Bahadir Efeoglu,德国柏林的产品经理
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Bahadir Efeoglu

Verified Expert  in Product Management

Product Manager

Berlin, Germany
Toptal Member Since
February 15, 2019

Bahadir是一位经验丰富的产品经理,在供应链方面有着丰富的工作经验, eCommerce, SaaS, digital wallets, and payments. 他创立了一家供应链SaaS初创公司,并直接影响了直接面向消费者领域1亿美元的GMV. Bahadir已经准备好进入一个帮助客户建立产品组织的角色, processes, and strategy. 他在产品领域是一名熟练的招聘人员,从零开始建立了产品组织.

Project Highlights

ParaMara | Digital Wallet
领导产品开发两年,使ING银行首个数字钱包的客户群翻了一番, ParaMara.
Fabrikatö | SaaS for SMEs


Work Experience

CEO and Product Manager

2017 - PRESENT
  • 创办了一家创新的供应链技术公司,颠覆了DTC技术领域.
  • 获得欧洲顶级投资者的种子投资.
  • 进行了数百次用户访谈,并带领产品团队在一个新的软件类别中构建了一个出色的产品.
  • 收集数据,分析数据,并撰写总结数据和得出结论的报告.
  • 通过我们的软件帮助全球DTC电子商务公司,每年领导超过1.5亿美元的总商品交易量.
  • 开发内容,同时始终牢记SEO.

Sr. Product Manager

2020 - 2021
Marley Spoon
  • 领导基于人工智能的口味剖面项目,提高NPS.
  • 创新了一个失败的付款恢复工作流程,并增加了数倍的收入.
  • 成功监督后端、前端和移动团队的待办事项.

Head of Product

2018 - 2020
LIQID Investments GmbH
  • 在liquid建立紧密联系但自主的团队.
  • Conducted dozens of interviews to hire the perfect fit for our organization; designed the hiring funnel from zero to one.
  • 向全公司介绍Scrum,并培训工程师和利益相关者在正确的Scrum框架下运作.
  • 执行各种类型的端到端uat以确保质量,包括bug报告.
  • Grew the team to three members and onboarded each to thrive in product development and the organization; also oversaw their career development.
  • Worked with stakeholders from various backgrounds and departments as an inseparable part of the product management role; the most challenging stakeholder management was over operations and financial product domains.
  • 在liquid端到端领导大型项目, 从构思和设计到开发和营销特定的功能或产品.
  • Incorporated the game-changer design thinking approach to LIQID; this included conducting three design sprints, 这导致了新的关键功能和产品供应.
  • Valued data and treated it as my North Star guiding my way; relied heavily on web and product analytics reporting to inform my work.
  • 将金融产品与其他零售产品区别对待, 考虑到货币风险, compliance, and confusing laws.

Senior Product Manager

2016 - 2018
ING Bank Turkey
  • 开发手机软件,并制定相应的营销策略.
  • Generated user stories.
  • Implemented Scrum team management.
  • Took product ownership.
  • 向执行管理层汇报.
  • Held design sprints.
  • Tested the UX/UI.
  • Worked with mobile analytics.
  • 创建线下和线上营销活动策略.
  • Managed offline sponsored events.
  • Ensured compliance.
  • 进行竞争对手和市场分析.

Project Coordinator

2015 - 2016
Istanbul Tour Studio
  • Designed user journeys.
  • Shaped content marketing.
  • Built up communities.
  • Wrote profit-&-loss reports.
  • Worked in accounting.
  • 管理合作伙伴关系,确保合作关系蓬勃发展.
  • 实现G Suite管理.
  • 监督数字化进程.
  • 从事B2C销售并提供客户服务.
  • 招聘并满足招聘需求.

Business Analytics Specialist

2014 - 2015
  • Built prediction models.
  • Conducted market research.
  • Worked with SAS Enterprise.
  • Mined text.
  • Gave management presentations.

ParaMara | Digital Wallet

领导产品开发两年,使ING银行首个数字钱包的客户群翻了一番, ParaMara.

ParaMara是一个数字钱包,可以让个人用户轻松自由地进行支付, money transfers, gift items and more. 这是一个与银行无关的移动钱包平台,欢迎所有智能手机用户.

Fabrikatö | SaaS for SMEs


In 2017, I founded Fabrikatör.我和其他联合创始人一起解决了一家小型中型企业的生产和成本跟踪问题.

它是一个运行在云上的SaaS产品,可以在一分钟内使用, even for non-digital businesses. 今天,我们的创业公司正在发展壮大,拥有坚实的客户基础, 他们中的大多数都是提前一年订阅的,我们不断改进体验和我们的核心产品.



伊斯坦布尔旅游工作室是一家针对全球A+ FIT旅行者的在线旅行社,为他们提供在土耳其的独家服务和体验. 我通过深入分析线下和手工流程,完成了这家年轻创业公司的数字化转型,并将每一个流程数字化. 今天,ITS仍然使用我构建的系统,并且运行顺利,没有任何问题.
2010 - 2015



2011 - 2012

