
Showing 1-4 of 4 results


Aurelia vs. Angular 2 — A Code Comparison

Angular and Aurelia are fierce competitors developed and released at approximately the same time. They have a similar philosophy, but they differ in a number of key ways. This article does side-by-side comparisons of those differences in features and code.

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Alexander Mikhalchenko

Alexander Mikhalchenko

Top 10 Mistakes That Django Developers Make

In this tutorial, we will look at some common mistakes that are often made by Django developers and ways to avoid them. This tutorial is useful even if you’re a skilled Django developer because these mistakes aren’t just limited to new developers taking their first stab at Django.

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Alexandr Shurigin

Alexandr Shurigin

Express, Koa, Meteor, Sails.js: A Node.js Framework Comparison

Some platforms have an overwhelming number of options for web frameworks. Node.js, the event-driven server-side JavaScript environment, is one such platform. Whether it’s the minimalist Express or the full-blown MVC web framework Sails.js, Node.js seems to have it all.

In this article, Toptal Freelance Software Engineer Chuoxian Yang explores four of the most popular Node.js web frameworks and discusses how each framework stands out from the rest of the crowd in Node.js.

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Chuoxian Yang

Chuoxian Yang

Engineering Internals of a RAD Framework... as a PHP Developer with Nooku

Everyone has their own set of tools. As a PHP developer, one of my favorites is a Rapid Application Development framework called “Nooku”. In the words of the development group: “Nooku is more of a web development toolkit than a framework”

In case you are not familiar with it, have a look. It’s an open source project that makes heavy use of industry accepted design patterns to produce highly componentized applications that are easily extensible and reusable (initially created by one of the lead Joomla developers). Out of the box, Nooku gives you a great deal to help get projects off the ground faster. A small, but strong sample:

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Cameron Barr

Cameron Barr

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