Phillip Wood, Product Manager in Salt Lake City, UT, United States
Phillip is available for hire
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Phillip Wood

Verified Expert  in Product Management

Product Manager

Salt Lake City, UT, United States
Toptal Member Since
August 4, 2020

菲利普是一名高级产品负责人,拥有17年的金融科技经验,对创造愿景和激励团队执行充满热情. He has led consulting engagements with Visa, MasterCard, TD Bank, 他还与几家围绕支付和小企业贷款的金融科技初创公司合作,开发了成功的产品. 他曾与跨职能团队广泛合作,并通过更好的产品和用户体验设计推动用户参与度的提高.

Project Highlights

Inventory Management System
领导库存管理系统的规划和开发,旨在帮助商家管理其产品库存. Increased retention from 20%, after one year, to over 40%.
Lender Reporting Dashboard
领导设计和开发一个web仪表板,使贷方能够跟踪发送/接收的应用程序的进度, offers sent/received, and funded loans.
Referral Program for Payment Aggregrator


Work Experience

Senior Product Manager

2018 - PRESENT
  • Led annual and quarterly planning sessions among teams, outlining business strategy, relevant OKRs, and execution plan. 领导团队之间的工作,包括资源和权衡,以确保履行承诺.
  • 为一个全新的产品建立入职流程,完成率达到95%.
  • 引导产品更新到主要的DNA用户体验,导致38%的休眠用户返回.
  • Create new initiatives on a quarterly basis, 并与高层领导合作,根据业务影响确定应优先考虑哪些举措.

Senior Product Strategist

2017 - 2019
  • 建立了一个推荐程序,允许商家收到折扣佣金应付给我们转介其他商家. Was adopted immediately and increased referrals from partners by 20%. Referred merchants also had high transaction rates.
  • 建立了一个目录/库存系统,在同一时间内将客户保留率从40%(入职后6个月)提高到55%. 也增加了每个商家的交易数量,为用户添加三个或更多的商品.
  • 被认可为领导者,并被要求启动一个项目,帮助那些需要了解我们的战略愿景和我们的产品对用户的影响的员工. Mentored over ten employees in the six months of the program.

Senior Product Lead

2016 - 2017
  • Managed partner relationships and the products they used. 构建一个分析仪表板,突出显示每个合作伙伴的相关指标. Decreased time to funded loans by 5% and increased total loans funded by 8%.
  • Managed onboarding of lender partners to the Lendio API, which enabled instant responses to small business loan applications. Led and completed integrations with some of the largest lenders in the world.
  • Led efforts to automate exchanges between lenders/borrowers, which expedited the processes of loan applications, gathering required documents, approval processes, and getting loans funded.

Senior Operations Manager

2009 - 2016
FIS Protegent
  • Owned ongoing relationships with financial organizations such as AIG, US Bank, TD Bank, and JP Morgan. Provided support for compliance software for investment divisions.
  • 设计并实现了简化新工作估算的过程,减少了估算交付和项目完成的时间.
  • Led a team of seven operations analysts servicing 60+ clients. 提供现场和远程培训,并领导本地软件的实施工作.

Inventory Management System

领导库存管理系统的规划和开发,旨在帮助商家管理其产品库存. Increased retention from 20%, after one year, to over 40%.


我们的目的是帮助用户管理库存(他们中的许多人使用几个不同的系统),并仅使用一个系统接受付款. We also used this as a way to increase retention.

我们经历了几轮用户测试、用户体验策略会议和迭代构建/发布. 采用库存系统并添加至少三种产品的用户的保留率为40%以上. In the short time that we had the product live, it was adopted by 22% of users.

Lender Reporting Dashboard

领导设计和开发一个web仪表板,使贷方能够跟踪发送/接收的应用程序的进度, offers sent/received, and funded loans.

我们的合作伙伴贷方不知道他们从Lendio发送了多少申请, how long they held applications before returning an offer, or the stage that those loans were in once the offer was sent back to Lendio.

Based on discussions with our partners, and assessing their needs, 我们决定构建一个仪表板,向他们提供这些信息,以减少从申请到向小企业提供贷款之间的时间.

提供对流程的洞察使我们能够将提供时间从4天减少到3天, and the time to funded loan from 18 days to 14 days. This resulted in an increase in funded loans by 4%.

Referral Program for Payment Aggregrator



我们有八周的时间来建立一个推荐计划,激励用户与其他小企业主分享我们的产品. 我们40%的业务来自于没有任何现有推荐计划的推荐.

We did a round of user research to identify what was most motivating for users, and also the easiest to offer for the business. The winner in both categories was discounted commissions.

我们创建了一个应用内推荐程序,在用户登录时通知他们,如果他们推荐了一个用户,我们就可以提供折扣. As they referred additional users, that commission rate was further decreased.


Onboarding Flow for AncestryHealth

领导一个包含健康数据的新产品的入职流程的设计和实现, with a 94% completion rate.


我的任务是构建一个可以快速构建并且足够灵活的入职流程,以便在新的健康报告准备发布时进行快速迭代. 我们还必须能够在不保留PII健康数据的情况下跟踪开始/进度/完成率.

我领导了一个由6名工程师和2名QEs组成的团队(并与其他6个团队进行了交互),他们花了3个月的时间专门研究这个功能. 我们在预算范围内提前部署了新功能,同时保持了94%的入职流程完成率.
2011 - 2013

MBA in Technology Commercialization

Westminster College - Salt Lake City, UT

1997 - 2001

Bachelor of Science Degree in Finance

University of Utah - Salt Lake City, UT