布莱德 is 可用 租用
雇佣 布莱德


验证专家  in 产品管理



布莱德成功地进行了架构设计, 出售, 实现, 在他任职期间管理复杂的项目和产品. 他的经验使他能够在全球多个国家工作并与之合作. 有网上商务经验, 在线市场, 和教育, 他建立并成功管理了大大小小的团队, 陆上和海上. 他是一个思想家和实干家,知道如何管理困难的项目.


设计并实施与客户保持一致的流程和工具, 收集需求, 并带来成功.




2017 - 2019
  • 定义和实现可重复的流程来定义业务需求, 确定范围, 实现各类产品在全球网络市场的跨境销售.
  • 管理技术和运营资源,监督涉及多个地区的客户解决方案, 包括新加坡和马来西亚, 香港, 阿联酋, 印度, 澳大利亚, 和美国.
  • 与第三方协商并确保战略关系,以提供全球非核心服务.
  • 协助制定基于客户和市场驱动因素的产品策略.
  • Oversaw the ongoing collection of desired internal and external platform features and functions; determined customer experience on various form factors (iPhone, 平板电脑, PC, 其他人).
  • 管理待办事项整理和所需特性和功能的敏捷冲刺交付.
  • 协助c级销售工作, 包括但不限于建立关系, 沟通价值主张, 谈判经济学, 项目定义.
  • 为渴望进入全球市场的全球品牌提供战略指导, 通过跨境和国内供应模式.
  • 为投资、启动和客户发展制定商业计划.


2016 - 2017
  • 通过与全球教学组织建立战略合作伙伴关系,在全球范围内招聘教学顾问,解决业务改进问题.
  • 通过与全球领先的教学机构建立战略合作伙伴关系,建立项目来支持教学顾问的招聘.
  • 确定了在iTG任职期间改善教学顾问经验的多种方法. 这些措施包括, 但我们并不局限于, 全球支付辅导课程的方法, 提高了招聘和入职流程的效率, 和更多的.


2016 - 2016
  • 通过专注于工具,在组织中创造卓越的运营, 流程, 人, 和程序,同时也领导了一项倡议,将多余的成本从组织中剔除.
  • Developed an offshore delivery model to support virtual instructor-led training for corporate learners of IT skills; determined a staffing model in accordance with current and future class scheduling requirements; 谈判 contracts and 实现 the solution which resulted in an approximate 55% cost savings in this particular area of the business.
  • 监督一项主要的企业范围内的成本削减计划,重点是消除所有主要业务领域的成本:设施, 人力资本, 和系统. 这一举措每年节省了大约15%的总成本.
  • Initiated a retention program that consisted of a regular and repeatable onboarding program and training initiative; ensured all new hires received a consistent introduction to the company; included participation by all functional divisions of the organization; ensured ongoing training was both budgeted and delivered throughout the year; increased employee retention rates by 25%.


2013 - 2015
Razorfish /聪明的
  • 建立和欧博体育app下载服务组织,然后被选中建立公司的专业服务产品.
  • Grew the consulting services organization by 225% in ten months; incubated tools and 流程 to increase efficiency during initial phases of client engagement; managed a team of 27 direct reports who delivered consulting services to clients with annual online revenues between $20 and $650 million; participated in pre-sales activities to clients across multiple verticals; provided coaching and best-practices expectations to the full team.
  • Developed and managed the professional services organization; responsible for a $10 million revenue target; managed the recruitment and direction of a team of 12 direct reports located in multiple geographies to develop, 出售, 并提供托管服务, 应用程序, and production support services to a variety of B2B and B2C clients across multiple verticals; 谈判 relationships with industry-leading service providers to develop best-in-class solutions for current and prospective clients.


2009 - 2013
  • 与需要系统实施以支持新的和正在进行的电子商务渠道和跨渠道计划的中端市场和IR 500客户进行c级战略会议和谈判. 根据资源可用性和客户需求确定项目进度,并根据特定的客户需求和资源可用性确定和管理项目交付阶段的内部人员配备.
  • Identified resource needs to support multiple implementations for a rapidly growing client base; developed, 谈判, 并管理所有战略供应商关系,以确保资源管道能够支持当前和未来的项目需求. 与技术资源和人员供应商协商外包和全职合同,以支持多个同时进行的项目, 结构化的承包商滚动以尽量减少收入泄漏.
  • 管理跨多个项目的跨职能资源的持续使用. 建立一个积极的项目报告流程,以支持项目健康监督, 监督每个项目的盈利能力, 并根据协商的时间表和需求管理项目需求的交付.
  • 向现有和新客户的客户群出售服务. Negotiated contracts and fee schedules; hired and managed a variety of skill sets across multiple geographies; and oversaw task assignments and schedules of all team resources. 为大批量线上渠道提供客户支持,并根据财务目标监控资源效率.
  • 达到465美元,通过在三个国家建立一个由本地和离岸资源组成的多区域团队,为18个运营各种电子商务平台的客户提供支持,每年节省成本5,000美元.
  • 与战略合作伙伴协商关系,以扩大管理服务提供,包括应用程序和生产支持, 举办, 电子商务履行和客户服务.
  • Directed profitability of a multi-client base while managing the practice to a 65% gross margin; monitored service delivery against contracted levels of support; and developed and 谈判 ongoing changes and one-off offerings to meet changing client demands.
  • 通过实施系统,减少了40%的招聘时间, 流程, and procedures to identify and proactively address current and near-term staffing needs; enabled a strategic vendor network to quickly support organizational recruiting needs.
  • 增加了300%的招聘产量, 开发了基于佣金的薪酬模式来激励招聘人员, 并设计并实施了一项激励计划,以奖励推荐新员工的员工.
  • Built and 实现 a resource allocation tool that allowed resource utilization visibility and management across the enterprise; drove increased profitability by reducing resource bench time by 20%.


2004 - 2009
  • 为佩里埃利斯实施各种方案,以提高客户满意度,并获得各种在线品牌(佩里埃利斯).com, Cubavera.以及OriginalPenguin.Com)与竞争产品平价.
  • 在2008年假日期间管理FAO Schwarz联络中心服务的各个方面.
  • 开发和实施所有订单管理, 库存管理, 订单执行, 和客户服务流程,以支持VeraWang.这是一个为这位奢侈品设计师推出的电子商务新娘注册网站. 该网站于2008年6月成功上线.
  • 与高层领导一起确定最佳战略(构建), 收购, (或外包)以支持GSI Commerce进入欧洲市场.


1999 - 2004
  • 指导公司前三个欧洲财富500强电子商务客户的成功追求.
  • 概述了一个新的销售方案,将销售范围扩大了20%.
  • 发起了一项业务开发流程,使欧洲的勘探访问增加了25%.
  • 管理欧洲市场活动的本地化工作,以增加市场渗透率.
  • Designed and 实现 procedures and 流程 to align key performance indicators against client expectations; successfully increased order management and fulfillment service levels and KPIs to a consistent 98%.
  • Realigned call center service levels and client expectations to more clearly reflect team performance; resulted in increased client satisfaction and a 99% achievement of contracted service levels.
  • Oversaw a reduced time-frame (2 weeks) opening of a dedicated distribution facility to support warehousing and shipments of over-sized fitness items; oversaw the installation of IT infrastructure and personnel assignments as well as the implementation of common procedures.
  • 当我与客户组织的高级成员一起勾勒长期战略计划和方向时,管理一个团队,解决日常战术客户问题. 定期与客户进行业务回顾,评估过去的业绩, 与客户一起确定我们的组织可以为他们正在进行的和未来的业务活动带来价值的其他方式.
  • 管理一个电子商务履行和呼叫中心项目的准时实施:150,000 sku, 250个呼叫中心座位, 网上销售额达到5500万美元.
  • 实施欧洲范围内的电子商务供应商采购解决方案,使一家财富500强企业的产品可用性提高20%,采购成本降低15%.
  • 指导一家财富500强企业全球订单和生产管理引擎的实现. 增加了客户订单管理的可视性和灵活性, 从而提高客户满意度, 更快的生产时间, 降低了订单成本.
  • Developed a process for internal project managers to more efficiently share information on active and past projects; resulted in 30% time savings during the project development phase.


1995 - 1999
  • Implemented a branded offering which improved flexibility and increased the amount of information to be shared with prospective clients; the idea was 实现 company-wide.
  • Championed projects aimed at increasing the availability of usable information across the enterprise; the various initiatives resulted in many-fold increases in efficiency. 我被邀请每年四次向全球的内部观众展示这些项目.
  • 建立了专门针对大型交易(总合同价值超过10亿美元)的快速反应团队结构。. 主动性提高了项目生命周期的效率,并减少了25%的追求成本.
  • 实施成本削减措施,每年节约30%的运营成本.



建立并管理负责为客户的跨渠道项目提供上市后支持服务的组织. 这家新成立的公司在8个月内实现了1000%的增长和400万美元的运行率.

• 向现有和新客户的客户群出售服务; 谈判 contracts and fee schedules; hired and managed a variety of skill sets across multiple geographies; oversaw task assignments and schedules of all team resources; and monitored resource efficiency relative to task estimates.
•与战略合作伙伴协商关系,扩大管理服务,包括应用和生产支持, 举办, 电子商务实现, 以及客户服务.
• Directed profitability of a multi-client base while managing the practice to a 65% gross margin; monitored service delivery against contracted levels of support; and developed and 谈判 ongoing changes and one-off offerings to meet changing client demands.


设计并实施与客户保持一致的流程和工具, 收集需求, 并带来成功.

在注意到我们正在向客户站点发送智能资源并让它们以自己独立的方式“变得聪明”之后, 我制定了一种与客户互动的品牌方法, 需求收集, 项目交付.

我们开发了一致的泳道,以便与每个客户进行讨论(集成), data, 市场营销, 社会交往, 体系结构, 等.). 根据变量(技术复杂性),为每个通道中的用户故事提供预测的完成时间, 定制级别, 等.). 所有这些信息都预装在一个工具的模板中. 该工具用于与客户进行范围界定和需求收集.

接下来,我们将任务划分为逻辑sprint,每个sprint的末尾都有评审周期. 这种方法允许我们在整个实施过程中评估项目状态, 并允许我们在每次接触后衡量我们的有效性.

这个过程(称为FoCUS)有三个不同的阶段:制定、构建、利用和加强. 非常成功, 并在销售周期中提供帮助,因为我们可以证明我们有一个明确的客户参与和交付方法.
1982 - 1987

