
Showing 1-6 of 6 results


Mining for Data Clusters: Social Network Analysis With R and Gephi

Explore X (formerly Twitter) data clusters to uncover user behaviors (e.g., repost and reply patterns) within online communities. This guide focuses on a politically charged data set to illustrate the process of visualizing and analyzing social data.

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Juan Manuel Ortiz de Zarate

Juan Manuel Ortiz de Zarate

Understanding Twitter Dynamics With R and Gephi: Text Analysis and Centrality

Centrality and text analysis allow users to get more out of their social network data. Here’s how you can leverage them using R and Gephi.

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Juan Manuel Ortiz de Zarate

Juan Manuel Ortiz de Zarate

Social Network Analysis in R and Gephi: Digging Into Twitter

Thanks to rapid advances in technology, large amounts of data generated on social networks can be analyzed with relative ease, especially for those who use the R programming language and Gephi.

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Juan Manuel Ortiz de Zarate

Juan Manuel Ortiz de Zarate

Twitter Data Mining: A Guide to Big Data Analytics Using Python

Twitter is a goldmine of data. Unlike other social platforms, almost every user’s tweets are completely public and pullable.

In this tutorial, Toptal Freelance Software Engineer Anthony Sistilli will be exploring how you can use Python, the Twitter API, and data mining techniques to gather useful data.

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Anthony Sistilli

Anthony Sistilli

Social networks are among the biggest sources of data today, and this means they are an extremely valuable asset for marketers, big data specialists, and even individual users like journalists and other professionals. Harnessing the potential of real-time Twitter data is also useful in many time-sensitive business processes.

In this article, Toptal Freelance Software Engineer Hanee’ Medhat explains how you can build a simple Python application to leverage the power of Apache Spark, and then use it to read and process tweets to identify trending hashtags.

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Hanee' Medhat Shousha

Hanee' Medhat Shousha

Data Mining for Predictive Social Network Analysis

Analysts have come to recognize social network data as a virtual treasure trove of information for sensing public opinion trends and groundswells of support. In this article, Toptal Engineer Elder Santos describes the techniques he employed for a proof-of-concept that effectively analyzed Twitter Trend Topics to predict, as a sample test case, regional voting patterns in the 2014 Brazilian presidential election.

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Elder Santos

Elder Santos

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