small pieces and externalized. I worked on implementing this new methodology in our project, preparing environments in cloud servers, planning the specifications for the developers, overseeing the process, and reviewing the code.


Java, SQL, JavaScript, Java 11, Java 8, HTML, CSS, TypeScript, Python


Spring 5, Spring, Hibernate, Spring Boot, OAuth 2, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), Spring Batch, Spring Security, Jest, Angular, AngularJS


Reactor, REST APIs, Node.js, OpenJPA


CircleCI, Cloud66, Docker Hub, GitHub, IntelliJ IDEA, Apache Tomcat, Jenkins, Git, Shell, Apache Maven, Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Amazon Cognito, AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK)


Continuous Integration (CI), REST, Test-driven Development (TDD), Agile Software Development, Agile, Microservices, DevOps, Testing, Unit Testing, Automated Testing, Secure Code Best Practices


Amazon Web Services (AWS), Docker, Linux, AWS Lambda, Ubuntu, AWS IoT, Heroku, Firebase


Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Spring Data JPA, JSON, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Spring Data, MongoDB, NoSQL, Amazon DynamoDB


RESTful Web Services, Software Architecture, Back-end Development, Integration Testing, Cloud Computing, Reactive Streams, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), CI/CD Pipelines, Spring WebFlux, APIs, Back-end, Architecture, Infrastructure as Code (IaC), Solution Architecture, Internet of Things (IoT), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Web Security, Okta, Vitest, AWS CodePipeline, Semantics, Cloud, Serverless, Single Sign-on (SSO), SST

2005 - 2013

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering

Pontificia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul - Porto Alegre, Brazil


JavaScript Unit Testing - The Practical Guide



The Nuts and Bolts of OAuth 2.0



Reactive Microservices with Spring WebFlux



Understanding Typescript - 2022 Edition



Java Reactive Programming



Oracle Certified Professional, Java SE Programmer


Collaboration That Works

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