
Showing 1-6 of 6 results


Efficient React Components: A Guide to Optimizing React 表演

为什么 does a React web app run slow? The answer often lies in when and how frequently your components re-render, and whether those re-renders were even necessary. React doesn’t promise magical performance gains, but it provides just the right tools and functionalities to make it easy.

In this article, Toptal Freelance Software Engineer 威廉王 walks us through some optimization techniques that can help you build performant React web apps.

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The Advanced Guide to Optimizing WordPress 表演

WordPress, one of the most popular publishing platforms, has stood the test of time and now powers a significant portion of the web. Sadly, its reputation is plagued by claims of poor performance and complexity with scaling. 然而, the root causes of such performance issues are often bad code and poorly implemented plugins and themes.

在这篇文章中, Toptal Software Engineer Martín Di Felice shares tips and tricks for WordPress developers who want to build better plugins and themes and destroy the notion that WordPress is a slow platform.

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Martín Di Felice

Martín Di Felice

Tips and 工具 for Optimizing Android Apps

The plethora of tutorials on building Android apps may have you thinking that making a mobile app is simple. 在现实中, 然而, performance issues can be very complicated, and because performance plays a key role in making sure that your app stays on your users’ list of favorite apps for a long time, every little detail must be given full attention.

In this article, Toptal Freelance Software Engineer 同业拆借Kaputa shares some tips on how you can optimize some common performance issues and identify some of the bottlenecks in your Android app.

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iOS Animation and Tuning for Efficiency

Smooth animations and flawless transitions are key to perceived performance in modern mobile applications. Without the right tools, tuning iOS animation for efficiency can be a challenge in itself.

In this article, Toptal engineer Stefan Progovac demonstrates the role of Instruments, a sophisticated set of performance profiling tools for iOS, discussing how they can help you understand animation performance bottlenecks and some strategies for working around them.

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Stefan Progovac

Stefan Progovac

After All These Years, the World Is Still Powered by C Programming

Despite the prevalence of higher-level languages, the C programming language continues to empower the world. There are plenty of reasons to believe that C programming will remain active for a long time. Here are some reasons that C is unbeatable, and almost mandatory, for certain applications.

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The Trie Data Structure: A Neglected Gem

From the very first days in our lives as programmers, we’ve all dealt with data structures: Arrays, 链表, 树, 集, stacks and queues are our everyday companions, and the experienced programmer knows when and why to use them.

In this article we’ll see how an oft-neglected data structure, 的单词查找树, really shines in application domains with specific features, like word games.

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Anna-Chiara Bellini

Anna-Chiara Bellini

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