
Showing 1-9 of 11 results


下一个.js和. 反应: A Comparative Tutorial

Discover the differences between 反应 and 下一个.js, a framework used by companies like TikTok, Hulu, and Nike to supercharge their web apps. Plus: Learn when and how to use 下一个.js, including rendering, routing, page, and navigation tips.



Harness the Power of WordPress Hooks: Actions and Filters Explained

WordPress developers might be tempted to customize this popular website builder directly, but that approach creates ongoing maintenance headaches. Fortunately, there’s a clean way to extend functionality: via WordPress hooks, actions, and filters.



Will JS Frameworks Spark a Front-end Revolution?

是Vue.js, 反应, and Angular actually delivering a good developer and user experience, or are they used simply because they’re the current de facto standard? Discover some exciting approaches to web development.

< 5 minute read继续阅读


Building Modern Web Applications with AngularJS and Play Framework

Building robust web applications is often a lot about choosing the right tools. Doing so with a combination of tools that ensure both a modern, flexible front-end, 一个固体, reliable back-end is something everybody wants. This article demonstrates exactly that trick by combining AngularJS and Play Framework to build a simple blog application.



One Size Fits Some: A Guide to Responsive Web 设计 Image Solutions

As mobile and tablet devices come closer to achieving final world domination, web technology is in a race to accommodate the ever-growing number screen sizes. 然而, devising tools to meet the challenges of this phenomenon brings a whole new set of problems, with one of the latest buzzwords to emerge being “responsive web”.



Mirror API Tutorial: Google Glass for Web 开发人员

Wouldn’t it be great to develop for Google Glass without learning a new programming language, and even by just using knowledge common to all web developers? Yes, it is possible!

This article will introduce you to web development techniques you can use to build application used on Google Glass.

Demir Selmanovic

Demir Selmanovic

A Guide to Rails Engines in the Wild: Real World Examples of Rails Engines in Action

为什么 are Rails Engines not used more often? I don’t know the answer, but I do think that the generalization of “Everything is an Engine” has hidden the problem domains that they can help to solve.



The 5 Most Common Mistakes HTML5 开发人员 Make: A Beginner’s Guide

It’s been over 20 years since Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau specified HTML, which became the standard markup language used to build the Internet.

HTML5 was supposed to finally solve our problems and become “one standard to rule them all (browsers)”. This was probably one of the most anticipated technologies since creation of the World Wide Web.

Demir Selmanovic

Demir Selmanovic

The 10 Most Common Mistakes Web 开发人员 Make: A Tutorial for 开发人员

Today we have thousands of digital and printed resources that provide step-by-step instructions about developing all kinds of different web applications. Development environments are “smart” enough to catch and fix many mistakes that early developers battled with regularly. There are even many different development platforms that easily turn simple static HTML pages into highly interactive applications.

All of these development patterns, 实践, and platforms share common ground, and they are all prone to similar mistakes caused by the very nature of web applications.

Demir Selmanovic

Demir Selmanovic

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